Sunday, October 8, 2017

Time marches on here at GCS! Room 202 has been buzzing with activity this past week. Here’s a sampling…

Reading/ELA: Last week, we moved forward in our whole group novel, Number the Stars, and the class took a quiz on Chapters 1 – 6 on Wednesday. Additionally, we were treated to an awesome author visit on Monday! Novelist Alan Gratz shared insights with our students that expanded their background knowledge of WWII, as he introduced them to some of his many historical fiction books. This week, we will explore the middle chapters of our text, and work on the comprehension strategy of summarizing. Also, students will be introduced to the 1st book project of the year. Watch for a packet in your child’s homework folder on Friday.

I’m happy to report that the 2017-2018 season of What’s New in Room 202? has officially begun! Our first news team started off with a bang, as they each chose two sections of The New York Times to report on. Working together, they found appropriate articles, analyzed them closely, took detailed notes on the 5 Ws & H, practiced independently, and presented a live newscast to our class on Friday. Kudos to our brave reporters – Will, Kate, Sean, and Lily!!

Math: As we near the end of our first unit of study, we focused our attention on estimating sums and differences, and adding and subtracting decimals. While working on these skills, students are deepening their understanding of place value. This week, we will take time to review Chapter 1 in preparation for a unit assessment on Thursday.

Religion: We joined the GCS community last Friday to celebrate the 1st Friday Liturgy. Congratulations to our own Skye and Sean, who received Virtue of the Month certificates from Mrs. Kopas for demonstrating the virtue of Kindness!! This week, we will finish up our kirigami doves, and review Chapter 9 to prepare for Wednesday’s quiz on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Science: We dug deeper into the many forms of energy last week, and explored the transformations that take place from one form to another. After testing our knowledge with a friendly game of Match using our Quizlet review set, students took a quiz on this material on Thursday. This week, we will “make some waves” as we move on to examine radiant energy.

Upcoming dates to remember:

Tues., 10/10: Class Picture Day – FULL DRESS

Wed., 10/11: Religion Quiz: Ch. 9 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Thurs., 10/12: Math Test: Ch. 1; Bookstore open (7:30-8:30 a.m.); Bring in coins for collection (Check h.w. folder on Tuesday for details.)

Hope everyone took some time to enjoy the beautiful colors of fall!!

Mrs. Greco