Collaborative Research Seed Grants

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

2014 Competition

Terms of Reference

Purpose: The Collaborative Research Seed Grants (CRSG) program will provide seed funding for the formation and development of new interdisciplinary collaborative research teams. The intent is to:

(1) promote new collaborations that build on different scientific and scholarly backgrounds; (2) facilitate breakthroughs in solving research questions in a collaborative manner; and (3) position Schulich researchers to successfully respond to targeted RFPs from Tri-Council or other external funding agencies.

CRSG will support:

·  basic and clinical researchers forming new collaborations; or

·  faculty members from different disciplines/departments working together in a new area of research or approaching a problem in an innovative way.

The program is designed to help increase Schulich’s competitiveness in research involving innovative approaches and to build our portfolio of translational research projects.

Proposals which clearly describe a new project and new collaboration between faculty members are a priority.

Eligibility: CRSG is open to all faculty in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. The Principal Investigator (PI) must have her/his primary appointment in Schulich. While researchers from outside of Schulich may be collaborators or co-Investigators on projects, they may not be PIs.

Projects will only be eligible for funding once. Renewal applications will not be accepted. Applications for funds to augment or supplement currently funded projects will not be accepted. Proposals for clinical trials are not eligible for this competition. Project success should not be contingent on obtaining additional funds from other sources (in addition to CRSG).

Previous CRSG awardees will not be eligible to apply as PI for a new project until the funding period for their previous CCRSG award has elapsed (24 months).

Funding: A total of $250,000 is available for the 2014 competition. While there is no specified maximum amount for proposal budgets, we expect to fund 7-9 awards through this competition. For reference, awards from the 2013 competition averaged approximately $34,000. There is no obligation to dispense funds if applications do not meet the standards set by the terms of reference for the award.

Grants are intended to help seed a sustainable collaborative research program. Therefore, proposals must describe a definitive plan for sustaining the research effort after the CRSG funding ends.

Successful applicants will be expected to meet with the Vice Dean, Research and Innovation, and Schulich Research Officers to discuss their plans for seeking external funding to sustain the collaborative effort.

Location of Project: The research activity is expected to be performed at Schulich or an affiliated site. If another location is proposed, a justification must be provided.

Management of Funds: Funds will be administered through a research account established through Research Western.

A ROLA form to establish a research account at Western will be initiated for successful applicants following the adjudication of the competition. A ROLA is not required at the time of the application. If research involves human subjects, animals, or biohazards, appropriate approvals must be in place before funds can be accessed.

Award Duration: Projects are expected to begin Jan 1, 2015, and be completed by Dec 31, 2016. Funds must be utilized within 24 months from the date of award. Any unexpended funds at the end of the award period must be returned to Schulich.

Reports: A one-page progress report must be submitted to the Schulich Research Office at the end of the first year. A template for this progress report will be provided.

A final report signed by the PI and co-PI(s) must be submitted to the Schulich Research Office within 60 days after the project period end date. Please use Research Western’s template for this report.

It is expected that any presentations or published materials generated as a direct result of this funded research will acknowledge this award.

Application Process: Submit the application with required signatures in a single PDF file to by 4:00 p.m. EST on Friday, November 7, 2014.

Applications submitted with multiple PDF attachments will not be accepted. Separate attachments will not be accepted.

Adjudication: Proposals will be reviewed by a committee convened by the Vice Dean, Research and Innovation.

Questions: Any questions should be directed to Mady Hymowitz in the Schulich Research Office, or x86252.

Collaborative Research Seed Grants

Criteria for Review of Applications

Multidisciplinarity (20 pts) / ·  Does the research project entail a new multidisciplinary collaboration?
·  Does the proposed project have an innovative multidisciplinary thrust, and appropriately involve faculty researchers from multiple backgrounds, colleges or institutions?
·  Does the investigative team bring complementary and integrated expertise to the project?
·  Are the investigators appropriately trained and well suited to carry out the work?
Problem Description, Need Justified, & Impact (15 pts) / ·  Does the study address an important need or gap in the field?
·  If the study aims are achieved, will it generate new knowledge or add to existing knowledge in an innovative manner?
Innovativeness (10 pts) / ·  Are the theories, approaches, etc. novel to one field or novel in the broader sense?
Project Design (20 pts) / ·  Are the conceptual framework, design, methods and analyses adequately developed, well integrated, well-reasoned and appropriate to the aims of the project?
·  Can the project realistically meet its proposed timeline?
Prospect for Success / Environment (10 pts) / ·  Does the scientific environment in which the work will be done contribute to the probability of success?
·  Do the proposed studies benefit from unique features of the academic environment, subject populations or other regional resources?
Budget (5 pts) / ·  Is the budget reasonable?
·  Are additional resources available, if needed, to complete or enhance the study?
Funding Prospects (20 pts) / ·  Will it lead to attracting external funding?
·  Is there a definitive plan for attracting new research dollars from extramural sources to continue the work?
·  Do the applicants adequately justify why it is appropriate to apply for this intramural seed funding rather than apply to the target external agency now?


Revised July 2014

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Application form for 2014 Competition

Application Checklist: Please ensure that your complete application includes the following:

ð Complete application form, including necessary signatures

ð Project description (maximum 4 pages, not including references)

ð Appendices (if necessary, maximum of 3 pages for references, figures and tables)

ð Budget justification, including quotes for requested equipment costing more than $1,000.

[NOTE: this award is not intended to support acquisition of major equipment]

ð Mini CVs for PI and co-Investigator(s) (NIH Biosketch or similar brief CV)

ð Letters of support from key collaborators

ð If a resident is listed as a co-Investigator, attach a letter from the appropriate program director

confirming that the resident will have sufficient protected time for the project.

If this project will require any certification approvals from one or more of the following offices, please check the appropriate box below. If this is not applicable to your project, please leave unchecked.

ð  Human Subjects

ð  Animal Use Subcommittee

ð  Biohazards

Confirmation of protocol approval will be required if the application is funded.

Note: Reviewers will have appropriate knowledge, but will not be experts in your field. Write in language understandable to those in other disciplines, define terms where necessary, and proofread carefully.

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Application form for 2014 Competition

DEADLINE: 4:00 P.M., Friday November 7, 2014

1. Principal Investigator




2.1 Co-Investigator(s)

List all co-Investigators. Add additional lines if necessary.




2.2 Collaborator(s)

List collaborators. Add additional lines if necessary.

Name: Department:

Name: Department:

Name: Department:

3. Project Information

Project Title:

Keywords (max 5):

Total Amount Requested: $

4. Signatures

Insert lines for additional co-Investigator signatures, if necessary.

Signature of Principal Investigator: ______Date:

Signature of co-Investigator: ______Date:

Signature of Department Chair: ______ Date:

5. Lay Summary (200 words maximum) :

6. Project Description

Describe the project in detail and in terms capable of being understood by an academic from another discipline.
·  Maximum length of 4 pages, 12 point Times Roman, minimum 2 cm margins.
Include the following headings:
·  Project Goals(s), Specific Aims, Hypothesis and Applicability – description of the project that includes the purpose, specific aims, hypothesis and applicability to an interdisciplinary approach.
·  Background – discuss how the project builds on previous work by members of the team.
·  Research Team – describe the experience of the team members and what each team member brings to the collaboration.
·  Project Design and Methods – describe the activities to be undertaken by the team during the project. Include plans, methods, and timelines.
·  Up to 3 pages of Appendices may be included for figures, tables, and charts, and key references


Revised July 2014

7. Future plans (1 page maximum)

Describe plans for future collaborations by the team, including external funding opportunities that will be pursued. Include agency, program, expected timelines, and rationale. This may include federal, provincial, non-profit, international, and/or industry support.

8. Plans for Knowledge Translation (1/2 page maximum)

For reference, see CIHR’s definition of Knowledge Translation at

Examples of knowledge translation may include (but are not limited to):

-  Communications with lay audiences

-  Team-building for larger translational projects

-  Dissemination of results

-  Student outreach

9. Budget

Fill in the table below, and attach up to one page for budget justification. Additional lines may be added to the table, as necessary. Provide details for any other sources of support for the proposed project.

Item / CRSG $ / Other Sources $ / Total $
Salaries / Benefits
(provide detail of personnel in budget justification)
(provide detail in budget justification)
Total Budget

Ineligible Costs:

·  Support for new graduate students

·  Support for new postdoctoral fellows/associates.


·  Funding for personnel costs will typically be limited to Schulich personnel or Lawson/LHSC/SJHC personnel as appropriate. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

·  Funding for costs incurred by co-Investigators or collaborators from outside of Schulich will generally not be covered. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

·  Support for conference travel to present results of this study is limited to $1,500.

·  Requests for equipment costing more than $1,000 must be accompanied by quotes.

[NOTE: this award is not intended to support acquisition of major equipment]

10. Attachments

1.  Brief CV for applicant and co-applicant(s). (e.g. NIH Biosketch or similar brief CV.) The CV should highlight information relevant to the support of this application including current grants and recent publications.

2.  Letters of support from key collaborators.

3.  Quotes for equipment, if relevant.

4.  If a resident is listed as a co-Investigator, attach a letter from the appropriate program director confirming that the resident will have sufficient protected time for the project.


Revised July 2014