Samsung Galaxy S6

Marketing and Advertising Strategy Analysis

Team #3

Ana Fernanda MoctezumaLópez

Perla Hinojosa

Francisco Medina

Grant Reilich

Idelis Lopez

Eric Green


  1. Both countries use attractive colors to gain audience’s attention.
  2. Both advertise the phone as the “next big thing in technology” as the background message.
  3. Mexican and United States advertisements take advantage of the ATL branch of advertising.
  4. Both countries incorporate the same target market: young adults who are active and innovative. Adapting the phone to all kinds of lifestyles.
  5. Both countries’ advertisement links the product to a more happy and free lifestyle.
  6. Both countries social media are similar in terms of design.
  7. Mexican and United States cultures take full advantage of celebrity endorsements and public events to advertise product and Samsung brand.
  8. As a whole both suggest Samsung as a trust worthy and efficient brand
  9. Both countries seem to have a very good management of their social media, including updates, design and costumer service via Internet.
  10. In both countries, Samsung is very efficient and has very specific ways of reaching their different potential markets and approaching them to get their attention.


  1. Social media does not reach out to as many people in Mexico as in the United States.
  2. Mexico uses more casual advertising than in United States, who has a more advanced and professional approach.
  3. Mexico uses more of real life applications to the phone rather than the United States.
  4. United States is more factual and statistic based.
  5. The copy content in their social media is very different, for example their slogans which, even if the message is the same, have a very different structure and concept.
  6. Among the social media content, the U.S. pages post a lot more of interest topic articles and video unlike Mexico, which focuses just in enhancing the qualities of the brand and their products.
  7. Both countries fail to be in sync with each other when presenting information; they seem to highlight features of the phone from very different angles.
  8. Mexico’s advertisements are freer flowing and have a more creative approach than the United States where it seems to be more rigid.
  9. United States advertisement focuses more in the product technological features and their improvements, while in Mexico the messages go more around design and brand prestige.
  10. In terms of managing BTL advertisement, in Mexico it is completely influenced and even managed completely through phone companies, while in the United States, the product has a lot more autonomy in terms of their advertisement.


  1. Mexico’s social media should be updates a little more frequently to keep the followers engaged with the brand and the product.
  2. Mexico should maybe consider taking a little more businesslike approach in their advertisement so they can reach some different segment of the market and be taken a little more serious.
  3. Both countries should be in sync with each other as far as the information they post on websites and social media.
  4. United States should take advantage of their great knowledge and communication of real life features of the phone and try to transform them and express them as real life applications of the cell.
  5. United States should try a more user friendly/creative approach to gain a new audience.
  6. United States should narrow the focus on the new product and in this case the Galaxy 6 to educate consumers.
  7. Each country should out more practical information in the advertisements.
  8. United states web page and social media could be a lot more structured In terms of the content and design.
  9. Mexico should give a little more importance to outing the actual characteristics and features of the product in technological matters.
  10. The brand can seek for a lot more ATL coverage in Mexico.

Team Conclusions

We as a team can conclude that Samsung as a brand has a lot of control in terms of the advertising strategies they develop for their new product Galaxy 6S, both in Mexico and the United States. We consider that with the very few suggestions we gave it would help wrap up their strategy and make it a lot more consistent. Social media is very well managed and the content is very useful for clients, but the information could be a little more structured and complete. In general we approve of every element of their advertising strategy.