If God created everything; He is responsible for everything

Consider the following key points:


Moral evil


James 1:13(New International Version)

13When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;

Genesis 3: 1-7

Satan the Devil is the ruler of this system of things, so he is responsible for all of the terrible things, ever since Adam and Eve, the first human pair, disobeyed God.

If God created everything and God hated sin, why would he create the devil?

One point of view may be:

God did not create the devil as he is!
If you read the first chapter of Genesis, you see that there are things that are seemingly uncreated, and things that just seem to appear. The darkness does not appear to be created, for example - it just is.
So it's not necessarily a valid assumption to assume God created everything. He started and fashioned everything, and allows things to progress to a new/different creation, but He did not "create" everything. He did not create sin. He allows for free will, and sin can follow as a consequence of that.
The devil is another example of this principle. He started out as an angel in heaven pleasing to God and sinless, but when he rejected God and heaven, he turned into a new creation - his own due to his rejection of God.
God's hatred of sin has nothing to do with it, but the attachment of sin and the devil is a natural result of rejecting God. Sin is not tolerated by God, so everything sinful is out of his light and heaven. The devil chose this lightless and sinful existence by rejecting God - so sin really is all he has.

God Is Responsible For Everything That Happens In The Universe – Discuss

God is responsible for everything that happens in the universe – discuss
St. Augustine was walking on the seashore thinking about God’s nature when he noticed a boy doing something strange. After filling his bucket with water, the boy then poured it into a hole in the sand. He did this several times. Augustine asked the boy what he was doing. The boy replied that he was putting the ocean into the hole in the sand. "That’s impossible," the saint replied. But then Augustine realized he was doing the same thing. He was trying to fit the infinite God into his small finite brain, which cannot be done. One can, however, make some reasonable assumptions about God’s nature.
God has consciousness and identity. When confronted with the reality that the universe could not start itself or keep itself going, some might erroneously think the universe was started by some mindless force. It takes a mind with intelligence to construct and maintain such an orderly universe. The old argument is, if you found a watch on Jupiter, you would know intelligent life was responsible; the watch did not come about naturally. In the same way, the universe’s clockwork precision betrays the intelligence of its Creator. Thus, God is a person. God has no gender, but "he" is preferable to "it."
Since God is outside time and space, he is eternal. Augustine asked, "What was God doing before the universe was created?" The answer is at the Big Bang, not only was the universe created, but time also began. Astrophysicists claim that before the Big Bang, time did not exist. Because God is out of time, he always is; God has no origin. Furthermore, past, present, and future are simultaneously present to God. He sees us dead and buried already. He knows everything that is going to happen.

Is determinism fatalist? It assumes that we are powerless to change our fate (film: Final Destination)