Poulton Park Golf Club

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 5th January 2017 at 7:38pm.

Being that there were 54 full members present, the meeting was quorate and could proceed.

Those present were – David Ryder (Club Chairman); David McIntyre (Gent’s Captain); Mike Naughton; Denis Roberts; David Owen (Secretary); Gary Cunningham; Brian Hemsley; Pete Bibby; Phil Grundy; Steve Goldsmith; Brian Love; Ray Barnes; Phil Lockett; Barry Barlow; Bill Courtney; Pete Langford; Alan Whitty; Jackie Smith; Mike Osborne; John Newns; John Parr; Dave Cundy; Mark Newton; Kevin Doublard (Vice-Captain); Steve Everson; Len Dillnutt; Ann Dillnutt; Gilbert Harding; Brian Dillon; Chris Cooling; Brian Cowley; Dave Henry; David Clark; John Kemp; Roger Kemp; Samantha Tait; Ann Wood; Mike Smith; Jeff Perkin; Dave Asprey; Les Corbett; John McCawley; Marcus McKechnie; Keith Patrick; Darren Odell; Alan Cooper; Roy Fogg; Mike Hall; Pete Hall; Luke Ince; Dan McDermott; Martin McBride; Des Kelly and Maria Hughes. Tracey Robert arrived just after quorate was announced (total 55).

1.  Apologies for Absence:

Marjorie Cross; Hilary Clover; Peter Lawrence; Tom Frame; John Raynor; Craig Taylor; Nick Fletcher and Phil Rowsell

2.  Motion A.

That the minutes of the last AGM (Held on Thursday 7th January 2016) as provided, be approved.

Proposed: Des Kelly Seconded: Alan Whitty

The motion was carried by the AGM with no objections or abstentions.

3.  Board Report

The Board report was present to the members by the Secretary. The Report is attached.

4.  Treasurer’s report and Accounts (provided).

Mr David Ryder gave his report to the members. His report is available to view and can be seen if requested.

5.  Motion B

That the Board of Director appoint the Accountants for 2017.

Proposed: Darren Odell Seconded: Bill Courtney

The motion was carried by the AGM with no objections or abstentions.

6.  Motion C

That English Golf Union and Cheshire County Affiliation fees be charged separately to the current membership fees.

Proposed: David Ryder Seconded: David Owen

(The affiliation fees, which would be added to the membership fees are EGU - £8.25 Cheshire - £5.25; CCLGC - £5.00 and LGU - £2.50)

Q. Mr Mike Hall asked what the affiliation cost were

A. Mr Secretary confirmed £13.50 for Gents and £14.75 for Ladies

Q. Peter Hall why the affiliation fees were not included in the membership fees?

A. Mr Secretary advised previously the fees have been included, but should be a separate item on the invoice; and whilst the membership fees had not increased the affiliation fees had been which meant the club were paying the cost.

Q. John Kemp asked if the affiliation fees applied to juniors

A. Yes all members have to pay, but the Board may look at it for juniors.

The motion was carried by the AGM with no objections or abstentions.

7.  Motion D - Election of Director to the Board of Directors (three year positions).

In accordance with the Board’s three year rotation policy, As Secretary, I wish to inform you that there are two position available on the Board of Directors. The following members have put their names forward: -

Mr Peter Hall wishes to put his name forward.

Proposed: Gary Cunningham Seconded: Stephen Everson

Mr Gilbert Harding as the outgoing director wishes to seek re-election.

Proposed: David Ryder Seconded: Thomas Frame

Mr Peter Lawrence wishes to put his name forward

Proposed: David Asprey Seconded: Jeff Perkin

Voting forms were handed out to members at the start of the meeting. All forms were handed in. Mr Secretary asked for two past Captains to count the votes; Mr Jeff Perkin and Mr Des Kelly, volunteered.

Mr Perkin and Mr Kelly went to count the votes and returned; confirming that due to the closeness of the vote for the second director’s position a recount had been carried out.

Vote was Peter Hall (49 votes); Gilbert Harding (26 votes) and Peter Lawrence (23).

Mr Secretary then confirmed to the membership that Mr Peter Hall and Mr Gilbert Harding had been elected to the Board as directors.

8.  Closure of the Meeting

The Chairperson closed the AGM at 8 pm.

Minutes of the Golf Meeting held on 5th January 2017 at 8:00 pm.

Mr Captain to chair and open the Golf meeting

11.  Section reports

Confirmed that section reports had been received for the Green’s; House; Ladies; seniors and competition section. These were provided in the room and had been uploaded onto the Club’s website.

12.  Election of Officers for 2017

The Officers for 2016 are:

Gent's Captain – Mr Kevin Doublard

Ladies Captain – (Past Lady Captains)

Gent's Vice-Captain – Mr Stephen Everson

Ladies Vice Captain - Mrs Jackie Smith

Gent's President - Mr David McIntyre

Junior Captain - Miss Kirsty McIntyre

Proposed: Past Captain's, Ladies and Junior Organiser

Seconded: The Board

The motion was carried by the AGM with no objections or abstentions.

13.  Election of Golf Committee Members

There are no new or further nominations for the Golf Committee.

14.  Proposal E

No additional proposals have been received by Mr Secretary.

15.  Closure of the meeting.

The Gent’s Captain as the Chairperson of the Golf committee closed the meeting at 8:05 pm.

After the AGM the floor was opened for any other business, which the Board and/or the Golf Committee could take away to consider (or answer if possible)

Q. Mr Barry Barlow asked when the matches would be confirmed (in the diary)?

A. Mr Secretary asked Mr Doublard as competition’s Chairman to respond. Mr Doublard stated that the diary was being produced online this year and already fixtures up to June had been uploaded onto BRS

It was confirmed that there would be no hard copy diary, due to the large numbers produced and not collected by members.

Mr David Asprey raised a concern that not all members were computer literate or used a computer.

Mr Jeff Perkin (who had still been counting the votes for Directors) returned to the room and requested clarification for non-production of a diary (he was informed of the answer previously given).

Mr Perkin stated that he felt this was a backward step and a lot of members liked the diary. Mr Perkin then made a generous offer; that he had won his membership for 2017 in a draw earlier in the year and would donate this membership toward producing a diary.

Members asked if they could vote on the production of a diary. Mr Secretary stated that this was possible, but was not binding. It was pointed out that this would show members feeling on the issue.

A show of hands was asked for and the majority voted for retaining the diary (with no votes against).

Mr Captain and Mr Vice-Captain agreed to discuss the matter at the next Golf Committee meeting and Mr Perkin’s offer.


Mr Gary Cunningham stated that he had now been on the Board for a year and had seen the hard work done by volunteers at the Club and the time they gave up for the Club. He wished to thank all the volunteers for all their hard work in the year.

This was universally acknowledged by the members present.

Affiliation fees

Q. Mr Peter Bibby asked if the affiliation fees were to be invoiced separately to the membership fees for members; could the member pay his fees through the normal payment scheme (monthly), but pay the affiliation fee by cash/cheque?

A. Mr David Ryder confirmed this was possible.