Kettlewell with Starbotton Parish Council

Meeting held Wednesday 1 July 2015, 7:30pm in Kettlewell Village Hall

Present: Cllr Belk (chair), Cllr Appleton, Cllr Charlton, Cllr Parker, Clerk, District Cllr Clark and 11 parishioners.

Apologies: Cllr Nelson (at work).

1.  Declarations of interest

Cllr Charlton declared an interest in the planning application for Old School House, Starbotton.

2.  Minutes of previous meetings

It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2015 were a correct record.

3.  Matters arising from previous meetings:

Cllr Belk to email Clerk with names of the four people who had agreed to join the Playground Committee, along with Cllrs Belk and Parker. Action Cllr Belk

The door of the defibrillator box in Starbotton should be registered and the door would be looked at, as it is very stiff. Action Clerk/ Mr Wilkinson

A bid for a defibrillator for Kettlewell would be made to BHF. Action Clerk

Mr Wilkinson had reviewed Kettlewell hydrants and found several in poor repair. A plan of Starbotton had now been supplied and hydrants would be checked. Action Mr Wilkinson

Barclay's Bank mandate to be completed. Action Cllr Appleton

Professional servicing the clock would be continued.

Cllr Belk had contacted YDNP over the S106 agreements and would forward comments to the Clerk. Action Cllr Belk

Changes to Highways’ grass cutting, further dog waste bins and resilience planning would be progressed. Action Clerk

The Kettlewell post box is to be made secure (on the Village Store’s side) by Royal Mail.

4.  Clerk’s report

The report was noted.

5.  Streetlight update

There were no reports of lighting problems.

6.  NYCC public transport consultation

Councillors reported on meetings held/ to be held and active engagement with other parishes to identify proposals avoiding the loss of all bus services to the parish. It was agreed that the Clerk should write to Julian Smith MP and would circulate a draft for comment. Action Clerk

7.  NYCC and CDC Report

Cllr Clark gave a report to the meeting.

8.  Correspondence

It was noted:

·  That there was to be a motor bike trial passing through village (7 July).

·  Use of YDNP car park for unplanned cycling events was one that YDNP were aware of and working to deter. Agreed that it was not a matter for the council.

·  No one was able to attend the Police meeting (24 June).

·  Grass cutting in Starbotton would continue, as per contract.

·  Kettlewell School had achieved an Ofsted rating of ‘good’ and would be commended. Action Clerk

9.  YLCA template financial regulations

After brief discussion it was agreed a parish specific version would be brought to the next meeting. Action Clerk

10.  To receive report on accounts and agree payment.

The Clerk reported that there had been no correspondence from the auditor. There was £4803 in the Barclays Business Saver and £39 in the Barclays Community Account.

It was resolved to pay £430 to Metcalf and Wilding for parish grass cutting; £21.29 to the Clerk for postage stamps; and £403.59 to Community First for insurance. Acton Clerk

11.  Planning

C/46/107F/LDC application for a certificate of lawfulness for existing works Old School House, Starbotton had been withdrawn and would be followed-up. Action Cllr Belk

It was noted that:

·  C/46/64E/LB a revised application for listed building consent wood burning stove – Box Tree Cottage, Starbotton had been granted subject to conditions.

·  Two conifer trees are to be felled in the grounds of Lilac Cottage, Starbotton.

12.  Matters raised by the public

The council was asked to state its view on local occupancy S106 agreements.

The asses list for the council should include a half share of coffin bier.

13.  Date of the next meeting

Date of the next meeting 2 September at 7:30pm in Kettlewell Village Hall.