U.S. History: Lap 2 Study Guide Yellow/ Green/ Pink

Don’t forget Keywords!

  1. Why were many angered by Lincoln’s election as president?
  2. Which state left first? Total #? Two areas?
  3. Who became the president of the Confederacy? Capital?
  4. What did their constitution support?
  5. What were slave states which remained in the Union known as? Ex:
  6. What did Lincoln vow to do?
  7. What were the North’s strengths? Weaknesses?
  8. What were the South’s strengths? Weaknesses?
  9. What did Lincoln think about secession?
  10. Why did Lincoln not send troops to the South immediately after his inauguration?
  11. Describe the Union’s plan?
  12. Describe the South’s plan?
  13. Who did the Confederates want to help them?
  14. What were the big problems of a confederation?
  15. Why was Lincoln very unpopular during the war (political criticisms)
  16. What event began the Civil War? Why fired upon?
  17. Why did Lincoln not ask Congress to declare war?
  18. How did Lincoln’s react to the attack? What did he get?
  19. How did Southern states respond to Lincoln’s call?
  20. How long was the war? When?
  21. What was the first big battle of the war?
  22. Where were the first Union victories? Under whom?
  23. Describe ironclads:
  24. How many times did Lee invade the North? Where? Why?
  25. What were the military “outcomes” of the battle at Antietam?
  26. The victory at Antietam also influenced which governments?
  27. Thirdly, what did Lincoln now believe it was time to issue?
  28. Why would it go into effect in January?
  29. Why did he not free all slaves everywhere?
  30. What would freedmen now be allowed to do in the army?
  31. Where was Lee’s second invasion of the North?
  32. Why did Southern forces approach the town/ What did it have?
  33. What was the outcome and result of the battle?
  34. At almost the exact same time, what was happening in Mississippi?
  35. Name 3 reasons it was important:
  36. Who had already gotten control of New Orleans for the Union?
  37. In November of 1863, what did Lincoln deliver? Ideas?
  38. 1864-- Contrast total war and war of attrition:
  39. What event in the fall of 1864 helped Republicans to win?
  40. After the fall of Richmond, why did the war not end immediately?
  41. Where was surrender signed? By whom?
  42. Describe the treaty:
  43. Where had most of the battles been fought?
  44. What were three results of a Northern Victory?
  45. What were some new technologies used in the war?
  46. Approximately how many soldiers died in the war?
  47. Surprisingly, what killed many of them?
  48. Explain the Lincoln Conspiracy/ plot:
  49. Why? What was the effect?
  50. Define Reconstruction and its purpose:
  51. Explain the leadership issues it raised:
  52. What was Lincoln’s “plan?”
  53. How was Johnson’s plan different?
  54. What did the Wade- Davis Bill propose?
  55. Explain why Johnson was impeached:
  56. With what was Johnson charged?
  57. What was the result of the Congressional vote?
  58. What were Johnson’s other accomplishments (+/-):
  59. Explain the Civil War amendments?
  60. Why would many at the time oppose the 15th (2)?
  61. Explain ReconstructionActs and what they did:
  62. What could Radicalsnot get passed?
  63. Describe life in the South for Freedmen:
  64. For Freedmen, what was key?
  65. With no 40 acres and a mule, what did many do?
  66. Why is it difficult to leave sharecropping?
  67. Who were the targets of violence in the South? By whom?
  68. Though many freedmen left the South, what changed for those who stayed?
  69. Who most often taught Freedmen after the war?
  70. What were the goals, accomplishments, and failures of the Freedmen’s Bureau:
  71. What was the role of church pastors in the South?
  72. Explain political issues for white Southerners after the war:
  73. What Union general became president soon after the war?
  74. Whose election ended Reconstruction?
  75. Why was the election of 1876 disputed?
  76. Explain how Hayes got to be president (2):
  77. With federal troops out of the South, what did many states do?
  78. What are redeemer governments? Actions?
  79. Why were they allowed to come to power in the South?
  80. How were Freedmen increasingly restricted by them?


Why was Johnson chosen to be Lincoln’s VP?

Whom did Johnson follow as a model?

Johnson’s plan for ex-Confederates?

Johnson’s plan for Freedmen:

What was Grant’s campaign slogan?

Who did Grant plan to fight his “war on terror?”

For what is Grant’s administration most known?

As a result, what criteria did Hayes use when appointing people?

How is Hayes’ victory in 1876 like Bush’s in 2000?

Following the Compromise, how did he end Reconstruction?