Making Inferences

Read each of the following questions. Each question is about something that happened in Book 4 of The Weirdo. Use what you know to choose the best answer for each question.

Put the letter of the best answer in the blank beside each question.

_____1. Why did Trusdale doubt there was a connection between Alvin Howell’s murder

and Tom’s disappearance?

a. Trusdale thought Sam overreacted to situations.

b. It had been several years since the murder and they didn't know each other.

c. He really thought Tom had run off with another girl to Las Vegas.

d. He wasn't interested in the Alvin Howell murder anymore

._____2. Why did Chip want Sam to see the mother bear and her cubs?

a. He knew she would think his job was very interesting and might want to help


b. She had never seen a mother bear and her cubs.

c. He knew she would see what wonderful and special creatures they were and

understand why he wanted to protect them.

d. He thought she would see his sensitive side and would like him more.

_____3. Why did Sam think Chip was going to lose against the hunters?

a. She knew they were influential adults and he was just an unimportant boy.

b. She really thought he was being stupid but didn't tell him because she liked him.

c. She didn't think he had enough data and would look foolish.

d. She thought they would run him and his father out of town and it would be over.

_____4. Why was Sam worried about her papa reading the story about the bears and

Chip's campaign to save them?

a. She thought her papa would make fun of her liking an ugly boy.

b. She thought he and his friends would kill Chip like they did Tom.

c. She thought he would convince her mother not to let her see Chip again.

d. She thought he would get mad and she knew she might get in a fight with him

defending Chip.

_____5. Why did Sam ask her mother and Dunnegan what they thought about the

moratorium debate ?

a. She valued their opinions and knew they would be honest with her.

b. She wanted to know what they would say so she could tell Chip.

c. She wanted to win them over to Chip’s side.

d. She didn't really care what they thought, but was just being nice.