The regular meeting of the Kirklin Town Council was held on Monday, March 9, 2015 at 7: 00 PM at Kirklin Town Hall.

Council members present were: Walter Minnick, Melinda Jobe, Doug O ’Connor, and Jerry Faucett. Randy Weaver was absent.

Also present were: Shawnee Metzinger, Brent Metzinger, James Weber, Virginia Scott, Bill Scott, Jonathan Hause, Liz Stitzel, Brad Barnes – Utility Superintendent, Ellen Jobe, Phil Faucett, Joe DeLeon, Amy DeLeon, Patricia Quick, Elizabeth Brown, John Faucett – Town Marshal, Ray Adler – Town Attorney, Jan Kyle


The minutes were approved as read.


Brad told the Council that the fire hydrant at Scott Snell’s has been fixed and still doing okay.


Melinda Jobe made a motion to appoint the following Park Board Members: Patricia Quick, Amy DeLeon, Elizabeth Brown, & James (Jim Bob) Weber. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with unanimous vote.

The lease agreement with the Recreation Board was discussed. Melinda Jobe made a motion to accept the Lease Agreement after the changes have been made. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with unanimous vote. Patricia quick has volunteered to open the restrooms at the park early and to close them later.

Storm water utility board

Jerry Faucett said that he drove around and checked different places, and all drainage problems that have been worked on are draining fine.


It was mentioned that $9,500.00 has been budgeted for sidewalks and noted that conditions are still there.


The committee still has not met, but will set a meeting date for some time in April.

alley/drainage issues

Jonathan Hause, Surveyor, explained the alley issue by presenting the maps to Ellen Jobe, Town Attorney, and the Town Council. This is the only alley in Kirklin that was never platted as an alley. He thinks the main water problem with Mike Wallace’s building is because there is no guttering or downspouts of any kind on the building. Melinda Jobe commented that Tamara Massey, the deeded owner of the property, should be attending meetings; Mike Wallace does not own the property. After reviewing the maps and documents, Ray said the town does not have enough money to take care of this issue the way it needs to be taken care of. Ray mentioned Adverse Possession and said that a lot depends on how long it has been used as an alley. Quiet titles would have to be obtained from everyone who taps into the storm line or draws from the electrical lines. Ray also noted that there are two deed gaps, deed overlaps exist and we would need 7 to 8 prescriptive easements.

Jerry Faucett asked Jonathan about the steel bollards and air handlers in the alley between East Jefferson and E. Madison St. He said the air handlers are not 9 feet high. Doug and Jerry are thinking that delivery trucks may be needing to get through the alley soon. Doug mentioned that we could be setting a precedent here. Doug and Jerry asked Ray to send Jim Mann a letter concerning the issue.

Sale of Ross Street property

Jonathan Hause is going to check into this property. He will do what he needs to do and get back with the Town Council and Brent Metzinger. The issue will be discussed again at next month’s meeting.

New Town Superintendent position

Doug O’Connor shared with the Town Council that there have been 13 applications received. The Town Council agreed to meet on March 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM to review the applications and March 23, 2015 at 7 PM to begin interviewing.

Unified development ordinance

Liz Stitzel with the Area Plan Commission was present to discuss with the Town Council differences in lot sizes and setback requirements. A motion was made by Doug O’Connor to accept the recommendation of the Area Plan Commission in regard to the setback requirements of 5 ft for the side, 15 ft for the front and 5 ft in the rear. The width of the minimum lot size shall remain at 80 ft., with a minimum lot size of 10,000 square ft. The motion was supported by Melinda Jobe and was carried with a unanimous vote. Liz said that they would like for all Town Councils to vote on the Unified Zoning Ordinance by late May or early June.

Tax abatement substantial compliance- carmel engineering

Ray Adler and Melinda Jobe discussed and agreed that Carmel Engineering is in substantial compliance with their tax abatement agreement. All Council members agreed that they were in substantial compliance as well.

Utility Superintendent report

Brad Barnes informed the Council that the new pump controls have been installed at the water plant and are now working properly. He explained the problems he had with it at the beginning. Walt Minnick asked if we were able to use both wells now. Brad said no, and explained that the display unit on the VFD on well #2 is still not operational. The company will be coming back to fix it.

Barnes gave a report on what town employees have been working on at the wastewater treatment plant. Jerry asked if Brad had enough help without Rick Lowery. Brad feels like they are okay for right now.


John asked the Town Council about getting cameras installed at the town park. He would also like a direct phone line to his office. John said he has the money in his budget. Melinda Jobe feels like there needs to be a camera installed near the restrooms at the park. Joe DeLeon would like to take a look at the existing cameras to be sure that they can’t be repaired. Jerry Faucett made a motion for John to have a separate phone line installed to his office. The motion was supported by Doug O’Connor and carried with a unanimous vote. Doug would like the military vehicles to be advertise somewhere other than only on Govdeals because he thinks they are worth more than they have been bringing. Billy Scott reported that the price they have been selling for is comparable to what they sell for on eBay.

Resolution 2015 – 1

Melinda Jobe made a motion to adopt resolution 2015 – 1 to allow the Clerk-Treasurer to receipt the outstanding checks which are two years old or older back into the appropriate funds. Doug O’Connor supported the motion and the motion was carried with unanimous vote.


Doug O’Connor made a motion to approve invoice #1682 in the amount of $1200.00 to Hause Surveying & Engineering. Jerry Faucett supported the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. Melinda Jobe made a motion to pay invoice to be BL Anderson in the amount of $10,751.83 for the work that has been done at the water plant. Doug O’Connor supported the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote.


Doug O’Connor made a motion to approve the Register of Claims. Jerry Faucett supported the motion and the motion was carried with a unanimous vote.


Jerry Faucett made a motion to approve the Billing Adjustments Register for the month of February. Doug O’Connor supported the motion and the motion was carried with A unanimous vote.


Billy Scott asked the Council about the insurance at the park. He also asked about getting water lines ran back to the concession stand. Walt Minnick is going to speak with Bill Brock about hooking into the line behind the concession stand if that line belongs to him. If the line belongs to the county, Doug O’Connor volunteered to speak with Dan Sheets.


Melinda Jobe made a motion to approve the fire protection agreement for 2015 in the amount of $4,000.00. Doug O’Connor supported the motion, and it was carried with unanimous vote.

All financial reports were given to the Town Council prior to the meeting

Meeting adjourned

Minutes recorded by Jan Kyle

A special called meeting of the Kirklin Town Council was held on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Kirklin Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to review employee applications and to meet with Utility Management and Construction (UMAC).

Council members present were: Walter Minnick, Doug O’Connor, & Jerry Faucett. Randy Weaver and Melinda Jobe were absent.

Also present were: Ronnie Black and Troy Elless with UMAC Excavating and Utility Services, Mary King – Clerk-Treasurer.

Ronnie Black and Troy Elless explained the services offered by UMAC. It was explained that they have operators certified for both water and wastewater and also for water distribution. They also offer excavating services. They explained that drive time, man hours, as well as other factors will determine the fee charged for services. They asked that the town Council to decide what services they would like for their company to perform, and they would be happy to give an estimate of monthly charges. UMAC covers all benefits for their employees as well as Worker’s Comp. insurance. A copy of the wastewater treatment plant permit was given to them.

The town Council reviewed all applications that have been received and found five applicants that they would like to interview. The applications will be given to Randy Weaver and Melinda Jobe to review as well.

The Council discussed giving employee reviews and also discussed what qualifications and needs were most applicable for this job.

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted- Mary King