Goal for D5450 Membership for 2017-18:

To have the membership for D5450 end up at 3,212 (or a net gain of 289 members)

Strategies that will contribute toward this and to be elaborated on with SAM/SMART goals for each of these:

·  RI Leads – we will take the processes we have, enhance and tweak and get better tracking and metrics to improve conversion and QA with the clubs and their follow up. Buchi will oversee this.

·  Struggling Clubs – identify the top tier of struggling clubs and Mary Kay and Marc will start visiting them in August.

o  Debi and Bill will identify

o  Marc can visit clubs that meet on Mondays or Wednesday afternoons.

o  Mary Kay can visit up to 4 clubs a month

·  Club Membership Chair/Primary Membership Liaison – we will identify a primary membership contact for all 62 clubs.

o  Bev Mendel will help reconcile those clubs with no CMC yet listed in District Runner

o  Get entire list and submit to RC Kelly Atkinson so he can include them on Monthly Membership Matters webinars

o  Accountability for a club’s goal(s) around membership will be with this primary contact

§  We’ll assign clubs to DMT members for accountability and coaching via phone, email, video, and/or in person)

·  JumpStart program in Zone – the attached SAM G plan plus our details for strategies and tasks to achieve our overarching Goal

o  September 23 – conduct 2 breakouts at Club Training Workshop on SAMG

·  Liaise with District Public Image (PR) committee – Lindsey would like to take on this task.

·  Growth of DMT –

o  Currently at 7 and confirming the 8th DMTer

o  Successor to Debi Bush has been selected and accepted – Lynn Perez-Hewitt of the Littleton Rotary Club

·  Membership Growth opportunities

o  Use rotarydistrictplanning.org online program to identify opportunities for

§  Struggling clubs

§  Identifying pockets of new members for clubs who are maintaining and even growing and could be used for satellite/alternate meeting time

§  Charter