Trawden Forest Neighbourhood Plan

Steering Group Meeting 15th May 2017

Present:, Freda Lester, Stephen Gorman, John M Dransfield, Adele Waddington, , Therese Edmonds, Barry Hodgson, Jonathan Dicken (PBC), Paul Reyner

Apologies: Katie John, Beverley Robinson

1.  Progress Report

John Dransfield advised that some members of the Steering Group met on 9th May to assess the last 5 sites. Those members who have not been involved in all of the sessions need to ensure that they have review the documents ‘Site Assessment Scores Version 8’ and ‘All Site Assessments 10th May 2017 V3’on Dropbox and agree with the scores allocated. Stephen Gorman, Paul Reyner and Therese Edmonds advised they have recently looked at these and approve the scores allocated.

The group have found sites for 74 properties (38 are required). Jonathan Dicken will be able to supply up-to-date figures in July for any new planning permissions or any that have expired. It was suggested that the scoring cut off is 158 points. Any sites awarded 158 or more points would be put forward in the Plan. There must be justification that the sites suggested are deliverable as some of the sites have been suggested by Pendle Borough Council. Barry Hodgson offered to speak to the owners of the 3 suggested sites by the Group (Hall House Farm, part of Black Carr Mill and land to rear of Black Carr Mill) and report back at the next meeting.

John has written to Jonathan regarding the Colne settlement boundary to check again whether, if the land at the end of Trawden Road was to be developed, the figures would be allocated to Colne as they would move their settlement boundary to around this site. This site, although brownfield is in the Green Belt. There would have to be exceptional circumstances for this parcel to have its Green Belt status removed. Jonathan advised that this would be allocated to Colne although it is in Trawden Parish; it is, in planning terms, in Colne. JD to check with Neil Watson. John suggested that Jonathan ask Neil if the areas could be monitored by Parish and not by settlement boundary and whether a brownfield part of a Green Field site have its status changed. Action : JD

Some of sites that have been assessed are in a Flood Risk area. Jonathan recommended that the Group contact the Environment Agency, as sites that are not a Flood Risk should be allocated first. The Group would need to justify the recommendations of the sites proposed and ensure these sites meet mitigation. The EA would give advice on their flood risk assessment and give guidance as to what measures would have to be taken as part of the allocation process to ensure sites did not flood in future. A Sustainability Appraisal would have to also be carried out on each site, and there is a matrix that Pendle Council have as guidance. JD to send to JMD/AW Action : JD/JMD

Screening for the need for a Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment would be done by Pendle Borough Council and this would have to be formally requested. Any suggestions made by PBC would have to be carried out by the NHP Steering Group. Action : JMD/AW

JMD asked JD whether he would be able to supply an A1 map of the Parish and mark on the 6 suggested sites which would be used at the consultation planned for the Garden Festival. JD offered to supply A3 maps of Trawden on which we mark the 6 selected and 5 non-selected sites, return to him and he would provide A1 versions.

Action: JD/JMD/AW

Volunteers to talk to people at the Garden Festival are required. The event is on 8th and 9th July. Stephen, Barry and John have offered so far, but more are needed. If you are able to help for a couple of hours, please let Adele know ASAP.

Action : ALL

A notice needs to be distributed to all residents of the Parish advising them that a consultation will be taking place at the Garden Festival and invite them along to give their opinions. Adele has been invited to a meeting regarding a proposed parish newsletter, and this would be the ideal opportunity to include the information. If this newsletter is not ready before the event, then a separate leaflet will be produced for approval at the next meeting. Action : AW/JMD

The group were unsure whether they have been allocated space at the Garden Festival. Therese Edmonds will send the contact information to Adele Waddington so she can check Action : TE/AW

2.  Discussion on draft policies –

Policy 4, Parking – John sent the drafts to Jonathan who has given suggested alterations that John has done. Conformity is in paragraph 39 of the NPPF, and in policy ENV4 (page 97) of the Pendle Core Strategy– this covers parking but PBC have no objection to ensure there is more parking required than suggested in the usual parking standards. A parking survey needs to be carried out and evidence provided for key problems and issues. All policy recommendations need to be evidenced.

Policy 6, Heritage Assets – JD advised that the policy needs to focus more on our local list. A couple of the points in the draft policy are already covered in the NPPF, Core Strategy or covered by legislation. It needs to ensure that the significance of the assets is added. It needs some examples specific to Trawden, such as the 2 old mill chimneys etc. Once the policy has been looked at, JD suggested sending it to Rosemary Lyons for review Action KJ

Policy 9 (Green Spaces) as drafted was not considered appropriate. It included 35 sites. But JD advised that para 77 of the NPPF stated that most ‘open spaces’ should not be considered as ‘Green Spaces’. Specific guidance appears in that paragraph. It was agreed that the list be reduced to 3 or 4: The Poetry Garden, The Millennium Garden, The Rec, and possibly the area at the bottom of the Tram Tracks. These are all special to the Parish. The newly acquired areas at Bannister Close and the rear of the bus terminus could also be considered if they are not likely to be in the Pendle Open Spaces policy in Local Plan Part 2 . Action JMD

Policy 7. Areas of Townscape Character - JD suggested that there should be 4 or so areas to show the real character of the area along with photos. It was suggested that JMD ask Beverley Robinson to take photos of specific places, but a drone would be able to capture a larger area.

The following will be given serious consideration:

Clogg Head/Old Chelsea/Back Lane

New Row, Winewall

Hollin Hall

Colne Road (from Proctor Croft to Hill Top)

and possibly:

Fould’s Road

Skipton Road, near Black Carr Mill (from no. 2) Action: JMD/BR

A conservation character map may help and we could include Pendle’s Council’s 2 existing sites of settlement character to ensure they are protected when the Replacement Plan is superseded. JD to discuss with colleagues how these settlement character sites could be protected. Add into the policy what makes these areas special and have their distinctive character. Action: JD

John thanked Jonathan for his valuable input once again.

3.  Next meeting Wednesday 14th June 2017 7.30pm at the Community Centre