1.Hall Tickets are not issued for both regular and supplementary examinations.

2.All candidates including external candidates shall bring their valid Identity card for every examination for verifying their identity in the examination hall. Candidates without ID Card will not be permitted to write the examination.

3.If the Identity card is lost, candidates shall approach the Academic Section immediately, for obtaining Temporary Identification Certificate.

4.The candidates are advised to view their seating arrangements in the College Website well in advance. Candidates are requested to note their Hall, Row and Seat Number for each examination, which will vary from day to day. Seating arrangements can also be viewed in the computer systems placed at Multi Media Lab (Regular exam) / in the exam hall (supplementary exam) specifically for this purpose, on the date and session of examinations.

5.The candidates are not permitted to possess Cell Phones / Programmable Calculators inside the examination hall. It shall be kept outside the examination hall. Possession of Cell Phones inside the examination hall will be treated as Malpractice.

6.The candidates should not stand near the examination halls between 8.30 AM and 12.30 PM in the Forenoon Sessions and 1.30 PM and 5.30 PM in the Afternoon Sessions, so as to avoid disturbance to the candidates writing the examinations and other lecture classes near the examination halls.

7.The candidates are advised to enter the examination hall immediately at the stroke of first siren (15 minutes before the commencement of examination). The candidates should occupy their seats before the commencement of examinations.They should not study or stand in the verandah near the examination halls.

8.Candidates coming after 8.55 AM / 1.55 PM shall seek the permission of the Chief Superintendent to enter the examination hall. However, no candidate will be permitted to enter examination hall after 30 minutes from the time of commencement, whatsoever the reasons may be.

9.Strict silence shall be maintained inside the exam hall. They should not talk to other candidates inside the exam hall.

10.The candidates should write their Roll No. in the Answer book at the place marked as Roll Number. They should also fill other details required on the first page of Answer book. Wrong entry of Roll Number may result in cancellation of the exam in that subject.

11.The candidates are advised to go through the instructions on the first page of Answer book.

12.On receiving question paper, the candidates shall to verify the Course code, Course title, Number of pages and Number of questionsin the question paper. If there is any discrepancy, the candidates are advised to bring it to the notice of the Hall Superintendent immediately.

13.The students shall bring their own data books/IScodes/Data sheets/Tables which are necessary for any particular examination.Data books/IS codes/Data Sheets/Tables brought by the candidates shall not contain any written material or additional sheets in them.Otherwise, it will be considered as Malpractice.

14.Students shall not possess any bit of papers or other materials inside the examination hall.Otherwise, it will be considered as Malpractice.

15.Malpractice will be viewed very seriously. The punishment will be debarring from writing the examinations for 1 to 3 years.

16.The answers for Group III questions (for UG courses) shall be written in the main answer book in the space provided.


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17.Time schedule to be adhered on examinations days:


/ Forenoon / Afternoon
Entry into Examination Hall / 8.45AM / 1.45 PM
Distribution of Question paper / 8.55 AM / 1.55 PM
Distribution of Question paper for GroupIII (for UG) / 11.25 AM / 4.25 PM
Closing Time of Examination / 12.00 noon / 5.00 PM

18.After completing the examination, the candidates shall personally handover the answer books to the Hall Superintendent. Keeping the answer book on the table and leaving the examination hall is not allowed.

19.Candidatesare not permitted to leave the examination hall during the last 5 minutes of the examination i.e. between 11.55 AM and 12.00 Noon in the forenoon session and between 4.55 PM and 5.00 PM in the afternoon session.

20.Circulars regarding the last date for applying for Revaluation / Retotalling and paying fees for the next supplementary examinations will be displayed on CoE office Notice Board after the declaration of the results.

21.Supplementary Examinations will be held during the week ends of

i)February - March for candidates who have failed in the October - November Examinations and

ii) August - October for candidates who have failed in the March – April Examinations.

22.Procedure to apply for Supplementary Examinations (Regular Candidates) :-

i) Normally the fee for supplementary examinations will be collected from all candidates at the time of payment of tuition fees itself.

ii) However, in the case of certain candidates from whom the supplementary examination fee could not be collected along with tuition fees, a circular will be sent to those candidates notifying the last date for payment of supplementary fees. They shall go to accounts section directly and pay the supplementary examination fee separately.

23.Procedure to apply for Supplementary Examinations (External Candidates) :-

i) The last date for payment of supplementary examinations fee will be notified by the CoE office in the college website and to all HoDs well in advance before the commencement of supplementary exams.

ii) Then the external candidates shall collect the list of arrear courses from Academic Section and shall pay Examination Fees for Supplementary Examinations at Accounts Section before the last date notified by CoE.

iii) The candidates are requested to verify whether all arrear courses of all previous semesters are printedin the saidlist.

24.Regular (Internal)and External Candidates appearing for Supplementary Examinations should bring Identity Card without fail.

25.Supplementary Lab examinations will be held during study holidays, beforethe commencement of semester examinations, the date being notified by office of Controller of Examinations.