Minutes of the meeting of The Crypt School Governors 25th January, 2016

The Crypt School

Minutes of the meeting of the full Governing Bodyheld on 25th January 2016 at 4.00pm

Present:Richard James (Chair), Nick Dyer (Headmaster), Clare Chad-Daniels, Gordon Taylor, Alison Borley, Birgit Whitman, Grant Stevens, David Hall, Glenn Webster.

Attendees:Joanne Hitchings (Company Secretary/Bursar), Phil Stanlake (Deputy Head), Janette Hicks (Clerk)

Apologies:Mike Evans, James Price, Rob Blade, Dylan Green, David Preece, Jeremy Bird.

AGM – Financial Report, Audited Accounts & Headmaster’s Report:
All Governors received a copy of the Finance Manager’s report. No questions were raised and the audited accounts were accepted by Governors. Governors also received a copy of the Headmaster’s report. A word of thanks was given to staff. No parents attended the AGM.

Understanding school exam and performance data presented by Dave Peck:

DavePeck commenced his presentation by highlighting to Governors the role of Governors and the current government strategy which is the enhancement of data to empower governors. Dave Peck guided Governors through the sources of data and the date such data becomes available for Governors to review. Dave Peck explained to Governors the characteristics of each data source and usefulness when considering school performance. In particular Dave Peck highlighted that the ‘Dashboard’provided performance ‘headlines’ only with an emphasis on disadvantaged pupil performance. Additionally, the PANDA report was considered to be of limited use due to late publication in the academic year.

Significant time was spent looking at the RAISE Online report. Dave Peck explained to Governors that the first publication of the report contains unvalidated data and therefore does not include re-marks. Dave Peck guided Governors through the data pages aimed specifically at Governors, looking at year on year trends and national comparison. Dave Peck stressed to Governors the importance of analysing and understanding the data in the context of a school with outstanding status. The presentation was concluded with a discussion on the subjects highlighted within the data as needing attention.

1. / Chairman & Vice Chair Elections: Richard James and Glenn Webster were both re-appointed as Chair and Vice Chair.
2. / Apologies: As above, approved by Governors.
Clerks Business: Governors were made aware of the new information portal and advised that meeting documentation would now be available to access from the portal. User names and passwords to be issued.
DH asked Governors to consider the use of a projector at future meetings to display the information being discussed. Governors agreed that this would be a good idea when looking at policies etc. / JTH
3. / Declaration of Interest: None
4. / Minutes of the last meeting:Governors present to include DH & JB.
Approved. / JTH
5. / Matters arising from previous minutes:
  • Clare Chad-Daniels to continue as staff Governors for a further year.
  • RDJ to issue Link Governor Framework toGovernors.
6. / Chairman
  • Admissions Consultation: Governors were provided with a copy of the consultation response letters prior to the meeting. All Governors confirmed that they had read the letters and considered the reasons for objecting to the increase in PAN. In light of the consultation response all Governors agreed to proceed with the increase in pupil numbers from 112 to 140 in 2017. The Governors outlined the following reasons in support for their approval to proceed with the increase:
  1. Increased PAN opposition (3 letters) was noted but a need for a change in plans not identified.
  2. Governors recognised that the current intake is already 135 and therefore the school is aligning admission numbers with the current pupil intake.
  3. Surplus and demand data for the county confirms that demand exceeds supply in both Gloucester & Cheltenham and therefore an increase in pupil places at the Crypt school will meet this recognised demand.
  4. Governors believe that grammar school presence does not undermine the performance of comprehensive schools. Governors are of the opinion that it is outstanding school status which causes the movement of pupils and not grammar school status.
  5. With regard to concerns over increased pupil travel within the county, it is anticipated that pupils will be drawn from the expanding Gloucester/Cheltenham and the immediate local area.
  • HoD Interviews – RDJ requested Governor attendance at the forthcoming Head of Physics & Head of Computing interviews. GW & BW to sit on interview panel.

7. / Company Secretary Report:
  • Qtr 1 Mgt Accounts –Governors were informed by JH that the school is forecast to breakeven and a reminder that the original budget for the year shows a £17k surplus. JH explained that the slightly less favourable position is due to lower than budgeted contributions to the school fund. Governors discussed ways to improve this situation including; charging for revision clinics etc, moving towards standing orders, specific campaign contributions and reminder letters.

8. / Headmaster’s Report
Governors were provided with a copy of the Headmasters report prior to the meeting.
  • Academic Progress – ND guided Governors through Year 11,12,13 concerns & intervention programmes in place to ensure targets are met in the Summer.
  • Staff & Curriculum Update – Governors were advised on current vacancies and curriculum changes.
  • Mixed Intake Progress – Staff have been informed about school plans to consult on moving to a co-educational school in Sept 2018.
  • Teaching School Update – Report supplied by Charlotte Sturge.
RDJ emphasised to Governors the importance of meeting and chatting to pupils. RDJ suggested attending pupil meetings. BW expressed an interest in supervising and meeting pupils in detention, AB also to be involved. PS to action. / PS
11. / Committee Reports:
  • RSP – Q1 results, fund raising and staff changes discussed.
  • PHS – Defibrillator purchased. Exceptional H&S audit – staff thanked.
  • Audit– Meeting Cancelled.

12. / Policy Reviews:
  • Harassment & Bullying – not statutory requirement. Duplicated sentence 9.3. Position to be added to 10.1. Tidy and re-issue.
  • Health & Safety – name changes made. Std County Policy. CCD requested that food specific guidelines are included. BW asked whether a policy covered intruders. ND to raise with risk management group.
  • Homework – 3 homework set per term changed to once a fortnight.
  • Marking – changes reflect current practice.
All policies approved. / JTH
13 / AOB:
Next Meeting Date: 9th May 2016

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