
Lucille Thirlby 0207 551 1315

To: Secretaries of Local Government Branches in England,

Wales and Northern Ireland

(Scotland – for information only)

Regional Heads of Local Government

Registered Sectional/Professional Bodies – for information

5 April 2011

Car allowances

This circular advises branches on the Employers’ position relating to annual increase of mileage rates and the revised HMRC rate.


HMRC has revised its AMAP mileage rates from 6/4/11(the new tax year). These are detailed below. We know from our recent survey of branches that 25% of employers are seeking to reduce car allowances and that already a number of authorities have moved away from the NJC car allowance rate and apply the HMRC rate. Although this is a small increase in the HMRC rate and still does not reflect the real cost of providing a car for work, branches must ensure employers are aware and implement this increase.

For years from 2011-12

Tax - Rates per business mile /
Type of vehicle / First 10,000 miles / Above 10,000 /
Cars and vans / 45p / 25p
Motorcycles / 24p / 24p
Cycles / 20p / 20p

NJC Car Allowances

Branches will be aware that the NJC car allowances are normally up-rated in April each year using a formula, which is compiled by technical advisers. This reviews the allowances which cover standing charges (depreciation, tax and insurance) and running expenses (petrol, tyres and servicing/repairs). The technical advisers’ report does reflect what has happened over the last year in relation to all these elements.

The petrol element of the allowances are based on a price of per litre for unleaded petrol (based on actual pump prices in the first two weeks of January [as surveyed by the Automobile Association on behalf of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders] in accordance with the jointly agreed formula for calculating the allowances each year.

As previously reported, in October 2010, the LGE wrote to the NJC Joint Secretaries regarding the commissioning of the technical advisers’ car allowance rate report for 2011/12.

The letter stated that previous advisers’ reports had recommended that the formula needed development and additionally stated the NJC employers’ desire to begin discussions with the trade unions on Green Book terms and conditions. In conclusion, they stated that their view was ‘that the 2011 report should not be commissioned at this stage and that the 2010 mileage rates should continue to apply (if necessary beyond 1 April 2011) until such time as the NJC agrees an alternative method of recompense.’

The Joint Secretaries responded to the letter and in summary stated that the NJC trade unions did not agree with the Employers’ view and requested the Employers to commission the technical advisers report.

At the NJC Executive on 10 December, the issue of car allowances was debated. However, the Employers’ position remained that they are not prepared to commission the technical advisers’ report at this stage.

A further letter was received from the employers on 16 March confirming their position. This matter was further discussed at the recent Joint NJC Executive (21 March) and the trade unions informed the employers side that we will be registering a dispute on this matter. In the meantime, the 2010 car allowance rates will continue to apply.

We will keep you updated on progress of the dispute

Best wishes,

Heather Wakefield

National Secretary

Local Government Service Group

http://teams.unison.org.uk/departments/ServiceGroups/LocalGov/SGESectors/NJC/LG 28 2011 Car Allowances.doc