A Newsletter for RESIDENTS of Pembrooke Ridge Court

Issue 5March 2017

2016 was a very productive year for our Association and our financial posture reflects it. I’ll talk more about that later. Some questions we hear about the Association are:

Why are the monthly dues so high compared to other communities? We hear this from realtors and residents alike. As a community we are responsible for the roadways, two ponds, the sewer and water, the common area electricity, and the lawns and landscapes. Most other communities do not have ponds, roadways and sewer and water as a part of their HOA dues. The chart below for the breakdown of where the money goes. Between sewer and water, landscaping, lawn maintenance and general repairs we use up 85% of the monies collected. Contrary to what some may think there is no “excess”, we collect what is required to keep the community current.

Can the HOA take over the responsibility for exterior painting? The simple answer is yes! The estimated cost to paint a unit in the community the right way is roughly $2,000. To repaint the entire community would be $76,000 [38 x 2,000]. Assuming we repaint every 10 years [120 months],we would increase the monthly dues by $45-50/month to build the painting fund. [76,000 / 120 /38]. So yes it can be done, but it would require an increase in dues or a one-time assessment.

Why are the values of our homes not competitive? The Board has actually done some research with the local real-estate agents to help answer that question. Unfortunately the answer is probably not what you want to hear. Homes that have been updated, maintained, and kept current sell faster than others. The realtors we spoke with said things like polished brass door handles and light fixtures, laminate counter tops, tile floors, 4x4 white tile, original bathroom fixtures, original appliances, original heating and air conditioning systems, faded paint colors, etc. are the number one reasons homes lose their competitive advantage and take a long time to sell. If you are considering selling, walk through any new construction home and see how your home compares.

So what is happening in Pembrooke Ridge?

The Board of Directors would like to report on some very positive actions in the Community:

  • We are continuing to improve the exteriors of our Units and since last year we have had over fifteen Units “updated” with new wall painting, replacing and painting trim boards, and in several cases replacing windows with more efficient models. We have had several questions about window replacement and our position is that the replacement windows must not change the appearance of the Unit. We not only encourage Homeowners to improve the appearance of their Units but to also take advantage of new materials that can be used as replacements for the original materials and will provide a more efficient option for heat and cooling control.
  • As you can see above, sewer and water expense represents about a fourth of our monthly expenses, To that point, please repair water leaks as soon as possible and be sensible with water usage; we not only pay for the water but we also are charged when it goes down the drain!
  • Please remember, for any changes to the exterior of your unit you are required to submit and have approved the Architectural Change Request (ARC). This request serves to protect everyone in the community fairly and equally. In the case of replacement parts such as windows or doors, send a picture of the “original” part as is, then after the ARC is approved and the replacements made, send the Board a picture of the replacement parts. This will provide evidence that the replacement does not change the appearance.
  • Remember, the Board made a decision last year that if you choose not to replace your awnings you may remove them. Dize Awning Company has the replacement specifications and can be reached at (336) 978-1829. No Architectural Change Request (ARC) is required for you to remove an awning; be sure to remove all the supporting structures as well and paint or repair any damages caused by the removal.
  • Last year in Davie County the average home prices rose 3% (not much, but going up!) If we continue the improvements of our Units we will increase the value of our properties
  • As you may have noticed, we have made some esthetic improvements in the landscaping around the Community. We have completed the first two phases of our Cleanup, Restoration, Beautification and Maintenance Program and are continuing the Project by acting on some of the Beautification items. We are always open to your suggestions on making the Community more attractive. We will update you further at the Annual Meeting in April.
  • Some of the challenges around the community are; regular cleanup and maintenance, improper use of carports [you are not permitted to hang tools, bikes, etc. in exposed areas of the carports] unsightly porch and deck furniture, unsightly or worn exterior trim. We have also had some recent complaints is vehicles parked in the Common Areas that were had expired license tags; these will be towed if not registered correctly. Also, remember that animals must be on a leash.
  • Be a good citizen of the community, help your neighbor, attend Board meetings for PembrookeRidge and/or Bermuda Run

And what can we look forward to in 2017?

  • The Upper parking areas and driveways parallel to Bing Crosby Blvd. will be patched and sealed in the spring.
  • Fountains will be turned on around the first day of Spring and remain on until around November 1st.
  • We are planning to do a Sewer System Evaluation as soon as practical to attempt to remediate potential sewage problems for residents (The present sewer system was part of the original construction planning and is over thirty years old.)
  • We have renewed the Landscaping contract with Yadkin Valley Landscaping for 2017. However, the Board will be asking for your input on their performance and recommendations for future contracts and we will prepare a Request for Bids to be presented to at least three suppliers later this year.
  • As we have done for the past two years, we will provide a service to clean out the gutters after the leaves have fallen in the Fall.
  • If you would like to recommend a vendor or supplier, such as painter, carpenter, etc. you may use a Web Form to submit to AMG so the information and comments can be added to our Association Web Site, Your neighbors will appreciate you sharing your experiances.
  • Last but not least, the Board welcomes our Homeowners and Renters to attend our Board meetings to discuss any issues, make suggestions, or offer assistance. We will set aside time before our scheduled meetings exclusively for you to meet and communicate with us. Contact AMG (see below) to schedule a time and you will be added to the agenda; we will be publishing a list of meeting dates at the Annual Meeting in April.

Your Board welcomes input and suggestions. Send suggestions to or call (336) 273-8600 or toll-free (888) 980-4264or speak with one of us. We are working diligently on your behalf to ensure the community maintains a financial reserve in case of a major setback, to develop plans to enhance the community, to help increase property values, to ensure the community maintains consistency for the future, and to develop a sense of community. It is our pleasure to serve you.