A} There was once a poor woodsman and his wife whose son was not much bigger than one’s thumb,and they called him Tom Thumb.One day as the woodsman was getting ready to go into the forest to cut wood,he said, “ I wish I had someone to bring the cart after me,for I want to make haste.” “Oh father!” cried Tom, “ I will take care of that.The cart shall be in the forest by the time you eatit.If my mother will only put the horse in the cart,I will get into his ear,and tell him which way to go.”

Q1:-What was the name of woodsman’s son?

Q2:-How big was Tom?

Q3:-Who was getting ready to go into the forest?

Q4:-Why was he going into the forest?

Q5:-Why did the woodsman want someone to bring the cart after him?

Q6:-What would Tom tell the horse?

Q7:-Who said to whom?

“ I will take care of that.”

Q8:-Encircle the prepositions.

i)If my mother will only put the horse in the cart.

ii)I wish I had someone to bring the cart.

B} Chikoo was a small chick.He was very naughty.LastSunday, Chikoo, his mother and his father were having breakfast.Chikoo suddenly pulled the table cloth down.All the food fell down.All the glasses and the plates crashed on the floor and were smashed into pieces.The floor became diry with food.Chikoo’s mother was very angry.She shouted at Chikoo.He cried and ran out of the house.He hid in the garden.He thought to himself, “It is not good to be naughty again.”

Q1:- What is the name of he chick?

Q2:-Who was naughty?

Q3:-Who all were having breakfast on last Sunday?

Q4:-What did Chikoo do suddenly?

Q5:-:-What happened to all the food?

Q6::-What did Chikoo’s mother do?

Q7:-Where did Chikoo run?

Q8:-Who hid in the garden?

Q9:-Fill in the blanks.

All the glasses and the plates ______on to the floor and were ______into pieces.

Q10:- Pick out the past tense.

i) Pull ______ii) Fall ______

C} The elephant is very different from his other wild friends.Elephants are found in Asia and Africa.Elephants live together in herds.They like to roam in forests where it is cool.During the day,theyrest,eat and bathe in pools and rivers.Elephants are good swimmers.The African elephant is much larger than the Indian elephant.He has larger ears and longer tusks.The trunk is very useful to an elephant .Hesmells,breathes and draws water through his trunk.He lifts heavy logs of wood with his trunk.Sound of an elephant is called trumpet.

Q1:-Where are elephants found?

Q2:-Where do elephants like to roam?

Q3:-What do elephants do during the day?

Q4:-Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

i)Elephants are ______swimmers.( bad / good )

ii)Elephants live together in ______. ( herds / group)

Q5:-How is theAfrican elephant different from an Indian elephant?

Q6:- Which part of the elephant’s body is very useful to it?

Q7:-What all does the elephant do with its trunk?

Q8:-What is the sound of an elephant called?

Q9:-Write superlative degree.

i)Larger ______ii) longer ______


A} A learned Pundit once visited the court of Akbar.He told the king and his courtiers that he had mastery over many languages.He could speak many languages fluently.He was so fluent that no one could find out what his mother tongue was.He challenged everybody at the court to name his mother tongue.When everyone failed,the challenge was taken by Birbal.Thatnight,Birbal went quietly to the Pundit’s room when he was fast asleep.Birbal whispered into the Pundit’s ear and tickled it with a feather.

Q1:-Where did the learned Pundit visit?

Q2:What did he tell the king and his courtiers?

Q3:-How could he speak many languages?

Q4:-Why could no one find out his mother tongue?

Q5:-Who challenged everybody at the court?

Q6:-What did he challenge?

Q7:-Who took the challenge when everyone failed?

Q8:-Where did Birbal go that night?

Q9:-Who was fast asleep?

Q10:-What did Birbal do into the Pundit’s ear?

B} Once upon a time,an old carpenter bought a very queer piece of wood.As he used his plane on it,he heard a little laughing voice say, “stop! You are tickling me.”The old man was puzzled by the voice.He said, “This is a strange piece of wood.What shall I do with it? I think I’ll make it into a puppet.”He set to work,and as the puppet boy took shape,the old man said, “He must have a name.I will call him Pinocchio.”

Q1:-What did an old carpenter buy?

Q2:-What did the carpenter hear when he used his plane on wood?

Q3:-Who was puzzled by the voice?

Q4:-What kind of piece of wood is this?

Q5:-What did the carpenter make out of this wood?

Q6:-Write the meaning.

i)Queer ______ii)Puzzle ______

Q7:-Write Present tense.

i)______Bought ii)______Heard

Q8:- Who said.

“ What shall I do with it?”

Q9:-Write homophone.

i)Piece ______ii) By ______

Q10:-What did he call his puppet?



Q1:Who came to Akbar’s court? What did he claim to know ?

Q2:- Name those who tried to make the cow move.

Q3:- Why did the naughty boy go to the Scotland ? What did he wonder about ?

Q4:- What did the lady do to the Pony?

Q5:- Why did the cow refuse to get up?

Q6:-What did Hiawatha learn about the birds?

Q7:-When should we not water the plants ?

Q8:- How was the stump of the tree useful?

Q9:- Why is the play called ‘ The Giving Tree’?

Q10:-What did the library door say ?

Q11:- Why did grandfather give the children money ?

Q12:-From where did the naughty boy come?

Q13:-What did the carpenter boy ?


1) Make two words from ‘stable’ by removing letters from the beginning.

2) Write the simple past tense of – a) pull b) tug

3) Fill in the blanks with words that rhyme with a) corn b) no c) mire

4) Choose the correct word from the bracket .

a) Insects ------crawl on the wall. ( can /can not )

b) We should be ------to animals. ( kind/ cruel )

5) Encircle with ‘h’ sound in the beginning - hat,house ,HM,heart

6) Match ‘A’ with ‘B’ and write the complete sentences below.


Whenever I go, I have friends.

Whoever I am hungry , I eat.

Wherever Comes first, wins.

7) Tick ( ) the correct answer.

I visited the court of Akbar’s means –

a) You always live there .

b) You came there for a short time .

c) You were born there. .

8) Place letters in their right order to form the names of flowers. a) MRAIDOLG b) BISHICUS

9) Punctuate the following .

Rahim ravi and raju are going to see the circus

10) Complete the table.

Nation / Nationality


Q1:- Write a paragraph on My Pet Animal.

Q2:- Write a paragraph about Hiawatha.

Q3:-What work do these men do?

What work do these men do?

i)A Milkman______.

ii)A Grocer ______.

iii)A Policeman______.

iv)An Ice-cream man ______.

v)A Teacher ______.


Q1:-Encircle the correct spelling.

a) language laenguage language

b) weegam wigwam weagwam

c)fither feether feather

d) company campany caepany

e) wellop wallop weallop

Q2:-Write the missing letters.






Q3:-Make five new words using the letters of given word.The words should not beless than three letters.






ii)PLAYGROUND ______



