Ash Wednesday

When: March 1, 2006

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Christian season of Lent and a sign of penitence. During Lent, Christians must fast and give up things they like. The Lenten season lasts for 46 days.

On Ash Wednesday, Christians go to mass and receive ashes on their foreheads in the sign of the cross. It is a reminder of from "Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust". It means that we came from dust and we shall return to dust, referring to our earthly bodies, not our souls.

Did you know? The ashes you receive are from the prior years palms.

National Anthem Day

When: Always March 3rd

The Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem of the United States of America. It was written by Francis Scott Key. National Anthem Day celebrates this song, and the rich history behind its creation. The song officially became our national anthem on March 3, 1931.

Ides of March

When: March 15th

The Ides of March is the first day of the Roman New Year. It also marks the first day of spring in the Roman calendar.

On this day in history, Julius Caesar was warned by soothsayers to "beware of the Ides of March". Apparently, he did not heed the warning strongly enough as he was stabbed by Marcus Brutus on the Ides of March in 44 BC.

April Fools Day

When: April1st

Traditionally, this day is an opportunity for playing jokes or tricks on one another. The stranger and the more absurd the better. The challenge is to carry out a trick that is believable, if only for a little while. Tricks are most successful if played earlier in the day before a person is wise to what is going on. Younger children are also more gullible.

Any tricks or jokes must be harmless and in good taste for the unsuspecting "victim". And, we suggest you think twice before pulling one on the boss, even if he or she is known to be of good humor.

International Tatting Day

When: Always on April 1st

Tatting Day has been celebrated internationally for over 4 years now. April 1st is the International Tatting Day.

Tatting is a needlepoint skill of making delicate, elegant tatted lace. It is enjoyed by thousands of people.

On this day, "tatters" around the world have different activities, mostly educational, to celebrate their hobby, and introduce it to others. Often, they celebrate by eating chocolates and making tatted lace.

National Walk to Work Day

When: First Friday in April

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy G. Thompson declared the first National Walk to Work Day as April 2, 2004. With obesity and sedentary lifestyles growing at an alarming rate, National Walk to Work Day was initiated to draw attention to the need to get out and exercise, and to get in shape.

On this day, Americans are encouraged to walk to work. If you can't walk to work, then walkduring lunch time, or another time of the day. The goal is to walk 30 minutes a day. Health officials are hoping this will encourage people to add a 30 minute walk to their daily lives. Health officials, medical agencies, and medical organizations around the country state that a 30 minute walk will significantly improve you health. The benefits are many, including lower weight, less chance of heart disease, less risk of diabetes, and much more. This translates to a longer and healthier life.

Unmentioned in other articles, are the emotional and mental benefits of walking. Walking is relaxing and peaceful. If you walk in a park, or along a waterfront, it can be captivating. Need a quick picker upper? Take a walk today.

Note: Walking is free of charge. And, as of this writing there is no tax on walking, either.

So, if you can't walk to work today, walk 30 minutes at a convenient time. Then, make it apart of your daily life.