If I Could, I Would Buy…

Percent Project


1.)Useadvertisements from newspapers, magazines, store circulars or onlineto find items you would like to buy. Each item must have a price.

You will then choose 3 items to purchase with a budget of $100. In class, you will receive a “coupon” to apply to your items.

2.) For each item, calculate:

a.)The original price

b.)The discount in dollars

c.)The sales price

d.)The tax (tax rate is 8.25%)

e.)The price after tax

3)Total the cost of your items. (under $100)

4.) Present your project in either:

  • Physical Project: Present the information on paper/as a circular (one page shown here) or
  • Electronic Project: Complete the project in an electronic format and share it with me at (and make sure you receive a confirmation email that I have received your project).

5.) Attached is the rubric pagethat will be used to grade your project. Fill in the top portion

and turn in the whole page with your completed project. Work carefully and neatly.

Student grades will be based on completion of the Percent Project based on the

Percent Project Rubric.Please turn in this page with your project.

Assigned Date:______Due Date:______

Name:______# ______Class :______

1stItem You Would Purchase:______, Advertised (original) price ______

2ndItem You Would Purchase:______, Advertised (original) price ______

3rdItem You Would Purchase:______, Advertised (original) price ______

% of discount (on the coupon picked): ______

Format of Project: ______

(Paper format, Google doc, Video, Power Point, Other)

If I Could, I Would Buy… Percent Project Rubric
Criteria / 1 – Beginning / 2 – Developing / 3 – Proficient / 4 - Advanced
Organization / Expresses little understanding of the meaning of discounts / Understands that a discount is an amount that is not paid but not how to calculate the new sales price / Somewhat understands the concepts of discounts and tax / Demonstrates full understanding how discounts and taxes affect the cost of an item
Discount and Sales Price Calculation / Does not correctly calculate either discounts or sale prices / Calculates most of the discount and sale prices correctly / Calculates discount and sale price but with small math errors, such as rounding / Calculates both discount and sales price correctly and labels correctly
Tax Calculation / Does not correctly convert the tax rate to a decimal number / Uses the correct tax rate but does not make a correct computation / Correctly computes the tax amount but not the price after tax / Correctly computes both the tax amount and the price after tax
Presentation / Does not present project in physical or electronic form / Project presentation is minimal and mostly complete / Project presentation is complete / Project presentation is neat, appealing and exceeds expectations

If you are submitting an electronic project, please verify the format with the teacher before beginning your project. Upon completion, please share your project to and make sure you receive an email confirmation.