Mrs. Mak’s Kinder Class!

October 15, 2015
“Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened for the Lord your God is with you.”
Joshua 1:9
/ Important Dates and
Times / *October 17th: Field Day!
*October 27th: Field Trip!
*October 30th: Fairy Tale Day!
Harvest Festival
/ Homework / *High frequency words: and
*Practice reciting memory verse.
*Read pre-decodable books that are being sent home.
(See spreadsheet that will be stapled to the homework packet on Mondays.)
Online links:

/ Memory Verse / “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Romans 3:23
/ Phonics / ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ, /t/, /l/, /b/, /n/, /m/, /h/, /c/, /d/, /g/, /r/, /f/, /j/, /k/
/j/ blends: ja, je, ji, jo, ju
/k/ blends: ka, ke, ki, ko, ku
/ Math / Identify and write numbers 1-20
/ Upcoming
Quizzes and Tests / *Math (oral evaluation)- 10/19 (Monday)
*Phonics- 10/21 (Wednesday)
*Penmanship- 10/21 (Wednesday)
*Reading: Theme 4 Week 1 Test- 10/23 (Friday)
*Memory Verse Test- 10/23 (Friday)
/ Important
Reminders / *The students checked out a book of their choice during library today and are allowed to bring them home! PLEASE make sure your child brings them back to school next Friday to turn back in, so that they can check out another book.
/ Upcoming Trips / October 27th: Underwood Farms Pumpkin Patch
*This field trip can only cover the cost for 6 chaperones, which will be chosen through lottery system. All other chaperones should be prepared to pay $8 for the entrance fee.
*If you have not turned in a permission form yet, please do so by next Friday.
/ Scholastic
Orders / 1. Log into
2. Click on the “Register Now” button
3. Enter your information & click “Submit”
4. Enter your child’s name and the 5-digit activation code (L766G)
5. Choose Hannah Mak as the teacher & click “Start Shopping”
6. Choose the catalog and book #
7. All book orders will be delivered to the school
/ Character
Counts / Every month we will be honoring a student from the class for a character award! This is a special award that will be given to the child(ren) deserving of the monthly character award.
Character Trait:
October- JOY!
/ Dear Parents,
Please keep practicing the blending songs, blending three letter words, as well as writing and identifying numbers 0-20.
Mrs. Mak
Please contact me anytime:
School Phone #: 818)884-4710