Spring Cleanse

Spring brings new beginnings and renewal. Many of us participate in spring cleaning rituals by cleaning our homes and work spaces. It would be beneficial to show our body the same courtesy this season.

Our bodies have an amazing detoxification system that eliminates toxins on the regular, but these systems can become overwhelmed. We are exposed to environmental pollution, plastics, pesticides, and many other harmful chemicals on a daily basis. The demanding, fast moving society we live in takes its toll, and we store this stress in our body. Our bodies becomes exhausted trying to handle the stress and toxins, and we experience symptoms such as fatigue, restless sleep, inflammation, allergies, weak immune system response, moodiness, and digestive problems.

A spring cleanse could be like setting the reset button physically, mentally, and emotionally. Prepare for swimsuit season with a clean and simple nutrition plan. Learn how to show your body, mind, and soul some love with a self-care routine. Identify and eliminate toxins in your life. This is my general guideline for a spring cleanse, but I highly recommend meeting with a health and wellness professional to find support and a more individualized plan.

Disclaimer: Before starting a new nutrition or wellness program consult a physician or health professional.


·  Hydrate! You must drink plenty of water to replenish yourself while cleansing and to flush toxins. Listen to your body. If you feel thirsty, DRINK more water! Find a quality water source (when eliminating toxins, it’s helpful to not put any more toxins in). Tap water may contain fluoride, heavy metals, pesticide and herbicide residues, and even antibiotics or other prescription drugs. (Tip: Buy a reverse osmosis water filter, and use a quality mineral drop supplement to re-mineralize your water.)

·  Greens! Include plenty of greens in every meal. Bitter greens are especially helpful for a spring cleanse because they support our bodies digestive organs like the liver. Try something different and seasonal like dandelion greens, endives, escarole, radicchio, or arugula.

·  Bring the colors of the rainbow to your plate! It is natural to crave fruits and vegetables during the spring season. Create smoothies, soups, and salads. Devour a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables. Color represents different antioxidant groups you are getting in your plant based foods. Getting a variety of antioxidants and nutrients will support your body’s detoxification processes.

·  Nuts and Seeds nomm. Try something you haven’t tried before. Chia seeds are a versatile super food that you could get really creative with (my favorite’s are Chai chia seed smoothies with almond butter or coconut chia seed pudding).

·  Herbs and Spices: Get spring flavor with fresh herbs that support detoxification like parsley, cilantro, and mint. Spice it up with roots like turmeric and ginger.

Self Care:

·  Drink warm lemon water every morning within 30 minutes of waking up. This energizing tonic is a great digestion aid that has many benefits such as alkalizing your body. Try adding apple cider vinegar (organic, unfilitered “with the mother”), local honey, or spices like cayenne for added benefits and taste.

·  Oil pulling with 1 tbsp of coconut oil for 20 min a day can make a world of difference to your oral hygiene. Coconut oil can serve as a probiotic to the good bacteria in your mouth contributing to healthier gums and fresher breath. This ritual has been thought to whiten teeth, boost immunity, and help with inflammation.

·  Dry brushing and oil massage can activiate lymph, increase circulation, and make your skin glow.


·  Consuming factory farmed animal products is problematic. Animals that were fed a poor diet (most likely GMO grains sprayed with pesticides) and living in stressful living conditions make animal products that contain harmful fatty-acids that inflame the body. They may also contain hormones and antibiotics that will slow down the body’s cleansing processes.

·  Sugar is the main reason most people gain unwanted weight. We convert excess glucose (blood sugar) into fat to store for later. Sugar also stresses our body out in many ways. In excess it causes tiredness, brain fog, moodiness, and hormone disruption. Too much sugar wrecks havoc on our bodies, and activates numerous biochemical stress pathways.

·  Grains are empty calories because they lack nutrient density. They contain proteins that aggravate our digestive and immune systems. Grains are quickly converted into glucose where they can wreck the same havoc on the body as sugar (explained above).

·  Since we’re eliminating toxins it is important to stay away from processed food full of harmful ingredients. Keep it simple. Chose real food. Stay away from anything in a package. Look for complicated ingredients like preservatives, dyes, and artificial ingredients. Shop on the perimeter of your grocery store, and stay away from the isles where the processed and package food resides full of toxins and ingredients that irritate and inflame.

Rest and Relax:

·  Sleep! Get plenty of rest and sleep. The amount needed could vary from person to person. Pay attention to signs your body is telling you that you need more sleep. Most people need extra rest while on a cleanse.

·  Baths can be a great detoxification aid. I like using Himalayan sea salts (Epsom salts work great too), some essential oils (I like lavender or rose), and apple cider vinegar. Experiment with what aromas, oils, and salts agree best with you.

·  Breathe! Don’t forget to take a deep cleansing breath to quickly reset yourself if you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed during your day. Sometimes all we need to do is just breathe.

·  Turn down the lights. Light exposure before bed can disrupt melatonin (our sleep neurotransmitter) production. Lighting inside your home should reflect what nature is doing with lighting outside. Stay away from constant exposure to blue light on electronic screens. This type of light can oxidize the healthy fats that protect our eyes. Listen to music or a podcast. Engage with your loved ones.

Physical Activity:

Breaking a sweat is one of our bodies best detoxification processes.

·  Yoga is my favorite way to sweat. It is a gentle and effective way to exercise. Add some twists into your flow to rinse and cleanse your organs.

·  Get outside! Find some sunshine to soak in. Our skin turns sunshine into vitamin D that is essential to many important body systems.

·  Try something new. Spring is a great time to try a new physical activity. Enjoy the weather by running, walking, or hiking. Be adventurous! Go rock climbing, paddleboard, kayak, or slackline. Try Tai Chi or Qigong for a gentler activity.

Practice Mindfulness

·  Meditate. Find a technique that suits you. Set your intention, find a mantra, or maybe just breathe. Check in with your body; use the chakra system as a guide. Guided meditation can be great for beginniners. (There are many youtube videos and apps dedicated to guided meditation.)

·  Journal. Cleansing can bring up physical and emotional turmoil. Write about whatever is coming up. Get to really know how your physical body is connected to your mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Emotional baggage can sometimes be released with the toxins. Journaling can be extremely therapeutic.

·  Create a sacred safe place. Find a place in your house where you can relax and get away for a bit. Use this space for your liking. I like to use my space for yoga, mediation, napping, and creating art.

·  Identify mental and emotional toxins in your life. Now is a great time to throw out unhealthy relationships, bad habits, or anything that isn’t serving you. Take some time to ponder the toxins in your life that you could let go of.

Environmental Toxins

·  Add plants around your house and work space. Plants purify the air we breathe in. Don’t have a green thumb? Consider salt lamps or natural beeswax candles for better indoor air quality.

·  Throw out toxic products. What toxins have you brought into your space or do you put on your body? Cleaning products, makeup, shampoo, and detergents could all contain harmful chemicals. If you aren’t sure about your products consult a holistic health professional or use the environmental working group as a resource.

Get Organized

·  Make meal plans. Get excited about food. Research recipes or talk to a nutritionist like me if you need help.

·  Schedule in physical activity. Plan out your week. Make it a priority, but do something fun that you enjoy.

·  Pick a timeline and intensity. I would recommend following these general guidelines for at least 14 days. Chose a timeline and intensity that works for you. A 3 day juice cleanse is quick and effective, but can leave you feeling hungry and exhausted. Herbal kits can work great, but are costly and intense. Perhaps there is a specific body system you would like to focus on like the liver or skin? Or you might want to consider a sugar cleanse or focus on balancing your microbiom. Consult a health and wellness professional to make a plan individualized to meet your needs.

Happy Spring Cleaning!