Holes part 2

Questions with •are for everyone, questions with * are optional

Chapter 28 (segment 22)

• Who else has turquoise-studded boots like Kate Barlow’s?

Chapter 29

• What happens in this chapter that makes Stanley think of his great-grandfather?

Chapter 30 (segment 23)

* Why doesn’t Stanley fight back when Zigzag taunts (teases) him?

• Describe how Zero helps Stanley when Zigzag is hitting him.

Chapter 31

• Why doesn’t Stanley go after Zero?

*What is the Warden planning to do if Zero doesn’t come back?

Chapter 32

• What happens when Stanley steals the pick up truck?

Chapter 33 (segment 26)

• What makes him(Stanley)run for his life in this chapter?

Chapter 34

• Whatdoes Stanley find in the desert?

*How do you think it got there?

Chapter 35 (segment 27)

• What is Sploosh?

Chapter 36 (segment 28)

• What does Stanley do to help Zero focus on something while they are climbing?

Chapter 37 (segment 29)

• Why do you think Stanley suddenly calls Zero Hector?

Chapter 38 (segment 30)

• What does Stanley find in the mountains?

* In what ways are these findings connected to the earlier stories about Elya and Kate and Sam?

Chapter 39

• Why do you think Zero chooses this moment to confess aboutthe stolen shoes?

Chapter 40 (segment 31)

• Why is Stanley surprised to find the sack of jars and the shovel so far down the mountain?

Chapter 41 (segment 32)

• Zero slowly gets better. What different things cure him?

Chapter 42

** Stanley believes it was his destiny to be hit by those fallingshoes. What’s the difference between coincidence and destiny?

• Why does Stanley want to dig one more hole?

Chapter 43

• What points can you pick out about Zero’s upbringing?

*When he hears Zero’s stories, how does Stanley feel about his own family? How do these stories make you feel?

Chapter 44 (segment 37)

• What do the boys find in the hole?

* How do you think Stanley and Zero feel when the Warden confronts them?

Chapter 45

• What do you learn about the Warden in this chapter?

*How does this influence your feelings about her?

Chapter 46 (segment 37)

• What does Mr Sir tell Stanley?

* Why do you think Zero gives Stanley the thumbs-up sign?

Chapter 47

• The Warden’s name is Walker; who else in the story has the same last name?

* Why might this be important?

Chapter 48

• Why won’t Stanley leave without Hector?

Chapter 49 (segment 40)

• Why don’t the boys get bitten by the lizards in the hole?

Chapter 50 (segment 41)

• How has Stanley changed in the course of the story? Do youthink Stanley had a “hole” in his life before attending CampGreen Lake?