As an extension of the USL, KLA's mission is to serve players, parents, coaches, officials, program administrators, leagues, members, and fans.

Board Meeting

January 11, 2015

Attendance- Brandon Davis, Ann Flemings, Sean Fox,Rachel Harman, Scott Krantz, Tom McKee, Greg Schuler, Dean Walker, Chris Niblock,Kevin Burns, Bill Simms, Erin Meyer, Malorie Stockwell,Tim Donley, Mike HavillandWayne Coffey

Absent- Charles Brown, Virgil Lyons andDennis Johnson

Greg opened the meeting at 4:30PMvia conference call

Ann made the motion “to approve December 7,2014 meeting minutes”; Tom seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously.

GeorgetownCoaches Clinic

Dean reported that Online Player Registration (Louisville) email distribution went through US Lacrosse and was sent to all US Lacrosse members in KY. Another email is going out January 12, 2015 about registration fees going up $10.

Brandon reported that he got feedback from the training department about CPR training at the clinic but costs were too high. An idea for future CPR training is torecruit a fire department rather than the training department. Bill has a person who can provide this service for free, needs to verify it can be done through Georgetown College. Brandon suggestedcharging $20 per person for CPR training. Dean plans coordinate with Brandon and Bill and provide an update Wednesday about registration numbers. All of Brandon’s players, Bill and Dennis will be there to help with registration. The time slots to volunteer are 8:15 AMandlunch time. Brandon has meeting Tuesday with Vicky, who runs the building, the whole building is reservedthe day of the clinic so they want a list of rooms needed for lacrosse.

Grant Requests

Chris reported that US Lacrosse granted KLA $11,000. KLA received grant requeststotaling $35,791 but Chris recommends granting $13,938 which will dip into savings. The Secretary of State updated the address and our taxes are taken care of. Most requests are new program requests which should be granted to help grow lacrosse. We need to make a vote by email. Each board member does not need to review every detail. Chris will forward each request to the board members to review. Ann questioned if there were any other committee members’input or was is just reviewed by Chris. Chris answered that Wayne reviewed them last year so he will ask Wayne to reviewthem this year also. Ann reminded the board that Carla wants to serve on financial committee. Greg will call her to get her involved.

Program Development

Sean reported that the middle school boys’ numbers are much lower than anticipated. He discussed options with LYLA in case they don’t get the numbers higher. In Louisville, NOE and Ramsey’smiddle schoollacrossespring season registration windows have already closed. Sean reported that “Come to US” program has volunteers and the content will explain timelines, dollars and facts. Sean plans to work with Dennisabout dates and venues to present the program. Greg asked Sean if he could distribute the slideshow prior to next meeting for the board to review and give feedback to discuss at the February board meeting.

Eastern Kentucky

Malorie suggested presenting “Come to US” in eastern KY to introduce the development of lacrosse programs. Shetalked to A.B. about introducing a lacrosse program. They are nervous about loosing football and soccer participation if lacrosse is introduced. A face to face meeting to address worries, answer questions, and offer needed information should occur the end of January. Sean suggested to accommodate A.B. let them leadto offer times and dates.However it is best to get things started before the key date when windows close.

Hall of Frame

Ann reported that there has been no action since the last board meeting. The plan is to meet again in January toward the end of the month. In the meantime the committee members should do what they had discussed in the last meeting.


It was reported that the girl’s middle school lacrosse meeting will be held on 01-24-15 at Kentucky Country Day School (KCD) to outline scheduling. Meyzeek has a team but is looking for an assistant coach. They hope they will have parent volunteers to fill the position. Tom Boucher has been working to maximize play on turf fields and maximizing the season. Scott reported on middle school boys. We are in the middle of middle school registration but the numbers are not as high as we would like. People will wait to the last day to sign up, which is 01-24-15. KLA will extend that date to ensure maximum numbers. The logistics of extending the date are not yet determined. The feedback is that some teams can't get coaches and a lot of coaches are calling requesting to keep kids playing together. Scott is working with Wayne on scheduling. The coach’s meeting is scheduled 02-07-15 that will address scheduling.


Erin reported the high school girls just set their schedules. Erin is organizing a combination of all girls in Lexington for a traveling team, the Lexington Fillies. Coaches have decided to form their own league, not under LYLA or KLA, they are going to choose a commissioner.

Bowling Green

Tim reported thattwo years ago they formed Southern KY lacrosse which has a very active middle school program. A few things lacking are girl involvement and parent interest. The “Come to US” program is needed to approach the girls. The middle school boys obtained a US LacrosseGrant. Wayne reported that three Western KY University players are interest in officiating. Tim also knows someone who is interested in officiating. Ann congratulated everyone involved for the noticeable smooth growth this year.

Northern KY

Tom reported that Turkey Foot is good to go. He reached out John Durham, the previous coach at Notre Dame. He is continuing to work on the development of the girls’ program.


Erin reported that KLUB talked to Bowling Green and Elizabethtown.There is a Kentucky Lacrosse Umpires Board (KLUB) meeting 02-14-15 with new the president who is still in transition. Lexington had an informational meeting last week to anyone interested in officiating, eight people attended the meeting (4-5 for boys and for 2-3 girls). Currently 19 are signed up for training for BLOA. Wayne reported that Louisville has twenty-eight on the list of trainees to officiate. The effort will continue to recruit. There is scheduled training on 02-07-15 but they are still looking for a room.

Old Business

Chrisdiscussed the 2nd grade instructional league. Ryan Kiser is going to be running the league and the league will use TomSawyer fields. Chris reported that the River Road fields (Thurman Hutchens)are not really available so he reached out to Tom Sawyer. He secured two fieldsfrom 11 AM to 4 PM. The 1st and 2nd grades will play half of the field. The 2nd grade instructional league should start March 22nd. The 3rd and 4th should start March 15, 2015 and continue all the way through to May. Rachel asked how this information will be available to the public. Chris responded that they send the information out to coaches. Rachel asked where people go to register. Chris will follow up with Rachel.

Coach Burns was asked if he had any interest in working on a committee focused on post collegiate play. Coach Burns responded that it depends on how many are in the area to play. Ann said that the girls also need a place to play post collegiate, local teams or travel teams. Sean and Kevin are looking for members who want to volunteer.

Greg would like to get a group together to takea look at developing girl’s lacrosse. The group does not necessarily need to be board members. Erin reported that they are going into middle school PE classes in Lexington to introduce girls to lacrosse. Greg asked everyone to think of one or to people who would be willing to join a committee. Ann says that getting coaches needs to come first, which has been the problem because there is interest in Louisville. Erin is holding clinics on Saturdays for interested girls. The Committee needs to identify how to recruit more coaches as well.

Coach Burns reported the he has a bunch of Warrior helmets available to give that are adult sizes and variously used. It was establish that Westport middle school is need.

Ann reported that she does not have the Conflict of Interest forms from Erin, Kevin and Malorie.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:54 PM. The next board meeting will be Monday, February 9th in Louisville (location TBD).

Respectfully submitted,

Rachel Harman, Secretary