Your Name

123 Your Road, Apartment 1, Your Town, NJ00000

201.111.1111 – Home / 201-222.2222 – Cell

OBJECTIVE:To obtain a part-time position at Steven’s Institute of Technology in the XYZ department

EDUCATION: Stevens Institute of Technology,Hoboken, NJ

Master of Science in Computer Science, anticipated May 2006 GPA: 3.80

Undergraduate Institution, City, State

Bachelor of Science in Your Major, May 2004 GPA: 3.58

EXPERIENCE:Stevens Institute of Technology,Hoboken, NJ 08/04 – Present

Teaching Assistant, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

  • Supervise a team of Teaching Assistants conducting labs for more than 300 undergraduate students
  • Teach students fundamental principles of Electric Circuits, Digital Electronics, and Instrumentation
  • Conduct exams, grade papers, and meet with students having difficulty with course material

Company Name, City, State 06/03 – 07/04

Junior Developer, Information Technology

  • Designed and developed Network Protocol Management suite using C++, Windows2000, andWinSock2.0
  • Implemented session tracking system for online shopping website using J2SE, J2EE,Oracle, and Windows 2000
  • Developed software formonitoring performance using Visual Basic 6.0 and Oracle 8i
  • Created application that covers all major areas of HR solutions including resume, position title, work experience, and skills, using Visual Basic 6.0 as front end and MS Access as back end

SKILLS:Operating Systems:Linux 7.2, Sun Solaris, NetBSD, SCO-Unix

Windows NT/9x/2000/XP

Programming Languages:C++, C, Java, C#, VC++, SQL, PL/SQL, Visual Basic

Database Systems:Oracle 7.3/8i/9i, MS SQL Server, MS Access

Internet Technologies:EJB, Servlets, JSP, ASP, HTML, .NET, XML,XSL, RMI, COM

Scripting Languages:JavaScript, VB Script, Shell scripts

Servers:Websphere, IIS, Weblogic, PWS

PROJECTS:Database Management, Oracle Programming

  • Developed a project based on a real estate agency to generate a complete system using SQL/PL, to sell, buy, lease, and auction cost for private and commercial property
  • Created complete relational schema using SQL normalization, ERD, Storage Organization, indexes, B-trees, query optimization, concurrency, and recovery controls for multi-user environment
  • Wrote script procedure to support GUI interface using ODBC

Inventory Management System

  • Developed software for inventory management of a small business
  • Implemented SQL queries for database design and maintenance
  • Created object implementation in Visual Basic for user interface with the database, and implemented the ADO control for the connection between source database and user interface

Industry Automation System Implementation:

  • Designed customized software for a small scale industry to manage the processes of manufacturing, design, sales, and accounting, using Visual Basic and Oracle 8