Unit 1 See for Yourself


1. perspective 2. fond 3. guarantee 4. eligible
5. discrimination 6. bucket 7. worthwhile 8. supplements
9. attitude 10. applicants 11. funds 12. landscape
13. cooperation 14. enhance 15. blazing 16. proficient
17. backpackers
1. Before seeing for myself, I’m doubtful about what he said.
2. Natasha saw the commercial of this department store on TV and decided to see for herself.
3. Small as the apartment seemed, Arthur still decided to buy it.
4. Serious as the new teacher looks, Jill likes his class very much.
5. The necklace found by Lucas belongs/belonged to his neighbor.
6. The castle possessed by the government was built more than/over three hundred years ago.
7. Now Sean cannot afford to make any mistakes.
8. The couple can’t afford to go traveling overseas/abroad because they just bought a house.
9. Sonia is afraid to talk to strangers. On the other hand, she wants to make many friends.
10. Movie tickets in this theater are very expensive. On the other hand, the theater is the only one in town.
11. There are two stores on the floor. One sells shoes, and the other sells clothes.
12. Matt has three sisters. One is a teacher, another is a nurse, and the other is an engineer.
13. Julie provides her friends with great/excellent advice.
14. The company provides its employees with free lunch every day.
15. We planned to set off before the sun set/sunset.
16. Emily’s uncle reminded her to set off earlier to avoid traffic jams.
17. In order to get more information, the research was carried out in cooperation with a group of farmers.
18. The action movie was made in cooperation with a car manufacturer. That’s why you can see many cars of that brand in the movie.
19. Benson and his younger sister are required to take turns washing the dishes.
20. Students in this school are required to be able to swim fifty meters without any support before graduation.
21. Eric is fond of sweets.
22. My older brother is fond of doing outdoor activities.
23. There were 205 countries taking part in the 2008 Olympic Games.
24. About five hundred taxi drivers took part in the protest.
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A
1. His duties include refilling trays and cleaning tables for customers.
2. He sits down and eats with his co-workers the meal prepared specifically for them by the chef.
3. She needs to reach up and bend down to pick peaches and nectarines, and then put them into buckets under the blazing sun.
4. She will join the Great Ocean Road tour and then fly to Gold Coast to enjoy the beaches and sunshine there.
5. They are required to possess a certain level of proficiency in English in order to live and work in the United States.
6. What matters most is their passion and willingness to share and communicate.
7. Because she is fond of beautiful landscapes and natural environments.
8. She learned that people who are older than 18 and younger than 30 are eligible to apply for the Australia Working Holiday Visa.
9. They encourage young people to explore our planet.
10. They should be prepared for hard work, unexpected situations, and even problems like racial discrimination.
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C
1. Judy is fond of Chinese culture, and she has heard that Taiwan is a country worth visiting.
2. She plans to visit Taiwan next year to see for herself.
3. Linda will set off for Europe tomorrow.
4. Much to her disappointment, she can’t afford to stay at a local five-star hotel.
5. Willy is happy to see his daughter taking part in the tennis game.
6. He hopes she can win the championship. On the other hand, he doesn’t want to put too much pressure on her.
7. The famous actress adopts three children. One is from Asia, another is from Africa, and the other is from South America.
8. She hopes she can provide them with a safe home and care.
9. Interesting as the movie was, I couldn’t help but doze off.
10. The new restaurant introduced in the magazine attracted Betty’s attention.
11. After employers in cooperation with the program receive applicants’ personal information, every applicant selected will have an interview.
12. these students are required to possess a certain level of proficiency in English.
Dear friends,
I am going to be eighteen next month, so my parents have decided to throw a party for me. Next summer, I will graduate from high school and become a college student. Being eighteen means a brand-new beginning in my life. From eighteen, I’ll be considered to be an adult by society. Thus I should be responsible for myself, my words, and my behavior. In order to celebrate the beginning of a new stage in my life, my parents and I have decided to mark the day with a birthday party.
During the party, we will eat delicious food prepared by my mother and I. There will be soft drinks and several kinds of juice, too. While enjoying the dishes, we will watch a slide show edited by my father. It is composed of photos taken since I was born. How time flies! No gift is necessary. Just come and enjoy the party!
Listening Test
Part 1 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B
Part 2 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. A
Part 3 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. C
Part 1
For question number one, please look at picture A.
1. Q: What do we know about this man?
(A) He can’t let go of his past.
(B) He is trying to keep fit.
(C) He is ordering from the menu.
(D) He is fond of junk food.
For question number two, please look at picture B.
2. Q: What is the artist painting?
(A) A beautiful landscape.
(B) A large city.
(C) A famous building.
(D) A narrow river.
For question number three, please look at picture C.
3. Q: Why is the woman carrying an umbrella?
(A) To make herself seem more attractive.
(B) It is raining heavily now.
(C) The weather could change at any moment.
(D) It is blazing hot today.
For question number four, please look at picture D.
4. Q: What might the man be doing?
(A) Carrying a bag.
(B) Knitting a sweater.
(C) Opening his backpack.
(D) Choosing which pants to buy.
For question number five, please look at picture E.
5. Q: What is next to the man?
(A) A box.
(B) A bucket.
(C) A ball.
(D) A pot.
Part 2
1. How did the job interview go today?
2. Are there any cheap places to stay in London when I visit?
3. Let’s sign up for the singing contest together!
4. I think we should start hiking early tomorrow morning.
5. Why don’t we grow our own food to save money?
Part 3
1. M: I can’t believe you didn’t get the job. Why do you think they didn’t choose you?
W: I was the only woman being interviewed. I could tell they wanted someone just like them─another man.
M: Well, they’re crazy not to hire you just because you’re a woman.
Q: Why does the woman think she did not get the job?
2. W: Is it really true that you can speak five languages?
M: That’s right. Actually, I’ve studied seven languages, but I’ve only been learning Japanese and Korean for three years.
W: That’s amazing!
Q: What has impressed the woman?
3. M: Guess what? I’m going to open a stall at a night market. I’m going to be selling fried chicken.
W: What? So you’re quitting your full-time job?
M: No! I’ll just be doing that twice a week for some extra money.
Q: Why is the man going to open a stall at a night market?
4. W: You’re not going to believe this. I bought a sports car on the weekend!
M: You bought an expensive sports car? Wow! That’s cool!
W: I have the keys here, and it’s in my parking space right now. Go outside and take a look if you don’t believe me.
Q: Why did the woman tell the man to go outside?
5. M: Look, I really don’t like you being late for work almost every day.
W: Oh, what’s the big deal? I still get all my work done, don’t I?
M: That’s not the point. Be on time tomorrow, or you’re fired!
Q: What does the man probably think about the woman?

Unit 2 The Fourth Tuesday─We Talk About Death


1. grinned 2. universe 3. slight 4. stuff
5. streamed 6. quivered 7. winked 8. automatically
9. ambitious 10. deficiency 11. optimism 12. curled
1. If only the teacher were here, I could ask her the answer to the question.
2. If only I would possess a scooter, I could spend less time going to school.
3. Uncle George sometimes (humorously) kids himself about his big and round belly.
4. Larry always kids his wife about her weight.
5. Isabella is prepared for the new semester.
6. Eddie is nervous because he is not prepared for the coming interview.
7. Leo’s parents are worried that he is too involved in online games.
8. The teacher encourages the students to be more involved in class activities.
9. The sky is very dark as if today were the end of the world.
10. Eva dashed into the room as if there were a monster outside.
11. The scientist developed the complicated theory in his twenties.
12. Jack first became a father in his forties.
13. Taiwanese women cannot easily strip away their traditional roles.
14. After the test, Dorothy stripped away the pressure and enjoyed freedom.
15. The little boy stopped talking and focused on the new toy.
16. Because of the noise, Nancy could not focus on her history report.
17. Mother piled the plates to make room for the roast chicken.
18. Andrew sold the old car to make room for the new one.
19. Adelaide listened to the sad song and burst into tears.
20. The girl burst into song seconds after the music was played.
21. When Ian was young, he took health for granted.
22. My mother reminds me not to take anything for granted.
23. Jewel ran up and down the aisle happily.
24. Timothy walked up and down the street, looking for his missing dog.
1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. B
1. To know you’re going to die, and to be prepared for it at any time.
2. Once we learn how to die, we learn how to live.
3. He once told a friend that he was going to be the healthiest old man.
4. Because most of us walk around as if we were sleepwalking.
5. Because we’re half asleep, automatically doing the things we think we have to do.
6. The slightest human contact was immediate joy.
7. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us.
8. The loving relationships we have, and the universe around us.
9. He notices the change in the trees and how strong the wind is blowing.
10. He tried to see what Morrie saw. He tried to see time and seasons, and his life passed in slow motion.
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
1. The teacher was involved in the drama contest.
2. Her students took her devotion for granted.
3. Lily walked up and down the stairs, waiting for the test result.
4. Her sister kidded her about her behavior.
5. Eddie is prepared for next week’s exam.
6. He plans to focus on the study every day before the exam.
7. Annie strikes an elegant pose as if she were a supermodel.
8. If only the rain stopped, Fanny could jog in the park.
9. Patricia gave away her books to make room for the new ones.
10. Gordon was confused when his friends burst into laughter.
11. He was optimistic in his sixties.
12. When we stripped away all that stuff and focused on the essentials, we saw everything differently.
If tomorrow is the end of the world, I want to stay home with my family. We will cook and enjoy a meal together, chatting and laughing. I will tell them how much they mean to me. Without them, my life is never complete. I think it will be terrible to be alone during the final hours.
I never like the feeling of loneliness. It is fine to be alone from time to time, but most of the time, I enjoy the company of my family and friends. As the world comes to an end, I may begin to feel more and more uneasy. However, with my family by my side, I believe I will be able to face the final moment calmly.
Listening Test
Part 1 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D
Part 2 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A
Part 3 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C
Part 1
For question number one, please look at picture A.
1. Q: What is the woman teaching the students?
(A) About spiritual things.
(B) How to live a long life.
(C) About the universe.
(D) How to appreciate art.
For question number two, please look at picture B.
2. Q: What does the girl like to do when she has her picture taken?
(A) She likes to wink at the camera.
(B) She likes to show her shoulders.
(C) She likes to pretend to whisper.
(D) She likes to make the “V” sign.
For question number three, please look at picture C.
3. Q: What happened when the girl dropped her ice cream?
(A) She burst into tears.
(B) She cried for joy.
(C) She called for help.
(D) She thought it was nothing.
For question number four, please look at picture D.
4. Q: How can we describe the girl?
(A) She is very reliable.
(B) She is grinning widely.
(C) She is an arrogant girl.
(D) She likes to help others.
For question number five, please look at picture E.
5. Q: Which of the following is true about this river?
(A) There is no boat on it.
(B) It is seriously polluted.
(C) Some people are swimming happily in it.
(D) Boats go up and down it.
Part 2
1. Are all your belongings in these boxes?
2. What’s so special about these lights?
3. I don’t think I will ever be able to find a good job!
4. It sounds like you’ve caught a cold.
5. David says he wants to be the CEO of a big company one day.
Part 3
1. M: I haven’t been feeling well lately.
W: Perhaps you don’t have enough vitamin C and D. Lack of them can make people feel unwell.
M: Really? Maybe I should get more sunshine and eat up my greens!
Q: What does the woman say about the man’s health?
2. W: It’s so hot and bright in this room.
M: I’ll draw the curtains for you.
W: Thanks! That’s much better.
Q: What do we know about the room the man and woman are in?
3. M: Nice hairdo!
W: Thanks. I was tired of having straight hair.
M: I think a perm really suits you.
W: Thank you. I’m flattered!
Q: What do we know about the woman’s hair?
4. W: Oh, look at that poor little kitten in the window! What’s the matter with it?
M: Perhaps it feels cold.
W: Or maybe it’s shaking with fear!
M: That could be one of the possible reasons.
Q: Why is the woman concerned about the kitten?
5. M: So are you ready to begin painting these walls?
W: No, we need to take off all the old paint before we can start putting the fresh paint on.
M: Oh, of course! That’s going to take ages.
Q: What are the man and woman going to do next?

Unit 3 The Earth’s Mysterious Neighbor