Workforce Development Board

West Central Workforce Investment Area

Park Inn by Radisson

West Middlesex, PA

May 17, 2017


Members present were: Mark Buskirk, Bruce Denniston, Sam Giannetti, Denise Grady, Gary Grant, Jim Hill, Tim Jablon, Bill Klink, Susan Lautenbacher, Nannette Livadas, Rachel Martin, Gillian Maule, Linda Schell, Randy Silverman, Gail Steck, Howard Thompson

Members absent were: Joe Clavelli, Harry Grafton, Nate Hamilla, Chuck Jackson, Jeane Keene, Linda Nitch, Bill O’Brien, Sally Pinson, Randy Seitz, Joe Smarelli, Frank Telesz, Dom Vadala, Debby Van Kirk

Staff present were: Tammy Barbati, Eileen Borrelli, Chris Burger, Gregg Dogan, Debra Donahue, Eric Karmecy, Cyndi Myers, Michelle Sallmen

Others present were: Commissioner Scott Boyd, Attorney Ray Bogaty, Georgiana Luce

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gary Grant at 6:06 p.m. Roll was taken, a quorum was noted and the meeting commenced.

A motion to approve the minutes of the February 15, 2017 meeting was made by Howard Thompson, seconded by Rachel Martin and passed unanimously.


Mr. Grant welcomed Commissioner Boyd and thanked him for attending the meeting.


·  Finance Report – Mr. Dogan referred to the green section of the meeting packet. This report reflects expenses accrued from July 1, 2016 through April 30, 2017.

Page one lists the grants that West Central currently administers. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act grants are listed first, followed by Rapid Response grants, Workforce Innovation Fund grant, American Apprenticeship grant, Industry Partnership grants and Welfare Program funds.

Page two reflects WIOA Adult, Youth, Dislocated Worker and Rapid Response funds. As of April 30, 2017, WIOA Adult training funds were budgeted at $172,500 and $128,138 had been obligated/expensed, WIOA Youth was budgeted at $237,500 and $184,175 had been obligated/expensed, WIOA Dislocated Worker was budgeted at $226,000 and $135,448 had been obligated/expensed and Rapid Response funds were budgeted at $136,500 and $68,708 had been obligated/expensed.

Page three reflects the expenditures for the Mercer and Lawrence County CareerLinksÒ.

Mr. Dogan reported to the Board that WCJP has received a $60,000 planning grant to assist WCJP and the Northwest WDB jointly with the new local and regional multi-year plans.

Mr. Dogan reported to the Board that WCJP has received a Business Education Partnership grant in the amount of $127,500 and the TANF Summer Youth award in the amount of $172,200.

A motion to approve the Finance Report as presented was made by Susan Lautenbacher, seconded by Mark Buskirk and passed unanimously.

·  Monitoring Reports – Mr. Dogan referred to the single page handout included in the meeting packet. This report lists the quality assurance oversight reviews that have been performed from February 16, 2017 through May 5, 2017.

·  Apprenticeship Update – Mr. Karmecy reported to the Board that under the American Apprenticeship Initiative 94 total apprentices have been enrolled and that we are meeting performance.


·  One-Stop Operating Committee – Recommendation of the One-Stop Operator for PY 2017 – Debbie Donahue reported to the Board that under WIOA the One-Stop operator now must be competitively procured and in place by July 1, 2017. She explained that WCJP released an RFP for the One-Stop Operator on February 16, 2017 and only one proposal was received from the Special Projects and Operations Division of WCJP. Thomas P. Miller and Associates was procured to conduct an independent review of the proposal. The One-Stop Operations committee met on April 28, 2017 to review the proposal along with Tony Waterson from TPMA.

A motion to authorize WCJP Administrative Division staff to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding with the Operations & Special Project Division, not to exceed $20,000, to become the One-Stop Operator in Lawrence and Mercer Counties for the period of July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 with the option to renew for three (3) additional one (1) year periods was made by Bruce Dennistion, seconded by Tim Jablon and passed unanimously with Sam Giannetti abstaining.

·  One-Stop Operating Committee – Modify WIOA Transitional Plan to include WCJP Special Projects Division –

A motion to modify the WIOA Transitional Plan to include the WCJP Operations & Special Projects Division was made by Bruce Denniston, seconded by Susan Lautenbacher and passed unanimously.

·  Youth Committee Committee – Recommendation of the WIOA Youth Services Provider for PY 2017 – Rachel Martin reported to the Board that on March 28, 2017 WCJP issued an RFP to procure Literacy/Numeracy and Work Readiness Skills for Out of School Youth 16 to 24 years of age in each CareerLink®. Proposals were due by April 21, 2017 and there were two proposals received. The Youth Committee met on May 15, 2017 to review the proposals and recommended the following.

A motion to authorize WCJP Administrative Division staff to meet and negotiate a contract with Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV not to exceed $134, 223 for the period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods was made by Rachel Martin, seconded by Gail Steck and passed unanimously with Gillian Maule abstaining.

·  Youth Committee – Authorize Business Education Partnership contracts with CTCs – Debbie Donahue reported to the Board that WCJP applied for the total grant amount of $200,000 and was awarded $127,500 which will be divided between the Mercer County Career Center and Lawrence County CTC.

A motion to authorize the Business Education Partnership contracts with Mercer County Career Center and Lawrence County CTC was made by Gail Steck, seconded by Susan Lautenbacher and passed unanimously with Rachel Martin abstaining.

·  Youth Committee – TANF Summer 2017 and TANF Year Round PY 2017 – Mr. Dogan reported to the Board that in PY 2016 WCJP received $168,000 in TANF Summer funds that they were used for Work Experience for 16, 17 and 18 year olds. WCJP received notice that for PY 2017 we will be receiving $172,200 in TANF Summer funds for the same activities and $423,000 in TANF Year Round funds which includes PY 2018 Summer funds.

WCJP issued an RFP for both TANF Summer and TANF Year Round projects, but did not receive any proposals. WCJP has decided to try to operate these projects in-house in lieu of returning the funds to DHS.

·  Nominations Committee – Recommendation of Board officers for PY 2017 – Mr. Dogan spoke for Joe Clavelli. He reported that the Nominations Committee would like to submit the following names for the officers of the West Central Workforce Development Board for Program Year 2017:

Chairperson ~ Bruce Denniston

Vice Chairperson ~ Debby Van Kirk

Secretary ~ Nate Hamilla

Treasurer ~ Harry Grafton

The committee will also accept any nominations from the floor at this time. No nominations were made from the floor.

A motion to close the nominations for Officers for the upcoming 2017 Program Year was made by Sam Giannetti, seconded by Linda Schell and passed unanimously.


·  Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Mandated Partners for PY 2017 – Mr. Dogan referred to the one-page handout included in the meeting packet that identifies the required one-stop partners under WIOA. He explained that the MOU outlines how services are going to be delivered and funded in the one-stop center. The MOU needs to be in place for July 1, 2017 and WCJP is in the process of identifying the required partners and their contribution to the one-stop.


·  Regional (Keystone Edge) and Local WIOA Multi-year Plans due 9/1/17 – Debbie Donahue reported that the plans were originally to be in place for July 1, 2017 but the state has extended the current plan until December 31, 2017 and made funds available to assist in gathering labor market information and help coordinate the regional plan. WCJP issued a Request for Quotes for assistance in development of the plans and received three responses.

A motion to authorize WCJP to execute a contract with Community Workforce Advancements not to exceed $45,000 to prepare the Keystone Edge Regional and West Central and Northwest Local Plans was made by Howard Thompson, seconded by Randy Silverman and passed unanimously.

·  WIOA Title I Career Services – Mr. Dogan advised the Board that there have been no additional guidelines issued and the current plan is in place until December 31, 2017.

·  Tech Grant Application approved for $163,418 – Mr. Dogan advised the Board that WCJP applied for this grant jointly with Laurel Technical Institute and was awarded $163,418.


·  News from Washington DC and Harrisburg – Mr. Dogan referred to the handout in the meeting packet that was included for informational purposes.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at the New Englander Banquet Center in New Castle, PA.

Adjournment – A motion to adjourn at 7:13 p.m. was made by Sam Giannetti, seconded by Tim Jablon and passed unanimously.