10U Rules

COYBL Guidelines with Modifications for game pace and competitiveness

Field Dimensions

65 ft bases, 45 ft pitching

Game Rules

8 batters, 4 runs, or 3 outs (whichever comes first)

No Bat Restrictions

Game Times

1 hour and 25 game time limit

Last batter will be called by the umpire at 1 hour and 25 minutes

No Innings Limit- Play as many innings as possible within the 1 hour 25 minute limit

3 hour time limit for double header

5 minutes between games for same team double headers

10 minutes between double headers of different teams

Pitching Rules

5 pitch warm up between innings for pitchers

Pitching Rules- 75 pitches a day or 3 innings (this includes warm up pitches)

Balks- Pitchers will get a warning and an explanation

No intentional walks

Lineup Rules

Every player must hit (coaches should change line ups every game)

No player shall sit for more than 2 innings on bench

Free Substitution

Unlimited coaches conferences to mound- 15 second limit

Baserunning Rules

Leadoffs allowed

Pickoffs allowed

No stealing home

No Bunts with players on 3rd base

No advancing any base on a passed ball from pitcher

Steal Rules-Players may only steal on or after the 5th pitch and may only steal one bag.

Courtesy runner for catchers allowed

12U Rules

COYBL Guidelines with Modifications for game pace and competitiveness

Field Dimensions

70 ft bases, 50 ft. pitching

Game Rules

8 batters, 4 runs, or 3 outs (whichever comes first)

No Bat Restrictions

Game Times

1 hour and 25 game time limit

Last batter will be called by the umpire at 1 hour and 25 minutes

No Innings Limit- Play as many innings as possible within the 1 hour 25 minute limit

3 hour time limit for double header

5 minutes between games for same team double headers

10 minutes between double headers of different teams

Pitching Rules

5 pitch warm up between innings for pitchers

Pitching Rules- 75 pitches a day or 3 innings (this includes warm up pitches)

Balks- one warning per pitcher, second time enforced

No intentional walks

Lineup Rules

Every player must hit (coaches should change line ups every game)

No player shall sit for more than 2 innings on bench

Free Substitution

Unlimited coaches conferences to mound- 15 second limit

Baserunning Rules

No stealing home

No advancing home on passed ball from pitcher (may advance to 2nd or 3rd base)

No Bunts with players on 3rd base

Courtesy runner for catchers allowed

Limited to 3 steals attempts per half inning (runners on 1st and 2nd steal-that only counts as 1 steal)

14U Rules

COYBL Guidelines with Modifications for game pace and competitiveness

Field Dimensions

80 ft. bases, 56 pitching

Game Rules

10 batters or 3 outs…whichever comes first

Minus-3 Bats strongly preferred

Game Times

1 hour and 50 minute game time limit

No New Innings will start within 5 minutes of the 1 hour 50 minute time limit

No Innings Limit- Play as many innings as possible within the 1 hour 50 minute limit

4 hour time limit for double header

5 minutes between same team double headers

10 minutes between double headers of different teams

Pitching Rules

5 pitch warm up between innings for pitchers

Pitching Rules- 75 pitches a day or 3 innings (this includes warm up pitches)

Balks- one warning per pitcher, second time enforced

No intentional walks

Lineup Rules

Every player must hit (coaches should change line ups every game)

No player shall sit for more than 2 innings on bench

Free Substitution

Unlimited coaches conferences to mound- 15 second limit

Baserunning Rules

No stealing home

No Bunts with players on 3rd base

Courtesy runner for catchers allowed

Runners may advance on any passed ball, including home