Christow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs C Retallick, Bagtor Barton , Ilsington, Newton Abbot, TQ13 9RT.

Tel: 01364 661532


Minutes of the meeting of Christow Parish Council held on Tuesday, 1st March 2016 at 7.30pm in the Bowden Room, Teign Valley Community Hall, Christow.

Present: Cllr. Archer (chairman),

Cllr. Cann,

Cllr Edwards

Cllrs Fidock

Cllr Green,

Cllr Key,

Cllr. Orme,

Cllr. Woods,

Carol Retallick (clerk), and 6 members of the public Cllr J Brook DCC and Cllr A Ford TDC

Cllr Archer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1) Apologies and Acceptance for Absence: / Action by

2) Declarations Of Interest: In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting. Members are also reminded that any change to their Declaration of Interests must be notified to the Monitoring Officer at Teignbridge District Council within 28 days of the change.

Mrs S Cann declared an interest for item 13b on the agenda
3) Public Discussion – To allow any questions, reports by members of the public on any matters relating to the agenda of this meeting. The period of time designated for public participation shall not exceed 5 minutes. (Standing Order 1d).
A parishioner reported and is concerned about water running across the road into his
field. DCC have been informed, a pipe has been moved and the water was going
into a gully however this does not seem to be working now. Cllr Archer reported
highways were out at that location yesterday, hopefully this may be cleared. The
chairman suggested the council would contact the owners of the water source.
A enquiry was made if the parish were planning to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday
It was agreed to include an article in Unity requesting ideas and information. / CR

4) County Councillor's Report (for information only)

Cllr Brooks reported the budget meeting went according to plan, the proposal to stop
funding for lollypop deferred for cabinet to discuss, it was suggested that school
could pay form their budgets, the matter has still not been resolved.
The problem of the water on the highway has been reported to DCC however it is
difficult to solve.
5) District Councillor's Report (for information only)

Cllr Ford reported that the TDC council tax increased by 3.3% which is approx. £5

increase on band D property. She has written to Mel Stride for assistance over the

broadband service in the Teign valley.

The Local boundary commission reviewing at the moment and the
Parliamentary boundary review is believed to aim to reduce councillors, TDC
wishes to kept with the current level of councillors.

6) Minutes – to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd of February 2016.

Signed as a true record of that meeting
7) Car Park - Update from clerk about organisation of the car parking the community hall
An officer from the car park department in TDC will be asking for assistance from an engineer to meet us in the car park to advise on line painting and planning the layout if his is not available she will provide details of companies that could help. It was agreed to carry on the inquiries. / CR
8) Orchard, village Road, Christow - discussion of possible community use.
Cllr Archer has spoken to the owners of the orchard and although they are not ready to make a decision they are keen to listen to the plans to make it into a car park for community use. / TA
9) Snow Warden and salt supplies - Information and report from Cllr Archer.
Cllr Archer reported to the meeting that the rock salt already delivered is not suitable for the new spreader however it can we used in the parish grit bins. It is hoped that DCC will deliver the pure white salt needed for the spreader. A local parishioner has offered to keep the slat spreader on his quad bike during the winter months and the snow warden is aware of this arrangement.
Letter of Thanks to Cllr Brook for his help with this matter / CR
10) Defibrillator - information from the clerk and opportunity to discuss the project.
The chairman informed the meeting that since the last meeting the artichoke has offered to house the defibrillator. They have security cameras which would help with the unit’s security. The Christow stores offer to host the unit was very much appreciated.
The electors fund of £760 has now been paid into the councils account. Cllr Ford has offered £200 from her fund. There is enough money to buy one unit.
The clerk reported that the Ronnie Richards charity based in Cornwall can supply a defibrillator + cabinet for £1029 which is the same as Kenn Parish however the updated version that saves on consumables as it can be used on children and adults. An electrician would need to fit it which may cost approx. £145. The councillors were all in favour to go ahead and agreed to site it at the artichoke Inn.
The British Heart foundations grant re opens in April 2016 and the clerk will apply for a second unit then. / CR
11) Telephone kiosks - update about the kiosks in the parish and their future.
The Chairman informed the meeting that one kiosk is at risk at the present time – if the new owner wishes he can request it to be removed. BT can remove it in 16 weeks.
The scheme to adopt a box for a £1 is still available and the landlord from the pub would like to move it onto his property and connect it.
The clerk informed the meeting that the parish is now registered with English heritage – also she has contacted BT payphone on 0800 661610 to get any further information we need the telephone numbers of each box and the address and for further information email
The meeting proposed that the council should adopt the telephone boxes at Dry lane, and Teign house then register them with English heritage. / CR
12) The playfield Lease - Discussion over the continuation of the lease with TDC for the playing field.
The chairman explained to the meeting that TDC wish to offer this council a 25 year lease on this playing field at £300 per annum for first 5 years and £1 after that during the first 5 years they would maintain it. The clerks has asked Paul Cary for a price for cutting the grass and is still awaiting a reply, Cllr Cann believes this may be a difficult contract as there is a lot of equipment there so there is quite a lot of strimming.
It was felt the councillor needs a quote from a contractor so they can consider the offer however is was discussed that maybe £300 a year would be fair.
It was proposed to obtain a quote and discuss again at next meeting.
The invoice has been received for the repairs on the playground equipment there were concerns over the figure so the Councillors agreed at allow the Clerk and chairman to confirm this before payment.
13) PLANNING: Planning Applications - Dartmoor National Park Authority has asked for comments from the Parish Council on the following planning applications:
a)  0065/16 - Proposed erection of replacement horticultural building at Peveril, Village Road, Christow. Propose a site visit before commenting.
Cllr Archer then suspended the Standing Orders for this application – Mr Clapham spoke to objection to this application. Mrs Newman read from DNPA policies to object and showed photos of the locations to demonstrate that the mast would be noticeable. There have been several comments sent into the council expressing their concerns. The meeting then went back into committee.
b) 0068/16 - Proposed Installation of mobile telecommunications and ancillary equipment involving the erection of two 12m high telegraph poles each with eight consumer antennas and four backhaul radio antennas with 100m of trenching to power source at Hill Farm, Christow. Strongly Objection – too close to residential properties and listed buildings need further information about the project and more consultation should be sought from the community before putting in the application.
c) 0088/16 - Proposed Erection of machinery and storage building together with new track at Lillies, Bridford Road, Christow. The councillors proposed a site visit before commenting.
Grant of Conditional Planning Permission
·  0624/15 - Erection of single garage and log store at Gleneagles, Christow.
14) FINANCE: Discuss and make a decision on the benefits of using a accounting company for payment of clerks salary
PAYE for payroll all agreed to go with blue chip.
Expenses :
Clerk's salary February = £ 378.97
SHS Ltd January
South West Grounds Maintenance 138.33+VAT 27.67 = £ 166.00
A T Weaving - Hedge cutting 270.00+VAT 54.00 = £ 324.00
Stamps = £ 29.70
Broxap - Play area repairs 5390.00+VAT 1078.00 = £6468.00
Viking Direct - Printer inks 38.98+VAT 8.04 = £ 48.26
DCC grant ( Salt spreader) £ 1050.00 Electors fund (defibrillator) £ 760.00
Bank Reconciliation and Statement: The Chairman had checked the invoices, paying-in book, cheque book and bank statement against the reconciliation statement. Reconciliation and bank statement circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting.
Discussed the balances and possible grants that could be applied for different projects.
Then the accounts were accepted proposed by Cllr Orme and seconded by Cllr Fidock and all in favour .
15)MEETINGS ATTENDED: to receive reports from councillors who have attended meetings on behave of this council
·  items of Information from the clerk
·  action points
The clerk report back from the public forum re speeding vehicles – the school does not have a traffic policy that relates to traffic/speeding vehicles. There followed a discussion about prevention of speeding vehicles and Cllr Archer reported an accident recently.
Hedge cutting at Iron Pool the owners will be contact soon.
Cllr Edwards asked if the letter box will be moved? Find out and enquire if it can be moved.
Cllr Cann still needs to arrange the fitting of the soap dispenser. She also reported on the Rag Bag scheme and agreed to observe the Bridford scheme before making any further decisions. / TA
The next Council meeting is on Tuesday 5th April 2016, at 7.30pm in the Bowden Room.
Meeting closed at 9.15 pm

Signed………………………………… Date………………………….


Email circulations during the past month / Paper circulation
Moretonhampstead District Hospital letter
Rural opportunities Bulletin
TDC Online agenda and Reports
Weekly Email News Digest
Waste collection for the skate park.
Devolution update for Towns & Parishes
Highways conference March 16th
Dunsford Minutes Jan 2016
Bridford Minutes December 2015
Rural News Specials
Item for next month’s agenda
Apologies for April from Helen.
Queens 90th birthday

Christow Parish Council Page