UCC Sixth Form Application Form 2016


Before completing this application form, please refer to the entry criteria, latest sixth form curriculum model and course information flyers on the Ullswater Community College website.

1. Your Details
Please complete this form and return it to UCC marked for the attention of
Mr R Jackson (Head of Sixth Form)
Legal Names / Name and Address of Current School
Home Address / UCI Number (this will have been issued by your previous school and is your unique identifier)
Home Telephone Number / Parent/Guardian Mobile Number
Student Mobile Number / Date of Birth
Parent/Guardian Names / e-mail Address
2. Your Qualifications
Please attach your latest school report. For information, we will need to see proof of your final GCSE grades in August.
3. Institutions being applied to
Please indicate the Post 16 Providers you are applying to:
First choice
Second choice
Third choice
4. Personal Statement
This space can be used to explain why you wish to be considered for a place in the sixth form at Ullswater Community College:
5.Your Choices
The majority of students will be following three, two year A Level or equivalent courses. You should choose courses from 3 of the 4 blocks.(Please refer to the latest curriculum model and guidance, found on the Prospectus page of the school’s website). If you would like to take four A Level courses, please email: to arrange an interview.
Block U / Block V / Block W / Block X

Other alternative full time courses:

EYE Diploma in Early Years Education
Level 2 Motor Vehicle
Preparing for Working Life
6. Your Learning
Please note if you have any medical condition, illness or any disability that might affect your studies (E.g. epilepsy, diabetes, asthma)
Please note if you hold an Education, Health and Care Plan, or if you have a Special Educational Need which has required additional support in the past (E.g. dyslexia, speech and language difficulties etc.)
Please note if you have had Access Arrangements for any external examinations
7. Medical Arrangements
Name of Family Doctor / Practice:
Telephone number
8. Travel Arrangements:
The cost of transport is not funded centrally by the government. Cumbria County Council has decided to pass the cost straight on to parents. Ullswater Community College is committed to reducing this burden on family incomes and will support students where it can.
Please indicate how you plan to travel to the sixth form each day:
School coach / Public Transport
Bus / Taxi / Train
Bicycle / Walking / Private Car
9. Your Agreement
This section must be signed before any offer of a place can be made.
By signing below you are agreeing to the following:
  • I understand that if I join Ullswater Community College Sixth Form, I will be expected to adhere to the Sixth Form conventions and codes of conduct.
  • I understand that final course choices will be dependent upon my GCSE results, to be confirmed in August.
  • If I change my choice of subjects after accepting a conditional offer I understand that I cannot be guaranteed a place in another set.
  • I agree to inform Ullswater Community College as soon as possible if I decide not to take up a place offered.
  • I agree to attend results day and an induction day at Ullswater Community College
  • I understand that if I need to resit English and / or maths GCSEs, to achieve a C grade (or equivalent) or higher, that condition of my entry to the sixth form is dependent on my full attendance to taught classes and resitting of the exams.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______