Date: Subject: Grade:

Objective: Write out what the students will be able to do because of your lesson

(How much time is this going to take?) / Bellwork
(A process to engage/activate student learning, interest and prior knowledge. This activity and instruction relate the experiences of the students to the objectives of the lesson.
“Bellwork” may include a motivational device, connection to prior learning and real life experiences, relevance to future learning, stated connection to instructional objective and academic standards or the essential questions to be addressed in lesson. / Monitor/Feedback
How will you assess this?
The Lesson Structure: Activities
The step-by-step process/procedure for teaching information, concepts and skills identified in the instructional objectives
A process designed to bring a lesson presentation to an appropriate conclusion. Used to help students bring things together in their own minds, to use, apply and extend what has just been taught. The lesson summary includes a review of central lesson concepts and/or essential questions, a preview of future learning, an application to daily living or an expansion/extension of concept
What can you assign that will further enhance your lesson?
Self Evaluation of the Lesson
ANALYSIS OF STUDENT LEARNING: Review of data and documented evidence of lesson results as related to instructional objectives or standards.
ANALYSIS OF TEACHING: Include modifications/recommendations of current instruction for future application on 1) planning and preparation, 2) classroom environment, 3) instruction, and 4) professional responsibilities as related to instructional objectives or standards.
List everything you need in order to make the lesson happen.
LESSON PLAN FORMAT (Maynard Example)

Date: 2/29/15 Subject: Social Studies Grade: 10

Objective: Students will be able to understand the philosophy of communism

3 min / Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction/Early Assessment
Students write down if they think communism should be stopped and explain why. / Monitor/Feedback
I check the room and have a class discussion
15 min / The Lesson Structure: Activities
Students given “Communism vs. Capitalism” handout and work with their groups trying to figure out which is better given a scenario, then have in class discussion on the scenarios and determine the pros and cons of each system. / Walk around the room and assist students in need and ask them comprehension questions
10 min / Closing/Assessment
Class votes on which government is better, then distribute one M&M to each student (after telling them all day there will be candy) and explain this is what the United States was trying to stop in the Cold War / Discussion
None, they were already angry about only getting one M&M
Self Evaluation of the Lesson
Students really seemed to enjoy relating Cold War philosophies to candy. They seemed to see the pros and cons of both systems and come to a conclusion of which is better. To really make the students mad, let them know they will get candy when class starts. Once they get one piece, they seem to truly understand why the United States wanted to stop this system of government from spreading.
Communism vs. Capitalism handout
Bellwork sheets