The Pomegranate Seeds: Part III

By: Austin Hackworth

When King Pluto had driven Proserpina through the gates and all the way to the palace, they both got out of the chariot and went up to the big, metal doors. King Pluto had a secret knock that only he knew and when he knocked on the door it suddenly opened up. This was a mystery to Proserpina, and she didn’t really understand it. But sometimes, you just have to ignore things at times. So, they went inside.

Once inside the castle, King Pluto took off all of his armor. His armor was silver and gold, which was very rare. Kings were the only people who could have this kind of protective covering. After he completed this task, he took Proserpina to some kind of room that had four tables with pots and pans filled to the top with all kinds of assorted meats; there was all kinds of food that if you got around it, your mouth would water and you would actually have to eat it. It was like you don’t want to eat it, but it is so tempting. When you look up, the ceiling was like a dome; it was huge. Only if you went in that room would you be able to believe it.

But Proserpina didn’t fall for it. She knew what Pluto was doing: he was trying to persuade her into breaking the promise she had set for herself towards Mother Ceres. Her next thought was to run out of the room, even though she didn’t know her way around the castle, and find a way out of there. She didn’t know how to do it, so she thought to herself, “How am I going to do this? Am I going to be killed if I do this?”

Proserpina looked at the food, then at Pluto, back at the food and back at Pluto. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, she ran. She ran out the room, down the hallway, and came to a hallway that had one little room at the very end of the hallway. She then went into the room. She didn’t know who was in the room, until out of the corner of her eye, there stood King Pluto, who had taken some shortcut and kind of knew where she would go. Pluto then captured her in a net that was on the ceiling. It was attached to the ceiling and when Pluto pushed the button that was on his pocket of his jeans, the net fell on Proserpina.

King Pluto then picked her up, while she was still in the net, and took her to the place where he kept the people he captured: “The Dungeon”. The Dungeon was only for the people who didn’t listen to his commands or ran from him, which Proserpina had done. He took her down to The Dungeon, where he would put chains around her ankles, and chains around her wrists. This was to where Proserpina could not move any part of her body.

After King Pluto had already done this and had left The Dungeon, Proserpina had wriggled so much that she had somehow managed to get out of the chains around her wrists. This is what she had wanted. Then suddenly, she heard her mother coming down to the dungeon. She helped her get out of the chains around ankles, and she was free. They busted out the window that was up in the one corner of the room, and busted out of the dungeon. They went to where the Chariot was, jumped in it, and went home.

And Proserpina and Mother Ceres lived in their little home, and Proserpina never made the mistake to run into the forest ever again.