Classes for the Show 2016

An opportunity for Lympsham’s finest green fingers to show off their home grown fruit, vegetables, flowers, plants and flower arranging skills.
Class1. A plate of Vegetables (At least 3 different vegetable).
2. A plate of Fruit (At least 3 different fruits).
3. A Vase of any 3 different Flowers, one of each variety.
4. One specimen Rose in a vase.
5. Hanging Basket of plants (display rail available).
6. A Display of cut flowers with a Topical theme
(accessories may be used).
7. A Posy for the Queen’s Birthday.
An opportunity for Lympsham’s artists and photographers to show off their work.
Class 8. A Birthday Card for the Queen.
9. A Picture, Drawing or Painting.
10. An article of Embroidery, Tapestry or Cross Stitch.
11. Photograph - Flora & Fauna.
12. Photograph - ‘Selfie’.
13. Photograph – Celebration.
14. Photograph – Sun set or sun rise.
All photographs to be un-mounted prints no more than A4 size including border, taken by the exhibitor. No previously entered photographs allowed.
An opportunity for Lympsham’s bakers and makers to
show off their home made goodies.
Class15. 6 Rock Cakes (male entrants only).
16. Pot of Jam.
17. Fruit Cake (max 8 inches diameter).
18. Victoria Sandwich Sponge using recipe:
6oz Self-raising flour, 3 Eggs, 6oz Margarine, 6oz Sugar, pinch of salt, 1tablespoon warm water, jam filling.
19. 4 Decorated ‘Queen’s Birthday’ Cup Cakes. / SECTION 4: JUNIOR SECTIONS
1. Children in Reception and Under.
Class20. A Painting, Drawing, Collage or Model: Theme: “Space”.
21. 4 Decorated ‘Queen’s Birthday’ Cup Cakes.
22. A Posy for the Queen’s Birthday.
2. Children in Years1 & 2.
Class23. Any Photo taken this year.
24. A Painting, Drawing, Collage or Model: Theme: “Space”.
25. 4 Decorated ‘Queen’s Birthday’ Cup Cakes.
26. A Posy for the Queen’s Birthday.
27. A Story, Poem or Prayer.
3. Children in Years 3 & 4
Class28. Any Photo taken this year.
29. A Painting, Drawing, Collage or Model: Theme: “Space”.30. 4 Decorated ‘Queen’s Birthday’ Cup Cakes.
31. A Posy for the Queen’s Birthday.
32. A Story, Poem or Prayer.
4. Children in Years 5 to 11 (Age of entrant will be taken into account by the judges – please put your age on your entry form & exhibit).
Class33. Any Photo taken this year.
34. A Painting, Drawing, Collage or Model: Theme: “Space”.
35. 4 Decorated ‘Queen’s Birthday’ Cup Cakes.
36. A Posy for the Queen’s Birthday.
37. A Story, Poem or Prayer.
Classes 38, 39, 40, 41, 42– Lympsham Pre-School and First School Challenges
(Separate instructions issued to schools).
SECTION 5: Family Challenges
2 fun family projects for kids of all ages – who will be the most creative family in Lympsham this year and win a special family prize?
Class43. Lego Lunacy. The International Space Station needs replacing, can you build one out of Lego?
44. Modelling Mayhem. London Bridge has fallen down – can you build a new one out of anything you like?