FVL House 2016.2017Group Application

  1. Please list the names and UD ID numbers of the 7 members of the proposed FVL House Community.

The group needs to submit one group application (which will require group discussion and collaboration). Thefollowing questions are coordinated with the general Special Interest Housing application. Essays are to be written in paragraph form with proper grammar. For the selected FVL House community, this information will be able to be uploaded to the Special Interest Housing application with Housing and Residence Life once the system goes live in January.

Please indicate that you agree with the FVL House Mission Statement

As members of the Faith, Vocation, and Leadership House, we seek to live out the mission of the Program for Christian Leadership in communitythrough prayer, hospitality, and Christian servant-leadership. Grounded in and formed by the Catholic and Marianist traditions,

we strive to be an inviting community, challenging ourselves, UD students, and others to grow in faith, intentionally exploring vocation, and living in a wayconsistent with our faith traditions through active discernment of God’s will.

Each section (numbered 2-5) requires at least one paragraph of explanation/discussion. The essay should address all of the following

  1. At the end of the 2016-2017 Academic Year what do you want your house to be known for? What do you want the community living in your house to have accomplished? Specifically:
  2. Servant leaders actively participate in creating solutions for problems which threaten the well-being of the community. How will your house accomplish this?
  3. The University of Dayton is an educational environment. Describe how your house will contribute to and enrich the academic purpose of the university.
  4. What goals will help you achieve this? (Goals)
  5. Please list 2-3 SMART* goals.
  6. How will your goals improve or contribute to the community as described in the University of Dayton's Commitment to Community** document?
  7. How are the goals you identified above reflective of your recognized student organization's mission/goals?
  8. What is your plan to achieve these goals?
  9. What timeline and specific steps can you commit to in order to accomplish the goals you have identified?
  10. What resources and opportunities have you identified to support your plan?
  11. Accountability
  12. How will you, as a house, hold residents accountable to the plan?
  13. In accordance with university policy and state law, how will your house community determine and communicate group expectations for living in the house?
  14. What are your house rules? Agreements?
  15. How frequently will you meet to review and revise your rules and agreements?
  16. How will you as a group address any violations of university policy, organizational rules, or group agreements?
  17. Advisors are integral to the success of your house. Describe the role your advisor plays in your house.
  18. What expectations have you identified for the advisor's role in supporting your house community, your goals, and your plan?
  19. What assistance and/or advice do they provide?
  20. How will you communicate with your advisor? How frequently will this occur?
  21. Please detail how you intend to ensure full occupancy of the house for the 2016-2017 academic year
  22. What measures do you have in place should a member of the group application decide to move out of the house at any point?

FVL House 2016.2017Individual Application

Each member of the prospective FVL House Community must complete and sign the following individual application and return electronically to Elizabeth Montgomery, Coordinator, Program for Christian Leadership at by DECEMBER 9, 2015.

Name:Cell phone number

Current Address:

E-mail Address:

Major(s)Expected Year of Graduation:

Please answer the following questions with at least 1-2 paragraphs per question.

  1. Why are you interested in living in the Faith, Vocation, and Leadership (FVL) Community?
  1. What would you bring to the FVL Community (i.e. gifts & talents, hopes & dreams, struggles)?
  1. What is your understanding of vocation?
  1. Have you had any interaction with members of the current FVL House community?

From your observations this year, in what ways do you think the FVL Community house has positively influenced life in the student neighborhood? Describe ways you think the FVL House could positively influence the student neighborhood in 2016-2017.

  1. One goal of the FVL Community is to share Christian living and faith exploration with your peers. Describe your approach to spirituality or describe your prayer life. What aspects would you be willing to share with others (with your house community, with other students in the neighborhood)?
  1. Community life brings with it many challenges. Based on your experience of living with roommates, describe some challenges you anticipate may occur in a community living situation. Please be as specific as possible. How might you use your own “people skills” and faith to help you and your community navigate through these challenges?

I have read the mission statement and expectations of living ina Faith, Vocation, and Leadership house community. I am willing to make the commitment to living in intentional community.

