P.O. BOX 127




A regular business meeting of the Milltown Town Council was held on December 10, 2012 at the MilltownTown Hall. Present were:

Board Members: Curt Hudson, President

Jeanie Melton, Vice-President

Jerry Monty Garrett, Council Member

Town Officials:Susan Mills, Clerk-Treasurer

Jim Pevlor, Town Manager

Ray Saylor, Town Marshal

The meeting was held pursuant to notice, a copy of which is filed with these minutes.

Curt Hudsonconvened the meeting at 7:37 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the November 12, 2012meetingwere, upon motion by Jean Melton and seconded byMonty Garrett, approved with all ayes.

Approval of Claims:

Claims were reviewed and motion made by Monty Garrett, seconded by Jean Melton, to allow payment of all Civil Town Claimsfrom APV#1231-1341 totaling $39,447.63 and all Sewer Claims from APV# 1229-1341 totaling $9,762.46.

A discussion was held concerning Reports from Committees and Boards:

Parks Board:The Council is requesting volunteers for the Parks Board. They intend to update the board members during the year-end meeting.

Events Committee: Light up Milltown was a big success. The Council thanked Jim Pevlor and Martha Hickerson among others for all of their hard work.

Harrison County Regional Sewer District Board:Nothing to report as representative Bill Byrd was absent.

Indiana 15 Regional Planning Commission:Nothing to report as representative Bill Byrd was absent.

Cemetery Committee: Nothing reported, but the council did request a copy of the cemetery investment statement when available in January.

Economic Development Committee: Nothing to report as representative Bill Byrd was absent.

District 10 Indiana Emergency Management:No report given by representative Ray Saylor.

A discussion was held concerning Town Administrative Items:

Ray Saylor, Police Chief: (Report on file at the Clerk’s Office)Ray requested the Town Council to approve William Goerlitz as a new Reserve Officer. He stated that Mr. Goerlitz has completed all required training. After some discussion on the matter, Jean Melton moved to approve Mr. Goerlitz with the contingency that Monty Garrett, after meeting Mr. Goerlitz, could decline and this motion would not pass. This was based on the fact that both Jean Melton and Curt Hudson had recently met and spoken with Mr. Goerlitz, but Mr. Garrett had yet to have the opportunity. Curt Hudson seconded the motion. Next, Ray gave an update on property located on Day Lane that needs to be cleaned up. Due to a death in the family, Ray is giving the owners extra time to clean up the property. Ray also informed the council that while most of the radios in the police station were brought up to the new code, that there were two radios that were not able to be updated. The police department is looking at two used radios that will bring the police station into compliance with the new radio law taking effect on January 1, 2013. Finally,Ray informed the council that his new vehicle has been ordered and will be in sometime around the beginning of the year.


Jim Pevlor, Town Manager: (Report on file at Clerk-Treasurer’s Office). Jim thanked everyone for their help in making Light up Milltown a success. Jim let the council know that the new electric heaters have been installed in the new shop, the town truck now has new tires, the Town has received 25 tons of salt in preparation for inclement weather, and the Town vehicles have all been prepared for the winter. The summer equipment is now in storage at the Town Shop and Sewer Plant. He also let the Council know that both Town generators have been serviced for winter.

Susan Mills, Clerk-Treasurer: (Report on file at Clerk-Treasurer’s Office). Susan Mills read the Treasurer’s report of Funds Received in November, 2012.

Treasurer of CrawfordCounty (Certified Shares)
Treasurer of CrawfordCounty (GEN-PTRC)
First Saving’s Bank (Interest from Cemetery CD)
Treasurer of HarrisonCounty (Gen-Property Taxes)
Treasurer of HarrisonCounty (Gen Excise)
Treasurer of HarrisonCounty ( Extra Certified Shares)
Treasurer of HarrisonCounty ( Extra-PTRC))
Auditor of the State (MVH General Property Taxes)
Auditor of the State (LRS General Property Taxes)
First Saving’s Bank (October General Interest)
Dr. Patrick Click (Medical Bldg.)
Bill Terry (General Lease)
Auditor of the State (Operation Pull Over Grant)
Sewer Operating (October Payment to Riverboat)
Treasurer of CrawfordCounty (CEDIT –CountyOption Tax)
Treasurer of HarrisonCounty (CEDIT-County Option Tax)
Treasurer of HarrisonCounty (Extra Cedit)
BlueRiver Regional (Garbage and Trash Collection)
BlueRiver Regional ( Garbage and Trash Collection )
Civil Town Totals:
Blue River Regional Water District (Sewage Fees)
Blue River Regional Water District (Sewage Fees)
Kelly Skaggs (Meter Deposit)
Laura Holmes (Meter Deposit)
Mellissa Reiff (Meter Deposit)
Sewer Totals:
TOTAL: / $ 597.45
$ 216.42
$ 79.78
$ 1,349.33
$ 445.85
$ 127.88
$ 42.24
$ 1,441.31
$ 276.20
$ 81.40
$ 900.00
$ 281.10
$ 2,476.00
$ 3,000.00
$ 1,150.84
$ 836.33
$ 79.11
$ 2,246.08
$ 2,223.62
$ 17,850.94
$ 8,174.33
$ 7,974.73
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 100.00
$ 16,449.06
$ 34,300.00

Susan gave the Council documents from Keystone regarding off-site storage of Town data and checks. The Council will review and make a recommendation at the year-end Meeting. Susan then mentioned the ADA grievance plan and complaint form as well as the self-evaluation and transition plan that the ADA is now requiring Towns and Cities have in place. The Council will check with resident Michael May to see if he is willing to set on the Grievance Committee. The other two members would be Monty Garrett and Susan Mills. The Clerk-Treasurer position, currently Susan, will be the ADA Coordinator. More discussion on this will take place at the year-end Meeting.

Town Council:After some discussion, the Town Council announced the year-end Meeting would be held onDecember 27, 2012at7:30p.m.with the location being the Town Hall. The Council also discussed the need to find out from the Town Attorney the process for condemning local buildings. Susan Mills will becommunicating with the Town Attorneyand will gather this information.

A discussion was held concerning Citizen Requests and Comments:

There were no citizen requests or comments.

Upon motion made by Jean Melton and seconded by Monty Garrett, the meeting was declared adjourned at 9:34 p.m.


Curt Hudson, PresidentSusan Mills, Clerk-Treasurer

Jeanie Melton, Vice President

Jerry M. Garrett, Council Member