Please insert name & address of referee

Date: 3 November 2018

Dear referee,

(From voluntary work agency or social work or other employment)


The above named has applied for a place on our Child Health Nursing three year pre-registration and has given your name to us as a referee.

Nursing is a demanding career physically, emotionally and intellectually. It requires people who have the potential to provide care for children and their families individuals based on their particular needs, both physical and emotional physically and emotionally. Team work, communication and recognising one’s own capabilities are important qualities that the student needs to have to a safe learning environment. The course prepares future child health nurses through a demanding academic degree alongside a complex variety of community and hospital clinical placements.

It is, therefore, essential that you complete this form in as much detail as possible. Please comment under each heading on the candidate’s potential:

  1. Communication, relationship skills and empathy.
  1. Initiative, problem solving and creativity.
  1. Motivation and commitment to a career in Child Health Nursing
  1. Confidence and sociability.
  1. Ability to study/work independently and in groups.
  1. Ability to follow a personally and academically challenging educational programme.
  1. Integrity and reliability.
  1. Health and attendance record.
  1. Work experiences which transfer or relate to the skills required.
  1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity, e.g. manager, mentor, teacher etc.


PRINT NAME………………………………………………

Telephone Number……………………………………….


Please feel free to add any other details that you consider relevant to the course mentioned above.

Please note that we do accept references via email at you do wish to send your reference via email, please ensure that it is in PDF format that the email is titled Nursing Reference. Within the email we will also require the students name and reference number.

In the interest of economy we do not acknowledge receipt of references but would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your assistance.

We would be grateful for your reply within 2 weeks of receipt of this request. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Admissions on 01752 585858.

Yours sincerely

Undergraduate Admissions Team

Floor 3, Nancy Astor Building

Drake Circus




Student Recruitment & Admissions T +44 (0) 1752 585858

Plymouth UniversityE

Drake Circus W

Devon PL4 8AA United Kingdom

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