Pan London Practice Assessment Document

From September 2014 the new PAD will be implemented for:

-Year 1 students on BSc Nursing and Post Graduate Diploma Programmes

-Year 2 students on the BSc Nursing Programme

NB – Year 3 BSc students (Sept 12) and Year 2 PG Dip (Sept 13) students will use the PLD for their final year. All students will be using the new PAD from September 2015.

Key Components of the New PAD

Each document is known as ‘Parts’ to reflect the NMC progression points – for e.g. in the BSc nursing programme Part 1 will be equivalent to Year 1.

An initial, mid-point and final assessment must be completed for all students.

All aspects are assessed as ‘achieved’ or ‘not achieved’. Criteria areincluded in the PAD.

Service user feedback is to be sought (via the mentor)– where relevant.

Access to learning opportunities with other health care professionals to be encouraged.

Mentor/co-mentor/supervisor signatures to be included and mentors need to indicate date of last mentor update.

Grading of practice continues for Middlesex University students.

All students will have an Ongoing Achievement Record (OAR, i.e. one document for the whole programme in which each mentor will document their final comments.

There are 3 main components to the assessment, as outlined below.

Professional Values –all must be assessed at mid point and final interview and ‘achieved’ in each placement.Failure to achieve on reassessment may result in referral to Fitness to Practice panel and discontinuation from the programme.

Essential Skills – these reflect the NMC essential skills Clusters and Standards of Competence.

These skills can be assessed in a range of placements but must be ‘achieved’ at least once in each Part or else progression to the next Part will not be permitted.

Ifa student has received ‘achieved’ in one placement but then ‘not achieved’ in the next placement the Link Lecturer must be informed and this reflected in the assessment of ‘Professional Values’. Consistency in performance between placements must be maintained.

If any Essential Skills are not assessed / not available then the column is left blank.

Episode of Care –As a mentor you must observe the student carrying out a specific aspect of care i.e. ‘an episode of care’ (for e.g. supporting personal care) and ask him / her to reflect on the care given prior to you completing the assessment documentation. This assessment must be achieved by the end of the Part (may include one reassessment opportunity). There is one episode to be completed in Part I and 2 and two episodes in Part 3.

If concerns are highlightedat any stage during the placement then the Link Lecturer must be informed and an Action Plan completed (template included)

PBLU Middlesex March 2014