Dance Classes

All P1-P7 pupils are being offered dance classes by a qualified Dance Instructor every Friday as part of their PE curriculum. All pupils attending are having great fun and developing their understanding of the importance of physical exercise as part of a healthy life-style.

‘Wellie Wednesday’

A big thank you to all pupils who participated in ‘Wellie Wednesday’. A total of £58.00 was raised for Fields of Life.

Good News Club

CEF workers visiting our school every Wednesday lunch-time during January have been very encouraged by a goodly number of children in attendance approximately 30. The children are enjoying songs, quizzes and a Bible story. The club will also run each Wednesday in February as well.

Internet Safety Evening for Parents

Sorry for any inconvenience caused due to the cancellation of our Internet Safety Event.

This event will take place in the year.


School will finish for all pupils at 2.00pm week beginning Monday 9th February due to parent interviews. Any pupil who has a sibling in the nursery will be allowed to go home at 1.30pm.

School Closed Fri 13th Feb Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th School reopens Wednesday 18th February at 8.55 am.

P4/P5 Visit to Palace Stables

P4/P5 class had a wonderful insight into life in the War Years on Thursday 15th January at Palace Stables Armagh. A great day was had by all. A special thank you to parent helper Mrs McCullough for helping out on the trip and to Angela Magennis our work experience student.

Drumming Workshops

Key stage 2 pupils have been enjoying drumming workshops throughout the month of January. Funding from our extended schools programme allowed these classes to be provided free of charge to our pupils.

ECO Club

A big thank you to our ECO team under the guidance of Mrs Stevenson who have been carrying out a general tidy up around our school and preparing for spring planting.

Milk Money

The cost of milk for February will be £3.57

Best Behaviour at Lunchtime

P1Kara Cosgrave/Richard Kerr

P2/3Rachel Crozier/

Sam Cochrane

P4/5 Zoe McCullough/

James McCoy

P6/7 Ruth Allen/

Matthew Carswell

The School Car Park

The School Car Park is reserved for staff parking ONLY. If you are collecting your child from an afternoon activity please ensure you wait outside the school gates. Please ask yourself the question if everyone adopted the policy of parking in the school car park how safe would your child be? Unfortunately if this problem persists the school gates will have to be locked.

Punctuality Month

All pupils are encouraged to be in school at 8.55am sharp during the month of February. All pupils who arrive punctually will be given a certificate and their name will be

entered into a draw for the opportunity to win a luxury hamper.

Please Note

As letter indicated on 28th January school closure will be posted on the Parent’s Page on the Web Site. This will only be posted if the school is CLOSED.