
The Domino Derby

Objective: You will learn to calculate speed by varying the space between falling dominos.
Testable question: How does the distance traveled affect the time that it takes for the dominos to fall?
IV: ______
DV: ______
Hypothesis: ______


25 dominos
metric ruler

Experimental Procedures

1.  Set up 25 dominos in a straight line. Try to keep short, equal spacing between them.

2.  Using a metric ruler, measure in cm the total length of the set up and record in the data table.

3.  Using a stopwatch, measure in seconds it takes for all the dominos to fall and record.

4.  Repeat steps 2 – 3 several using different distances between dominos.

Data table:


Trial / Total Distance in cm (d) / Time in seconds (t)



Analysis & Conclusion Questions:

1.  Was your hypothesis proven or disproven? ______How do you know (what is the specific data

that let you know)?


2.  Based on your data, what do you think would happen to the time if you were to shorten the distance even more than the shortest distance of any of the trials?


Reflection Questions:

1.  Identify possible sources of error - were there any factors that may have affected the results of the experiment?




2.  Suggest 2 changes / improvements that you would make if you did the experiment again.





Speed is defined as “the distance that is traveled in a given amount of time.”

1.  Write a formula that can be used to calculate speed:

Speed =

2.  Use the formula and the data collected in your experiment to calculate the speed for each trial in the table below.MAKE SURE TO FILL IN THE FORMULA COMPLETELY INCLUDING THE UNITS!

Trial / Speed

Look at the graph you constructed. Where is speed shown on the graph?
