The Associate Business Members of

the New Jersey Association of School Business Officials

Official Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 25, 2014


The meeting of the Associate Business Members of the New Jersey Association of School Business Officials (NJASBO) was called to order on November 25, 2014 at 9:37am at the NJASBO Headquarter Offices in Robbinsville, NJ.

The following Executive Committee members were present: Nancy Riccio (GR Murray), President; Alan Walker (Atlantic Tomorrows Office), Vice President; Susan Thames (TTI Environmental, Inc.), Secretary; Bill Pappalardo (Greyhawk), Past-President; Terry-Ann Zander (Schwartz Simon Edelstein), New Membership Chairperson

Seven Associate Business Members were present in addition to the Executive Committee (sign-in sheet attached): Ed Meglis, Lincoln Investment; Derek Archer, Liberty Healthcare Services; Jon Jarema, Insurance Restoration Services; Scott Tennant, Arthur J. Gallagher Co.; Craig Wilkie, Arthur J. Gallagher Co.; Tony Solimine, McManimon, Scotland & Baumann; and Joyce Newman, Rapid Recovery Services.

Representing NJASBO: John Donahue, Executive Director; Dr. Michele Roemer; Assistant Director.

President’s Report

Nancy Riccio welcomed the group and commenced the introduction of attendees, and invited John Donahue and Dr. Michele Roemer to provide their updates (see reports below).

Nancy discussed the updated realignment of the ABM officers due to Paul Napoli formerly of NORESCO taking a position with a new company. Slate now stands as: Nancy Riccio, President; Christine Messina, President-Elect; Alan Walker, Vice President; Susan Thames, Secretary; Terry-Ann Zander, New Membership Chairperson; Bill Pappalardo, Immediate Past President.

Executive Director’s Report

John Donahue reported the following:

John discussed the statewide financial barometer regarding the cap. He also discussed the Conference in June. It will be the same format as last year. There will be small group sessions and topics/programs need to be submitted to Michelle by March. The Goldmine short sessions will be held Friday morning. John and Michelle strongly suggested that Associate Business Members pair up with a School Business Administrator to present topics.

LEGISLATIVE Director’s Report

Dr. Michele Roemer reported the following:

Michele reminded attendees of the opportunities we have available to us as Associate Business Members.

·  Key Alerts – if you are not receiving them, update your profile. NJASBO allows two recipients in database for email and regular mail communication.

·  KeyPost – consider co-authoring a best practice with an SBA. Laura Bishop can assist you in this process.

·  NJASBO Members Only access on website – provides updated directory of SBA’s

President-Elect’S Report

·  Christine Messina – no report.

Vice-President’s Report

·  Alan Walker – no report.

Secretary’s Report

·  Susan Thames handed out meeting minutes prepared by Christine Messina from the September 16, 2014 meeting. She also mentioned that she has had opportunities at County ASBO meetings to discuss the “Above & Beyond” Award.

Membership Chairperson’s Report

·  Terry-Ann reported on the approvals of a New Member United Business Systems. New Members approved during the November 21st Trustee Meeting included: Delta-T Group North Jersey, Open Systems Integrators, Inc., Rapid Recovery Services, and Van Cleef Engineering Associates.

Committee ReportS

·  Professional Development will now be chaired by Peter Stigi of Windows Film Depot and Ivy Davis of NJ Schools Insurance Group. A January program is planned. Still looking for topics.

·  Technology & Social Media committee, Laura Bishop will serve, please see Nancy if you are also interested.


·  With no other “Old” or “New” business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:07am.


Respectfully submitted,

Susan Thames, Secretaryt

Susan Thames, Secretary