Southeast Pacific data and Information Network in support to Integrated Coastal Area Management


Inception Meeting

Santiago de Chile, 5-6 November 2012


Item 1. Opening

Welcome remarks will be given by the representatives of the Government of Chile. This will be followed by a welcome remarks form the representatives of CPPS, and of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO. Finally, Mr. Rudy Herman representing the Government of Flanders, sponsor of the SPINCAM Project will address the meeting. Thereafter, a chairperson will be elected for the duration of the meeting.

Item 2: Objectives of the meeting and adoption of the Agenda

The CPPS representative, will present the objectives of the meeting and the plenary will adopt the agenda. Participants will be requested to briefly introduce themselves.
The Inception Meeting of SPINCAM II will be the occasion to reach a common understanding of the project objectives and to provide inputs and finalize the project workplans and budget for the next three years. It is expected that the National SPINCAM Focal points, Technical Focal points and IODE Focal points will also finalise and present the project coordination mechanisms that will be be put in place in each country. The plenary will also be the occasion to report and demonstrate the outcomes of the first phase and to discuss weaknesses that needs to be addressed in the second phase. Recommendations emerging from the Inception meeting will be reviewed and endorsed by the Steering Committee meeting, which will take place on the 7th November 2012.

A rapporteur will be appointed for the duration of the meeting.

Item 3: Overview of SPINCAM I: Success and Challenges

The IOC representative will give an overview of the first phase of the SPINCAM project, including achievements and challenges that were reached.

The first phase of the SPINCAM (2009 – 2012), was implemented under the coordination of IOC-UNESCO and the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific, CPPS. SPINCAM was designed to establish an integrated coastal area management (ICAM) indicator framework at national and regional level in the countries of the Southeast Pacific region (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru) focusing on the state of the coastal and marine environment and socio-economic conditions, to provide stakeholders with information on the sustainability of existing and future coastal management practices and development.

The SPINCAM project Phase I was completed in June 2012 with the organisation of a conference and final Steering Committee in Lima, Peru.

During his presentation, Mr. Barbière (IOC/UNESCO) will also provide an overview of the pending activities identified at the end of phase 1 (See annex 4), and that should also be addressed in Phase II. Each national team will be asked to provide a short statement reflecting their perspective on the achievements/challenges of phase 1 and any additional information regarding phase I pending activities (Annex 4).

Item 4: Presentation of the SPINCAM II project document and objectives

Mr Julian Barbière, IOC-UNESCO, will present the approved project document of the second phase of the SPINCAM project, SPINCAM II and will recall the process for formulating the project proposal, including the endorsement by the project partners (countries, CPPS, IOC/UNESCO).

The objective of the second phase will be to support the development of decision-making tools and implementation of ICAM through improved data and information management capacity, knowledge, communication and networking at national and regional level. As presented in the project proposal, the project will be articulated around four specific objectives:

1) To strengthen the national and regional ICAM indicators frameworks as an aid to decision making, through the partnerships and collaborations amongst institutions.

2) To further coordinate and integrate national marine/coastal data and information systems, through the IODE national oceanographic data centres as well as other national data systems, and in close cooperation with relevant IODE projects, into a regional SPINCAM data and information system, and with special emphasis on data quality, archival and preservation and data products.

3) To design and implement a strategy for dissemination and awareness of the ICAM indicator framework for local and regional actors;

4) To promote continuous training to strengthen institutional capacities, the use of indicator based assessments, and the development and maintenance of the SPINCAM information and data management system in close collaboration with relevant IOC programmes and projects as well as regional organizations.

Item 5: Experiences from Europe in developing coastal indicators and regional atlas – The Case of PEGASO

Ms. Ann-Katrien Lescrauwaet, Government of Flanders, will provide a presentation on experiences from Europe in developing coastal indicators and regional atlas , focusing in the PEGASO FP7-EU project.

A discussion will take place with participants to identify best practices that could be applied to SPINCAM, and possible collaboration/exchange with PEGASO or similar projects.

Item 6: IODE projects and Regional Information Management for SPINCAM

Mr. Ariel Troisi, IODE-ODINCARSA Coordinator, will present an overview of the IODE projects and networks, and how these can support the data and information components of SPINCAM, including the development of a new Regional Information Management component for SPINCAM II. A brief description of IODE projects is included in the annex 5 of the SPINCAM II project proposal.

This will be followed by a discussion with the participants.

Item 7: Presentation on Experiences from ICAN

Mr. Alejandro Iglesias, representative of the International Coastal Atlas Network (ICAN), will give a presentation on the work of the International Coastal Atlas Network, and will identify possible collaboration and synergies with SPINCAM.

A brief description of ICAN is included in annex 5 of the SPINCAM II project proposal.

This will be followed by a discussion with the participants.

Item 8: Experiences from OBIS and possible collaboration with SPINCAM

Mr. Rubens Escribano, representative of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) regional node, will present the Experiences from the OBIS and possible collaboration with SPINCAM. This is particularly relevant for the inclusion of marine biodiversity data into the regional and national atlases.

This will be followed by a discussion with the participants.

Item 9: Review of the project Work Package 2. ICAM indicators platform - Outcomes, Activities, Responsibilities and Performance indicators

During this item the plenary will review the Work Package 2 of the SPINCAM II project document: ICAM indicators platform, including outcomes, activities, responsibilities and performance indicators. Mr. Barbière, IOC, and Ms. Lescrauwaet will act as facilitatorsof the discussion.

Item 10: Review of Work Package 3. Data and Information System- Outcomes, Activities, Responsibilities and Performance indicators

During this item the plenary will review the Work Package 3 of the SPINCAM II project document: Data and- Information System, including outcomes, activities, responsibilities and performance indicators. Mr. A.Troisi will act as facilitator of the discussion.

Item 11: Review of Work Package 4 and 5 Communication and Capacity building- Outcomes, Activities, Responsibilities and Performance indicators

During this item the plenary will review the Work Packages 4 and 5 of the SPINCAM II project document: Communication and Capacity Building, including outcomes, activities, responsibilities and performance indicators. Mr. Héctor Huerta, CPPS, will act as facilitator of the discussion.

With regards to capacity building, countries have been requested to identify training activities they would like to be supported through SPINCAM (See annex 2). This agenda item will therefore be the occasion to review the proposed national training activities that have been submitted. Countries should provide a short overview of the training activities they have identified.

Item 12: Review of the project Budget and Workplan

The project coordinators, IOC and CPPS, will provide an overview of the overall project budget, including breakdown per work packages, and of the project workplan (Annex 3: draft project workplan)

Item 13: Introduction to the discussion on National Components: Coordination, Collaborations and Activities

The project coordinators, IOC and CPPS, will introduce the discussion on National Components: Coordination, Collaborations and Activities for SPINCAM II It is expected that prior to the inception meeting, national teams will have had time to undertake consultations with national project partners in order to start preparing the template on national components that were sent to all countries.

Item 14: Working Groups on National Components

During this item, the national teams (SPINCAM focal point, technical focal point, IODE Data and Information Management representatives) will work on the national coordination mechanism, detailed national workplan, and time line, according to the template provided.

Item 15: Presentation of the National Coordination Committees, national workplan (Annex 4) and administrative arrangements

Following the Working Groups (Item 14), each country will present their workplans (based in the table from Annex 4) and national execution arrangements. The presentations will be made a country representative and will last no more than 20 minutes with the following outline:

·  Who constitute the NCC

·  Which are the Administrative and financial Arrangements put in place

·  How the NCC works

·  When the NCC meets

·  How the NCC communicates

·  How the NCC reports

·  Presentation of National Workplan

These presentations will be made in Power Point according to the template provided.

Item 16: Project management and coordination arrangements (WP1)

This item will be reviewed in plenary and will be facilitated by the project coordinators. The discussions will follow a review on:

·  Composition of the Project Steering Committee (SC)

·  Role of Regional and Global Coordinators

·  Role of National Coordination Committees

·  National Focal Points and National Technical Focal Points

·  Communication between partners (formal/informal)

·  Reporting mechanisms

·  Project evaluation

Item 17: Presentation and approval of the project, workplan and budget

The project, workplan and budget will be presented in plenary based on the discussion, review and inputs received during the inception meeting. Recommendations together with the workplan and budget will be formulated in view of their endorsement by the Steering Committee meeting, which will take place on the 7th November 2012.

Item 18: Other business

This item will review any other issue submitted by the plenary.

Item 19: Closure of the SPINCAM II Inception Meeting

The closure of the meeting will be held with a brief ceremony.

ANNEXES. SPINCAM National Focal Points are kindly asked to provide the information requested in the annexes before the 1st of November 2012.


ANNEX 2. TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL TRAINING PLANS (Inputs requested from countries by 1 November)


Annex 4. TEMPLATE FOR NATIONAL WORKPLAN (Inputs requested from countries by 1 November)

Annex 5. 5th Steering Committee meeting report (Lima, 1 June 2012)


Please update the following table from last Steering Committee Meeting (June 2012) and provide comments.

Chile / Colombia / Ecuador / Panamá / Perú / Comments
1. To identified IODE National Coordinator for DM and IM, and in appointing a SPINCAM national data centre/or existing NODC in charge of the national atlas. / Ok / ok / ok / Inf*IODE cordin. pending / ok
2. To inform IOC of the SPINCAM national data centre/or existing NODC, including key personal. / Ok / ok / ok / No / ok
3. Meetings of national Data & Information Management coordination groups. / Ok / ok / ok / ok / ok
4. Preparation of top-level catalogue of national data holdings / No / ok / inf / inf / inf
5. Identification of national metadata structure / Ok / ok / ok / ok / ok
6. Participation in the creation of the Technical Working Group coordinated by ODINCARSA; this should include the IODE national coordinators, NTFP and trained experts. / Ok / ok / ok / Inf*IODE cordin. pending / ok
7. To ensure national data & information management groups are operational and include the NODC, IODE national coordinators and NFTP. / Ok / ok / ok / inf / ok
8. To ensure that countries apply the Geonetwork application for spatially referenced regional and national data and metadata for the Atlas. / Ok / ok / ok / ok / ok
9. Implementation of information management activities in close interaction with IODE IM national coordinators in accordance with the activities identified at the 3rd SPINCAM Steering Committee (Santa Marta, Nov. 2010) / No / ok / inf / inf / No/inf
10. Population of the national metadata base / No / ok / inf / inf / inf
11. Selection of suitable data sets for processing, including geographic scope and scale (areas should be comparable between countries) / Ok / ok / ok / ok / ok
12. Establishment of Ocean Data Portal national data provider nodes / No / ok / no / no / no
13. Preparation of Prepare national e-repository together with IODE IM national coordinators / No / ok / inf / No/inf / no
14. Process data sets and archive based on inputs provided by IODE on formats, best practices and standards (examples) / No / ok / no / no / inf
15. Preparation of national and regional atlas shapefiles/WMS for the agreed indicators / No / ok / no / No/inf / inf
16.To agree on national atlas mapping technology / No / ok / no / no / ok
17. Preparation of the National Atlas / No / ok / no / no / ok
18. Delivery of products and communications to continue the development and activities of the Regional Atlas / ok / ok / ok / ok / ok
1. Define a common methodology and formats to calculate national indicators and the five agreed regional indicators. / Ok / ok / ok / ok / ok
2. To calculate the adopted indicators by each partner countries. / No / ok / inf / inf / inf
3. Communicate the indicators’ results to a wide public (not only specialists) and receive feedback. / No / ok / no / no / No/inf
4. To organize National Technical Workshops to define the sheets and the Report of the State of the Coast together with the policymakers / No / ok / No / no / no
5. Production of the sheets and the Report of the SoC (together with NODC) / No / ok / no / no / no
6. Design, produce and promote educative and diffusion material for population’s qualification / No / ok / no / no / no
7. Development of public awareness materials on subjects related to ICAM / No / ok / no / no / no
8. To organize National Workshops with local stakeholders and end users for the SPINCAM products / No / ok / no / no / no

Ok: performed and reported