New Student Timekeeper Memo

Student Employment Guidelines

Please find below a brief overview of student employment guidelines. Also included below are links to the Student Employment Handbook and information provided on the Payroll website.

All employees who hire, supervise, or authorize pay for student employees should become familiar with the information provided at the above link to ensure compliance with student employment guidelines. Attached to this email you will find a Student Timekeeper navigation guide to using the online Student Payroll System and a document outlining the roles and responsibilities assigned to student timekeepers.

Student Employment Calendar:

The calendar dates and academic terms associated with each pay period are posted on the Payroll Website at the following location,

Please note that this calendar can be used by student timekeepers to determine if a student is eligible to be hired and work as a student assistant as well as when their eligibility to work will change. It is the responsibility of the employing department to ensure that a student is not allowed to work when they are not eligible. Please note that timesheets approved outside of the designated approval days are not guaranteed. Approvers are encouraged to double check that approvals have saved during the designated approval period and contact Payroll immediately if any problems are encountered. You may do this by returning to the main menu of the Student Pay System after saving your approvals and then going back into the approval screen to make certain the approvals have saved.

Federal I9 Compliance:

All state employees, including student assistants, must have a valid I9 on file no later than the first day of employment for pay, in order to comply with Federal I9 Guidelines. It is the responsibility of the department to ensure a student is able to meet I9 requirements and has completed an I9 with the Payroll Office before allowing a student to work. Potential student employees should not be allowed to work until verification of their eligibility has been completed by Payroll. Students can not be paid through Payroll for hours worked prior to completing their I9 in Payroll and the department will bear the burden of processing pay through alternate means. In addition to fulfilling I9 requirements all state employees, including student assistants, must be able to present a valid social security card to Payroll. They will not be able to receive pay until this requirement is met.

Student Employment Request Form (SERF):

It is important for departments to use the most current version of the SERF and complete the form in it's entirety in order to ensure timely processing of pay. Incomplete forms can not be processed and will be returned for correction. Questions regarding position number should be directed to a Student Timekeeper or Budget Analyst within your department or division. An original complete SERF must be provided to every new student employee by the department before they are sent to Payroll for their intake. Please note the instructions on the SERF regarding required fields as some fields are required to be completed in digital format before the form is printed.

Please find below a link to all student employment forms. Documents which qualify for satisfying I9 requirements are listed on page three of the I9 posted at the following link. Part 2 of the I9 is completed in Payroll.

20 Hour Work Week:

As stated in the Student Employment Handbook,

"Student Employees, including Work-Study students, shall work no more than 20 hours per week (total for all departments) during any week in which regular classes are scheduled."

Any Cal Poly employee who supervises, hires, or authorizes pay for student assistant employees should be familiar with the guidelines of student employment provided in the Student Employment Handbook. Please take read the Student Handbook and all student employment documentation posted on our website at the following link,

Thank you for taking time to familiarize yourself with student employment guidelines.

If you have any questions regarding student employment or the online Student Payroll System please contact our office at 756-2605.