Number of Members 83 Average Worship Attendance 78

Mailing Address 162 W WASHINGTON, REPUBLIC, MO 63701

Street City Zip

Contact PersonJames Stewart

Phone number 417-555-0321

Cell number 417-555-1234


Amount requested $1,351.35

Attach a narrative of said proposal that shall include the following information:

(Feel free to answer on separate pages)

  1. Describe your mission proposal---

The First Presbyterian Church and the First Methodist Church would like to begin an outreach to the volunteer fire fighters in our area who put their lives on the line for the community on a regular basis. We feel their work for the good of the community should be honored in a way that is ongoing and not just a one-time event. Therefore, our church is requesting seed money to begin a monthly dinner to honor these valiant men and women. The money would be used to send invitations and to purchase needed food, paper goods, and supplies to begin this ministry. The volunteer firefighters would be invited to bring a guest if they would choose to do so and child care would be provided if necessary. We feel this ministry would help us honor those who give so much to our community on a regular basis.

  1. Detail the number of members of your congregation involved, the number of members from other congregations involved and the number of community folks who will also be involved---

We believe that this endeavor will utilize about 16 people from our congregation and about 16 people from the congregation of the First Methodist Church just down the street. In the beginning, we do not envision other helping with this mission, but as it begins to grow and be a regular part of the community, we will expect other community volunteers who will want to help. Provide a budget of the proposal (and it may be a narrative budget)---

Food$ 992.50

Paper goods$ 37.25

Invitations & Mailing$ 221.00

Supplies & Utilities$ 100.60


  1. Indicate the time frame for the project as well as the number of persons who will be impacted by the mission project (within the congregation(s) and within your community).

This will happen in the month of September and presently, we have 27 volunteer fire fighters and with their families and we expect this mission to impact 93 members of our community.