Land SurveyorsShort Professional Indemnity Proposal Form

The completion of this form in no way binds the Proposer to purchase insurance, nor does it bind Underwriters to give

insurance. Any information given will only be passed to Underwriters for the purpose of quotation and will be treated as


1) / Companies to be insured: / Original Establishment Date:
Main Address: / Telephone No:
Fax No:
Post Code: / Number of Offices:
2) / Details of all Principals, Partners, Directors
Name / Qualifications / Date Qualified
Partner 1:
Partner 2:
Partner 3:
Partner 4:
Total Number of Employees Excluding Above:
3) /








Total Gross Fees in last financial year : / £ / £ / £ / £
Estimated Gross Fees for next financial year: / £ / £ / £ / £
Largest Fee from any one client: / £ / £ / £ / £


a) / Land Surveying - Geotechnical / % / m) / Estate Agency / %
b) / Land Surveying – Hydrographic / % / n) / Residential Property Management / %
c) / Land Surveying – Mineral / % / o) / Commercial Property Management / %
d) / Land Surveying – Setting Out / % / p) / Rent Reviews / %
e) / Land Surveying - Topographical / % / q) / Aerial/Marine or Engineering Surveys / %
f) / Other Site and Land Surveys / % / r) / Setting out / %
g) / Quantity Surveying / % / s) / Auctioneering / %
h) / Residential Building Surveys/Valuations / % / t) / Insurance or building society work / %
i) / Commercial Building Surveys/Valuations / % / u) / Investment Agency / %
j) / Project Co-ordination / % / v) / Expert Witness work / %
k) / Project Management / % / w) / Planning Supervisor work / %
l) / Building Surveying / % / x) / Other work (please specify) / %
TOTAL / 100 %

5) Details of the 3 largest contracts in the last 5 financial years (give details of current projects if new business):

Client / Description / Contract Value / Fee
6) / Have any claims or circumstances in respect of the risks to which this form relates ever been notified to insurers or made against the business or any of the Principals, Partners or Directors whether successful or not? /
Are any of the Principals, Partners or Directors, AFTER FULL ENQUIRY, aware of anycircumstance which might give rise to any such claim? /
Has any proposal in respect of the risks to which this form relates ever been declined or has any such insurance ever been cancelled or renewal refused? /
If YES to any question, please provide details on a separate sheet.
7) / Other material information:
8) / Does the firm currently hold Professional Indemnity Insurance? /
What Limit of Indemnity do you require?
Name of Current Insurers
Name of your broker
Renewal Date
Limit of indemnity


It is essential that every Proposer or Assured when seeking a quotation to take out or renew any insurance makes a fair presentation of their risk to the prospective insurer.


You have a duty to make a fair presentation of the risk to be insured to the insurer. This requires the disclosure of any information which would influence the judgement of a prudent insurer in deciding whether to accept your insurance, impose special terms, or charge an increased premium.

A proposal or any other document relating to the contract of insurance, must be answered fully and accurately.All representations must be substantially correct if relating to matters of fact, or made in good faith if they are matters of expectation or belief. Please do consider the questions regarding “any other information” very carefully in the light of the duty of fair presentation.The provision and documentation of this information is your responsibility.

Please be aware that a failure to make a fair presentation of your risk may affect the payment of your claims, cause additional charges to be made by the insurer, or even invalidate the policy.

You are required to disclose what should “reasonably have been revealed by a reasonable search of information available to you”. Please note that this includes what is in the knowledge of all senior management within your organisation (senior officers not just directors), and what is known to other organisations.

Information must be disclosed in a way which is reasonably clear and accessible to a prudent insurer.

This duty arises not only at inception of the policy but also at renewal or in the event of any material change in your risk during the period of insurance.

If you have any doubt as to what constitutes a relevant fact or circumstance please do not hesitate to ask for advice.


I/we declare that, after full enquiry, the contents of this proposal are true and that I/we have not misstated, omitted or suppressed any material circumstance or information. I/we agree that this proposal together with any other information supplied by me/us shall form our fair presentation of the risk to be insured. If there is any material alteration to the facts and information which I/we have provided or any new material matter arises before the completion of the contract of insurance, I/we undertake to inform Underwriters.

I/we hereby consent to any information I/we have provided being processed by you for the purposes of providing insurance and claims handling, which may necessitate sharing such information with third parties. Brunel Professions Limited may use this information for marketing (by post, telephone, e-mail or fax) subject to the conditions of the Data Protection Act. If you do not wish these details to be used for marketing please inform Brunel Professions Limited in writing. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 you have the right to access or amend the information we hold about you. If you would like to exercise either of these rights please contact Brunel Professions Limited.

Date: ………./………./……….

Signature of Principal ………………………………………………………………

Position within the company ………………………………………………………

Brunel Professions Ltd, St Thomas Court, Thomas Lane, Bristol BS1 6JG

tel: 0117 325 2224 fax:0117 325 2225