Friday, November 20, 2009
July 27 (16) / mon / Deadline for information request from CDC and URA in electronic formatAugust 3 (15) / mon / Deadline for CDC applications, and URA and TTB requests in electronic format
August 28 (12) / fri / Deadline for URA approval of CDC applications
August 31 (11) / mon / Selection File emailed to vendor
September 1-15 (9) / tues / Selection Letters mailed
September 30 (6) / wed / Create & email file to vendor
October 16 (5) / fri / Certified and Regular notices mailed
October21 (3) / mon / Begin to post properties
October 28 (3) / wed / Cut off to avoid 1st Advertisement
November 4 (2) / wed / First advertisement – Post Gazette, Legal Journal
November 4 (2) / wed / Cut off to avoid 2nd advertisement
November 6 (2) / fri / Finish posting properties
November 12 (1) / thur / Second advertisement – Post Gazette, Legal Journal
Friday November 20 / fri / Treasurer’s Sale
10:00 A.M. (City Council Chambers, 5th Floor)
November 25 (+1) / wed / List of available properties given to PCRG
December 18 (+4) / fri / CDC submit applications for additional Reserve Parcels
January 15 (+8) / fri / Deadline for URA approval of Additional Applications, TTB begins reviewing revenue property for acquisition
February 19 (+13) / fri / Redemption period expires
February 22 (+14) / mon / City to give list of properties not redeemed to PCRG
February 26 (+14) / fri / CDC’s deposit $200 hand money and promissory note for property approved for Reserve. Make check payable to “DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE”
TTB list finalized
March 5 (+15) / fri / Properties to be acquired by the City are forwarded to Law
I:\T-Sales\2009\3rd sale Nov 2009\Treasurer's Sale Schedule 11-20-2009.doc