Title:You’d Never Guess – Transport

Duration: 1:19minutes


From the clothes you wear to the food on your table, it’s surprising how Shell Industrial Lubricants are at the root of virtually everything you count on every day.

You’d Never Guess Transport– Transcript

[Background music plays]

Bright, uplifting music

[Animated sequence]

Family carrying their Sunday dinner to the table. Family gathered in the kitchen; husband eating a carrot. Cut to close up of a hand picking grapes. 18-wheeler driving down a mountainous road.

[Spoken dialogue]

You’d never guess that this family’s Sunday dinner traveled a continent to reach their table.

[Animated sequence]

Family toasting with wine at their Sunday dinner. Aunt Jenny making her famous cranberry sauce and her niece serving it at the table. Cut to a man turning a valve and filling up a jug with lubricants.

[Spoken dialogue]

Or that Aunt Jenny’s famous cranberry sauce, never would have been famous without an ingredient, they don’t sell in supermarkets.

[Animated sequence]

Cut to a close up of the niece and Aunt Jenny at dinner. Shell scientist pouring liquid into a beaker in a lab.

[Spoken dialogue]

Or that the time they spend together every week, is made possible by years of technology developed in a lab.

[Animated sequence]

Family talking at the dinner table. Cut to a close up of the niece grabbing a wooden spoon out of a container. Cut to a logging truck driving down the road. Man filling up a truck engine with lubricant.

[Spoken dialogue]

You’d never guess that everything that makes their family dinner work; works here…first.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of lubricant being poured out of a bottle. Ariel shot of shipping containers.

[Spoken dialogue]

Shell Lubricants are one of the most vital components in the global transportation industry.

[Animated sequence]

Piston moving in an engine. 18-wheelers driving down a country road at sunset. Cut to an outside market with vegetables.

[Spoken dialogue]

From the lubricants inside the trucks that carry our food.

[Animated sequence]

Train going down a train track. Niece turning on the valve, on the stove. Aunt and niece cooking together in the kitchen.

[Spoken dialogue]

To the greases on the train tracks that carry energy to heat our stoves and homes.

[Animated sequence]

Cut to two people in jumpsuits and hard hats at a plant. Ariel view of shipping containers at a port.

[Spoken dialogue]

To the transmission oils our entire global economy rides on.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of a moving truck wheel. Wide shot of a18-wheeler going down a highway.

[Spoken dialogue]

And yet, it’s more than just the lifeblood of the transportation industry...

[Animated sequence]

Close up of niece looking at her husband in the kitchen. Family member handing a glass of wine to the Uncle at their Sunday dinner. Cut to close up of niece at the table. Cut to a close up of Aunt Jenny serving herself turkey.

[Spoken dialogue]

it’s what makes their opportunity to laugh and enjoy a few hours every week, possible.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of niece toasting her family with wine. Car driving down the road. Ariel view of a18-wheeler going down the road.

[Spoken dialogue]

And that’s why we’re continually striving to make better, more efficient transportation lubricants year after year.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of family serving salad at their Sunday dinner. Close up of Aunt Jenny smiling at their Sunday dinner.

[Spoken dialogue]

Because we know so much more than vehicles depend on our lubricants.

[Animated sequence]

Close up of niece passing on the salad at their Sunday dinner.

[Spoken dialogue – Niece on Camera at the Dinner Table]

Who would’ve guessed?

[Spoken dialogue – Announcer Read]

Who would’ve guessed?

[Animated sequence]

Fade to a title card.

[Text displays]

See how we impact your life.

[Animated sequence]

Cut to title card with pecten

[Background music plays]

Shell mnemonic