This is an application for admission to this hospital for Medical Rehabilitative Services

Please return completed application to:

Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children

3 Randolph Street

Canton, MA 02021

ATTN: Admissions Department



Applicant’s Full Name:(Last) ______(First) ______(MI)______

Sex: M □ F □ Date of Birth: ______Age______

Birthplace: ______Social Security No. ______- ______- ______

Current Residence: ______

(No. & Street Name) (City/Town)(State) (Zip Code)

Current Home Telephone Number: ( ) ______- ______

Father’s Name:______Age:______

Address: ______

(No. & Street Name) (City/Town)(State) (Zip Code)

Telephone Numbers: Home: ( ) ______- ______Cell: ( ) ______- ______

Email Address: ______

Employer: ______

Address: ______

Work Telephone Number: ( ) ______- ______

Mother’s Name: ______Age:______

Address: ______

(No. & Street Name) (City/Town)(State) (Zip Code)

Telephone Numbers: Home: ( ) ______- ______Cell: ( ) ______- ______

EmailAddress: ______

Employer: ______


Work Telephone Number: ( ) ______- ______

Are parents married: □ Yes □ No If no, how long divorced, separated, living together? ______



Agency Involvement

Agency Agency Contact Person and Telephone Number

□ DDS ______

□ DCF ______

□ MRC ______

□ MCB ______

□ SHIP ______

□ DPH ______

□ VNA ______

□ PCA’s______No. of hours: ______

□ Other ______

  1. With whom does applicant reside (names/ages/relationship)? ______
  1. Who is the legal guardian? ______
  1. Any siblings or parents that do not reside in home?______
  1. Visitation schedule if parents are divorced/not living together?______
  1. Are any legal problems being presently addressed by family? Yes □ No □

If yes, please describe: ______



Any custody, visitation and/or restraining orders? Yes □ No □

If yes, please describe:______



  1. Is the home handicapped accessible?______
  1. Do you have transportation that meets the need of the applicant?______
  1. Does the applicant use PCA services in the home? Yes □ No □

If yes, how many hours a week does applicant use PCA services? ______

  1. Is applicant able to direct care of PCA’s? ______
  1. How does the applicant handle transitions? ______
  1. What are the applicant’s perceived strengths? ______
  1. Please identify greatest areas of success/talents? ______
  1. Is the applicant aware of the application to PRHC? ______

How does the applicant feel about possibly residing at PRHC?______


PRHC may require a home visit if Admission Team finds necessary.

Families may request a home visit as part of the pre-admission process.


Applicant’s CurrentSchool: ______

Address: ______

(No. & Street Name) (City/Town)(State) (Zip Code)

Telephone Number: ( ) ______- ______

School Contact: (Name) ______Telephone Number: ( ) ______

  • Does your child have a current/signed IEP? Yes □ No □

If not, please explain:______

  • Is your local school system aware of application to PRHC? Yes □ No □

If yes, do they support the application? Yes □ No □


Prior to admission, applicant must be enrolled in Mass. Health. If not currently enrolled, please contact

Mass Health to start application process.

Applicant’s Medical Insurance Company: ______

(Name of Insurer/Company)

Subscriber’s Name: ______

Address if different from Applicant’s: ______

(No. & Street Name) (City/Town) (State) (Zip Code)

Policy No. ______

I.D No.______

(Private Insurance:ex: BCBS if applicable) ______

Medicare No. (if applicable): ______

Medicaid No. (if applicable): ______

(Mass Health No.) (Medicaid Claim No.)

Has applicant been the recipient of a Monetary Award of Settlement? Yes □ No □

What type of Mass Health? Comm. Health□ TAFDC□ SSI□ SSI/SSDI□ Other□

Is patient on: SSI? Yes □ No□ Monthly Amount: $______

SSDI? Yes □ No□ Monthly Amount: $______

SSI/SSDI? Yes □ No□ Monthly Amount: $______

Does patient receive child support? Yes □ No□ Monthly Amount: $______

Does patient have a Trust Fund?Yes □ No□ Monthly Amount: $______

If yes, is Trust Fund a special needs/irrevocable Trust Fund? Yes □ No □

Is Trust Fund in patient’s name? Yes □ No □

If no, whose name is it in? ______

Lawyer’s Name & Address: ______

Does patient have a savings account? Yes □ No□ Amount: $______

Does patient have a checking account? Yes □ No□ Amount: $______

Would you be setting up a personal needs account at PRHC? Yes □ No □

Would you be agreeable to Direct Deposit of SSI/Long Term Care Check? Yes □ No □


Have you ever applied to PRHCbefore? Yes □ No □ If yes, When? ______

What are your reasons for applying to PRHC?




Are you currently applying to any other facility, if so where? ______

Name of person filling out application:______


(Street No.) (City/Town)(State) (Zip Code)

Telephone Number: ( ) _____-______

If PRHC staff recommends your child for inclusion in the therapeutic leave program, will you be supportive of his/her participation? Yes □ No □


Family History: (Please include immediate family in and outside the home and all individuals living

in the home)

□Substance Abuse

□Domestic Violence

□Psychiatric Illness

Describe in detail any of the above that are checked:




Describe past/present experiences in school: (Including issues re: accessibility, peer interactions, ability to function in the school setting)




Availability of extracurricular recreational and social resources/activities at school setting:




Is/was your child bullied or harassed at school? Yes □ No □ if yes, please describe:




Is/was your child socially isolated at school? Yes □ No □ if yes, please describe:



Does your child have any friends outside of school?




How does your child get along with peers/other children?




Please describe other alternatives you have tried if regular school attendance has not been successful

(ex: home tutoring)




Is your child able to get into the community on a regular basis? (doctor’s appointments, family events)




Describe any psychology concerns/stressors:




Has your child/family received mental health therapy? Yes □ No □ If yes, where and for how long?




What is your child’s mood most days: ______



Does your child have behavior problems which interfere with daily tasks, for example need for a behavior support plan, 1-1 supervision: ______





How do you transfer your child? ______

Does your child use a wheelchair? ______

 Manual Wheelchair

 Power Wheelchair

Does your child walk? If yes, please describe equipment used: ______


Does your child require a special bed, side rails or side pads? If yes, please describe equipment used: ______

Safety (check all that apply):

  • Falls frequently
  • Wanders
  • Climbs out of bed


Expressive Communication Modes: check all used by individual to make needs known

□ Speech□ Signs, gestures, vocalizations

□ Writing/typing□ AAC System:

□ Consistent reliable yes/no□ other: ______


Making self-understood/Partner Response:

□ understood□ usually understood□ difficulty finding words/finishing thoughts

□ sometimes understood □ limited to simple direct communication □ rarely/neverunderstood

Receptive Communication:

Other related issues: ______


Other receptive communication techniques used: (ex: lip read, visual supports)



Comprehension/ability to understand others:

□ understands□ usually understands may miss some part/intent of message

□ sometimes understands, responds adequately to simple, direct communication

□ rarely/never understands□ to be determined

Oral Motor/Swallowing

Is he/she on a modified texture diet? Solids: Yes □ No□ Liquids: Yes □ No □

If yes, explain: ______


Has the patient ever had a Modified Barium Swallow? (swallowing study) If yes, when, where, results/recommendations:______


*Please attach copy of most recent swallowing study evaluation*


Height: ______Weight: ______

Has the patient recently lost or gained any weight? Yes □ No □

Amount of weight lost: ______

Amount of weight gained: ______

Over how long? ______

Was it intentional? ______


Name of Dentist: ______

Address: ______

(No. & Street Name) (City/Town)(State) (Zip Code)

Telephone Number: ______

Medical History Information

Diagnosis: (Please list all diagnoses, infections or medical problems that your child has or has had)







Surgical History:(Please list all surgeries your child has had)

Surgery Physician/Hospital Date







Planned Surgeries: (Please list any planned/upcoming surgeries or doctor appointments)

Surgery/Appointment Physician/Hospital Date







Allergies or Reactions to:______

Medications: ______

Iodine, dyes, anesthetics: ______

Food: ______

Environmental ex: dust/cats:______

Latex: Yes □ No □______

Medical Problems/Issues/Concerns: (Check all that apply)

Seizures / Pneumonia / Constipation
Loss of consciousness/Severe head trauma / Aspiration / Diarrhea
Attention Deficit Disorder / Special diet / Lactose intolerance
Developmental disorder / Legally Blind / Heart palpitations
Spasticity or high tone / Recent weight loss or weight gain / Other heart problems
Decreased tone / Leg swelling / High blood pressure
Easy bruising / Ostomy bag / Low blood pressure
Bone fractures / Hepatitis / Chest pain or discomfort
Fragile bones / Diabetes / Shunt
Vagal Nerve Stimulator / Bladder problems / Autonomic dysreflexia
discomfortBreathing problems / Bladder infections / Headaches/Migraines
Uses a ventilator or CPAP / Kidney infections / Vision problems
Uses oxygen / Kidney stones / Wears glasses
Asthma / Blood in urine / Hearing problems
Difficulty swallowing food/saliva / Blood in stool / Wears hearing aid
Frequent choking / C difficile (diarrhea) / Nebulizer/Inhaler/IPV
Liver problems / Obesity / SBE prophylaxis
Digestive problems / Poor weight gain / Skin issues, pressure sores
Gastro –esophageal reflux / Problems with overeating / Eczema/Dermatitis
Gastric or duodenal ulcer / Problems with under eating / Menstrual problems
Recent exposure to tuberculosis (+TB test) / G-tube Feeding / Uses catheters
Pain ___Acute _____Chronic / Needs suctioning / Other (please specify below

If you have checked any of the above, please explain:





Yes No Not Sure

Does your child sleep through the night? ______

Has he/she ever had a hearing test?______

Does your child need diapers?______

Does your child use the toilet?______

Has your child ever had a behavioral plan?______

Other Observations/Comments or things you think are important to know about your child:





Birth History

Mother’s age at Delivery:
General state of health during pregnancy (circle one) : Poor Fair Good Excellent
Problems during pregnancy:
Birth Weight: (circle one): Pre-term Term
Problems at birth of shortly after:
Developmental Delays:

Family History: (check all that apply)

Diabetes / Seizures / Kidney/bladder problems
Heart disease / Neurological problems / GI problems
High cholesterol / Psychiatric problems / Immunological problems
Cancer / ADHD/ADD / Sudden death

Doctors:(including Mental Health providers, i.e.: psychiatry, therapist, social worker, counselor)

Name / Specialty/Medical Problem / Location


*Please include a copy of all immunizations (vaccines) *

Please list all Medications including vitamins, supplements, over the counter medicines and skin care:

Name Dosage Number of Times Daily

PLEASE NOTE IF ANY MEDICATIONS MUST BE RECONSTITUTEDPRIOR TO ADMINISTRATION.(Reconstitution is the process of adding diluents to a dry ingredient to make it a liquid)

Revised: 7/17 Page 1 of 11 FORM#: AD-001

Department: Admissions