Junior High Rules

Junior High students at St. Louise Parish School are expected to behave in a manner that reflects Gospel values and positive leadership. The school rules as outlined in the “Red Handbook” apply and what follows is mainly further illumination of those rules.


Ø  Good attendance increases the possibility of success in school. When an absence is absolutely necessary, the student is responsible for communicating with teachers and making up assignments.

Ø  Study Buddies are organized by homeroom. Study Buddies are responsible for writing down what was done during class and what is assigned for homework. That list will be available for pick-up at the absent student’s homeroom at the end of the day (if the Study Buddy follows the designated procedure!)

Ø  Planned absence forms are available in each junior high homeroom and can also be found online. The form needs to be signed by a parent prior to checking with each teacher to determine whether or not work will need to be completed during the absence.

Ø  The completed form must be submitted to Mrs. Herridge no later than the end of recess the day prior to being absent.

Ø  In most cases, if the teacher prepares work prior to the absence, it is expected that the work will be completed when the student returns to school. The usual late homework policies will apply if the student neglects to complete the work.

Ø  In order to receive credit for quizzes/tests, all assignments must be completed and turned in.

Respect for Property and the Learning Environment

Ø  Do not chew gum at school.

Ø  A healthy snack is allowed during the morning break from 10:25-10:35. It must be consumed in designated classrooms, in the locker bay or in the hallway immediately outside designated classrooms (NOT in bathroom). Students are expected to clean up after themselves. This is a privilege not a right; it can be taken away!

Ø  Food and drink are allowed at lunchtime or with the permission of the teacher. This rule is in effect from morning arrival until the afternoon carpool bell.

Ø  Chewing gum or eating/drinking without permission or in an undesignated area will result in a Time Out Think Sheet. A repeated offense will result in 30 minutes of service.

Ø  Keep all textbooks covered; books are expensive and it is the student’s responsibility to care for assigned books. No adhesive covers, please. Failure to do so will result in a $1.00 fine. End of year book fines can range from $1.00 to the full cost of the book (can be as expensive as $65-75).

Ø  Each student will be provided with a locker and lock; homeroom teachers will keep a list of combinations and master key. Lock replacement fee is $10.

Ø  Lockers are to be kept clean with no tape or adhesive use. Lockers are the property of the school and students can expect periodic locker checks.

Ø  Switching locks, going into others’ lockers or any other “foul play” will result in disciplinary action and a fine:

o  If a student does not lock his/her locker with the assigned lock (this means spinning the dial after shutting the shackle so the padlock stays locked), he/she will choose between paying a $5.00 fine or giving 30 minutes of service

o  If a student misuses a padlock or locker, including but not limited to putting on the lock backward or switching/hiding a classmate’s lock, he/she will choose between paying a $10 fine or giving 60 minutes of service.

Ø  All personal property must be kept in a locker or classroom. Personal property left in the locker bays during class will be removed and the student subject to a fine and/or service.

Ø  Honor the property of others by not getting into lockers backpacks or other personal possessions.

Ø  Do not write on desks, book covers, backpacks, clothing, body parts, etc. Consequences will vary depending on infraction including the possibility of replacing an item.

Ø  In order to discourage last-minute completion of homework that should have been completed the night before, and to remove any resemblance of cheating, students are not allowed to work on written homework assignments at the junior high waiting area in the morning prior to 8:30. If for extenuating and rare circumstances, students need to work on written homework in the morning, they are welcome to go inside to a junior high teacher’s classroom (including the math room), provided the teacher is present.

Designated Areas

Ø  The only acceptable designated places on campus are those supervised by adults.

Ø  As you pass between classes, do so quietly and stay to the right side of the hallway or stairway. While waiting to enter, line up next to the wall.

Ø  Gain permission from the teacher before entering or exiting a classroom. The ringing of a bell does not dismiss a class, the teacher does.

Ø  If you are sent to another classroom, there is no need to knock. Quietly enter; please do not interrupt or distract that class in any way.

Ø  When going beyond the junior high hallway, always take a buddy. It is not necessary to take a buddy when going to classrooms on the second floor.

Ø  Before and during the school day, Junior High students are to use the main staircase. They are to use the west stairway after dismissal in the afternoon and for evacuation of the building (from rooms 7A and 7B).

Ø  Remember that junior high passing times are different from other grade levels. Please move quickly and quietly on the stairway and through the halls.

Ø  The elevator is off limits unless permission is given by a school faculty or staff member.

Phones & Electronic Devices

Ø  Use of school phones is for urgent situations only and at discretion of the classroom teacher.

Ø  Cell phones and/or other electronic devices must be turned off and stored in the locker during the school day. The specifics for using electronic devices are detailed in the School Policies. In short,

o  An exception is the use of technology for school-approved activities at the teacher’s discretion.

o  Families take responsibility if a device is damaged, lost or stolen This rule is in effect from morning arrival until the afternoon carpool bell.

o  Students are not allowed to use any device to play games, music or non-essential programs except with special permission by the teacher

o  Students are not allowed to use devices in the hallways, playground or outside during carpool wait times

o  Misuse of any approved device will result in disciplinary action and the device will be given to the vice-principal for the parent to retrieve. Continual misuse may result in the student forfeiting the privilege to return the device to school.

Breaks/Transition Times

Ø  Stay within specified playground areas and play kindly and sanely.

Ø  Follow all instructions given to you by playground supervisors. They are your teachers on the playground.

Ø  If you need to leave the playground for any reason, be sure to get a pass.

Ø  The library, computer lab, music, math, student services and art rooms will be open during most lunch breaks to give students the opportunity to complete work in those subjects. In addition to signing-up in the homeroom students must sign-up with the specialist before going to these rooms (with the exception of the library). You must stay in the designated room until break ends.

Ø  Students do not need to sign-up to go to another junior high classroom or the playground during lunch break.

Ø  Bathroom use or quick check-ins with junior high teachers do not require signing up unless it will take longer than 5 minutes.


Ø  Bathrooms may be used between classes and at the lunch recess. It is not necessary to get permission to use the bathroom unless you will be late for class or are leaving the playground early. Always remember to “hush, flush, wash & rush”.

Ø  Junior high students must use only the second floor restrooms near the computer lab and library.


Ø  Refer to red Parent Handbook for uniform specifics. Please wear the proper uniform and label all your clothing. An infraction could result in a Uniform Slip and/or the loss of a Non-Uniform privilege.

Ø  Shirts are to be tucked and sweater/fleece should be worn properly or hung in your locker. Spare fleeces or sweaters are available in a spare locker for use on cold days, Mass days and/or for Honor Guards.

Ø  Skirts/shorts/skorts are to be no shorter than 3” above the crease of the back of the leg; length will be measured each trimester.

Ø  Jewelry must be worn in moderation; it may not be distracting or physically endangering in any way (girls may only wear one stud earring in each ear).

Ø  Hairstyles cannot be extreme (no coloring; boys’ hair needs to be above the collar and boys’ and girls’ hair must not cover the eyes).


Ø  We are a community within a community. Please, no “Public Displays of Affection” (PDA’s): hand holding, kissing or affectionate hugging. It’s not so much that any of this is wrong, but it is the wrong place to do it. Infractions may result in parents being contacted and disciplinary action taken.

Ø  DO include all students. Whether it’s on the playground, during classes, between classes or at a social function, please be considerate of the feelings of others. Take a risk; welcome someone into your circle of friends. We’ll all be happier as a result.

Ø  Most importantly, remember to treat others with respect and kindness. We are all in this together!