May 2, 2012, WGC Meeting Minutes

Westwood Gun Club

25 Trailside Road (POB 109)

Medfield, MA 02052

End of Trailside Rd., off Rte. 109 Medfield, MA

Website -

President -

May 2, 2012 Meeting Minutes

The meeting began at 8 PM, at the clubhouse. Thank you to the 17 members who made the meeting.

A.SECRETARY’S REPORT. Minutes of the April 4, 2012 meeting was read and accepted.

B.TREASURER’S REPORT. Report for the month ofApril 2012 was read and accepted.

  1. We have 208 paid members.
  2. Income was about $2,455.00.

2. Expenses about $5,516.00.

3. We have cash of about $87,600.00 in our accounts.


1.Boy Scouts will use the club May19, 2012. Craig Armstrong asked for assistance with managing the event. Anyone with 22 rifle or pistols and 20 or 12 gauge shotguns and appropriate ammo is needed to help. Cook-out or pizza to follow. Ranges closed to other activities that day.

2.Motion was made and approved to spend up to $1500.00 to keep the 300 yard lean-to and convert it into a storage shed.

3.Motion was made and approved to adjust last month’s equipment approval purchase limit from $2500.00 to cover the actual cost of $3,343.16.

4.New rifle range toilet was purchased. All toilets were serviced.

5.Work party had 23 people and a lot was accomplished. Thanks to all.

6.Schedules for events and description have been posted.

7.Sound barrier was installed as part of the work party.

8.Route 109 trap shoot was held. Fin Fur & Feather won with 224 points we were second with 211 points. Paul Carlson had the high score for us.

9.Club purchased a new gas grille which was used at the work party cook-out.

10.The Committee published its draft Range Rules and asked the members for comments and made copies available for members to review and comment.

11.Joe Hernandez lost a “muzzle brake” at the range. Anyone finding it please leave in the rifle shed.


1.A motion was made and approved to purchase Director’s insurance coverage in the amount of $1,000,000.00 as part of our insurance program.

2.Ron Votta reported that the trap range walkway and area under the trap shed roof will be paved tomorrow, weather permitting. Range will be closed. Other areas will be paved latter especially the drive as we may need to bring electric into the site if a new card reader gate is to be purchased.

3.John Ledbetter briefly discussed some security options for the entrance gate and will have more information next month.

E.GOVENOR’s REPORT. Governor gave a general report of the past month.

  1. Steel targets are being damaged. Please consider what you are shooting and shooting at.
  2. Pick up spent brass and steel shells. Recycle brass if not wanted. Throw away steel shells.
  3. Wood target holders are being destroyed faster that we can replace them. Please try to hit the bull’s-eye and use weapons you can aim and handle.
  4. Wear eye and ear protection.


  1. The club accepted 8new members.
  2. Need to change membership form on website to correct fees and other items.


  1. Next membership meeting will be Wednesday,June 6, 2012 at 8:00 PM.
  2. Matches and events have been scheduled. Check website and bulletin board.
  3. Next work party is Sunday, May 20, 2012. Range will be closed for that time. Sign up with John to complete your work party requirements. Anyone not able to be there please see John Ledbetter about special assignments.
  4. Garand match is scheduled for Saturday, May 12, 2012, 10:00 AM.
  5. Car shoot is scheduled for September 9, 2012.

Thanks to John and Mike for refreshments.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:03 PM.

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