Mar Vista Bi-Monthly LADOT/CD11/LAPD Traffic Committee Meeting
November 20, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
West Los Angeles Office of CD11 Councilman Mike Bonin
1645 Corinth Ave., 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Call to Order.
Approval of Minutes of September 18, 2013 meeting.
Agenda items for discussion are as follows.
LADOT Agenda Items
Old Business – Progress Reports & Further Discussion of tabled items from the Sept. 18th Meeting:
1. Status report from Rudy Guevara on repainting of the double yellow center stripe on the curve of Barry Ave. turning into Clarkson, which was covered up during a pavement resurfacing and for which Rudy Guevara had signed a work order to re-paint, and whether this work has now been done and if not, when it will be completed. [LADOT]
2. Report from Rudy Guevara on the final determination as to whether STOP signs will be installed on Beethoven St. at Marco to create a 4-way STOP for traffic and pedestrian safety at this intersection; he indicated at the July 17th meeting the decision would be made “within the next few weeks” but it still has not been received by this Committee. (Note: it is now one year since the original request for the STOP signs was made.) [LADOT]
3. Report from Rudy Guevara on whether he has now done a study of a stakeholder’s proposal to keep traffic moving and reduce commuter gridlock in the northbound lanes of Centinela Ave. between Washington and Venice Blvd. by posting “No Parking 4:30 PM. to 7:00 PM Monday thru Friday” signs on the east side of Centinela from Washington to Venice, providing traffic with an extra travel lane during those commuter hours, and whether a determination has been made in this matter. [LADOT]
4. A follow-up report from Rudy Guevara on a request to install STOP signs on posts in the middle of Grand View Blvd. at the Victoria Ave. 4-way STOP intersection, updating his Sept. 10th e-mail advising that work orders were issued for the installation, and advising whether the installation has been done or is scheduled for completion. [LADOT]
5 A follow-up report from Rudy Guevara re: whether suggestions from a resident to reduce speeding on Walgrove Ave., such as adding more speed limit signs for northbound traffic from Venice Blvd. and posting signage indicating that bicycles may use the full travel lane, are warranted and justified was contained in his Nov. 5th e-mail which explained that none of the requested measures can be implemented because Walgrove Ave. is designated as a collector street, speed limits must be set in compliance with the Caltrans Manual ot Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and LADOT is not authorized to deviate from California Vehicle Code Section 21202. A full copy of this explanation will be included as an attachment to the Minutes of this meeting. [No further action at this time by this Committee.]
6. Report from Rudy Guevara as to whether his office has now checked LADOT Resurfacing’s priority job list as to the repainting of yellow striped lane markers on Inglewood Blvd. between Venice and National which were covered with slurry during repaving between Charnock and Tabor, and the repainting of STOP and white lines in the Inglewood/Charnock intersection, going south on Inglewood and east and west on Charnock, and whether these repainting jobs have now been done or are scheduled. {LADOT]
7. Further report from Rudy Guevara as to whether his office has now checked on LADOT Resurfacing work orders for repainting the STOP and white lines at the Palms Blvd. and Inglewood Blvd. intersection, going south and north on Inglewood and east and west on Palms, which have faded
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due to heavy traffic volume, if the jobs are completed or are now scheduled and if not, whether he has now re-ordered the repairs. {LADOT]
8. Report from Rudy Guevara on a request for LADOT Parking Enforcement to deal with illegal parking in the 11500-16000 blocks of Pearl Place and for installing signs to restrict long-term parking in front of homes, and from Len Nguyen as to whether a joint effort is in process with LAPD support for restricted parking signs on the south side of the street and/or with homeowners signing petitions for restricted parking in front of homes on the street. [LADOT & CD11]
9. Report from Rudy Guevara as to action on requests for traffic mitigation in North Westdale to control speeding and other problems from an influx of traffic from Barrington Ave., including conversion of a 2-way to a 4-way STOP at Granville and Brookhaven, installation of a 3-way STOP on a painted island at Stoner Ave. facing Gateway at the Radio Dr. intersection, and installation of a painted crosswalk on Stoner at the intersection with Brookhaven, and whether a study is underway to determine if these proposals are warranted and feasible and the current status of such a study. [LADOT]
10. Report from Rudy Guevara as to whether he has made a study re: a request for a painted pedestrian crosswalk with flashing lights across Barrington Ave. at Navy St., after a recent incident in which a young girl was injured by a car, and whether he has determined whether such a crosswalk is warranted and/or feasible. [LADOT]
11. The center stripe on the section of McLaughlin between Woodbine and the Indianapolis-Federal Ave. intersection was covered during repaving several months ago and has still not been repainted. The old stripe is faintly visible in a few places, but this section is in shadow from trees and a painted center stripe is needed for public safety to alert vehicles from straying into opposing traffic on this narrow two-lane residential street. [LADOT]
12. Follow-up report re: a request for KEEP CLEAR markings to be painted on the street at three South Mar Vista 3-way intersections where heavy traffic, gridlocked during rush hours, prevents the cross-street from being entered into or exited from due to vehicles blocking the intersection, at: (a) the 3-way intersection of McLaughlin Ave. at Matteson Ave.; (b) the 3-way intersection of McLaughlin Ave. at Herbert Street; and (c) the 3-way intersection of Inglewood Blvd. at Herbert Street. (Note: A fourth identical intersection, Inglewood Blvd. at Mitchell Ave., already has KEEP CLEAR painted on Inglewood Blvd. in the middle of the intersection). [LADOT]
13. Re: a request for installation of a 4-way STOP at the intersection of Ocean View Ave. and Charnock Rd. to replace the current 2-way STOP on Ocean View with STOP signs on the north and south side of Charnock, due to visibility problems at this intersection presenting a danger both to drivers and pedestrians and with a history of several accidents, an October 29th e-mail from Rudy Guevara stated that an engineering study and accident survey failed to justify an all-way STOP at this time, but paper work has been submitted to install red curbs on Ocean View to improve visibility. [No further action by this Committee at this time.]
New Business – Items for Discussion:
1. Presentation by Rudy Guevara of the current DOT District Office Services menu, updated from mid-2011. [LADOT]
2. Request for repair of potholes and curb damage located on the bus pad at the northwest corner of the intersection of Venice Blvd. and Beethoven St., an area which was not included in the repaving recently done by Caltrans. [LADOT]
3. Request to eliminate the parking space and paint the curb red in front of a building at 11101 Palms Blvd. The space is close to the small driveway leading from the Trader Joe’s shopping mall onto Palms and vehicles are parked there block the line of sight looking eastbound; many vehicles have been involved in accidents while exiting onto Palms Blvd. at this location. In addition, request to paint “Do Not Block” on the street in front of the driveway so traffic will not block exit from the driveway onto Palms. (Note: This request has also been passed along to Calvin Chow and may already be in process.)
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4. Introduction of a new LADOT online reservation system where stakeholders can go to put in requests to the DOT. [LADOT]
Other Agenda Items
Old Business – Progress Reports & Further Discussion of tabled items from the Sept. 18th Meeting:
1. Further follow-up report from Len Nguyen concerning his ongoing orders to Street Services to make permanent repairs to the pavement, curb, gutter and potholes in the 12500 block of Matteson
Ave., and with the potholes now filled, whether the skin patchwork repairs for areas where asphalt meets cement curb in the blocks between Centinela and Frances, which Street Services had referred to the Resurface Section, has been scheduled, is underway, or has been completed. [CD11]
2. Follow-up report from Len Nguyen re: a request for pavement repairs at 12600 and 12707 Rose Ave. where tree roots have grown under and across the pavement, creating a dangerous bump for vehicles to cross. [CD11]
New Business – Items for Discussion:
No items for Other Agenda New Business were received for this meeting.