The HKIE Geotechnical Division

Technical Visit to Japan

17-22 January 2010

The HKIE Geotechnical Division is organizing a technical visit to Japan between 17-22 January 2010. The visit aims at enriching Hong Kong engineers’ knowledge on the state-of-the-art technology and experience in civil and geotechnical engineering in Japan, especially on latest innovations for the construction of major infrastructures. Two itineraries are arranged, with one focusing on major infrastructure projects while the other targeting at landslide mitigation measures and slope stabilisation works. The tentative programme of the visit is as follows:

Sector / Date / Tentative programme
1 / 17 January 2010 (Sun) / depart Hong Kong to Tokyo
18 January 2010 (Mon) / visit Public Works Research Institute in Tsukuba City (築波市)
19 January 2010 (Tue) / visit Haneda (羽田) Airport Expansion site and Port & Harbour Research Institute
20 January 2010 (Wed) / visit Tunnel Shield Association in Tokyo (tentative) or landslide preventive works in Fuji City [for members joining sector 2b, travel from Tokyo to Tsuyama City (津山市) in the afternoon]
2a / 21 January 2010 (Thu) / visit the Daini Tomei Expressway (第二東名高速) construction sites in Nagoya and Nippon Expressway Research Institute and Central Highway Company
travel from Nagoya to Osaka
22 January 2010 (Fri) / visit Geo-Research Institute in Osaka
depart Osaka to Hong Kong
2b / 21 January 2010 (Thu) / visit slope stabilisation and preventive works for a hydro project at Okutsu (奧津湖)
22 January 2010 (Fri) / depart Osaka to Hong Kong

The visit is one of the activities under the project entitled "Study on State-of-the-art Technology and Experience on Civil and Geotechnical Engineering in Japan", funded by the Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme (PSDAS) of the HKSAR Government.


HK$ 6,000 per person including airfare, hotel accommodation (double room occupancy), transportation and meals during the visit. Surcharge of HK$ 2,500 for single room occupancy.

Registration Procedure

Please complete the registration form and return it together with the registration fee by a crossed cheque made payable to "HKIE-Geotechnical Division" before 30 December 2009.


•  The HKIE Geotechnical Division reserves the right in confirming individual registrations so as to form a group with balanced experiences for the delegation.

•  Programme is tentative only and the organizer reserves the right to revise the itinerary.

•  Priority is given to members of Geotechnical Division.

•  The visit is designed for 5 CPD-days and attendance certificate will be provided after the event.

•  Visa, if required, should be arranged by the participants.

Organization: / /
"Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material / any event organized under this Project do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee for the Professional Services Development Assistance Scheme."
The HKIE Geotechnical Division
Technical Visit to Japan
Sun – Fri, 17-22 January 2010 / Registration Form
Name (Ir/Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms) : / (Chinese)
Company : / Position:
HKIE Membership No: / Division:
Correspondence Address :
Telephone : / (Office) / (Mobile) / Email :
Nationality : / Date of Birth :
Passport No: / Expiry Date:
Fee / HK$ 6,000 per person including airfare, accommodation (double room), transportation and meal during the visit. Surcharge of HK$ 2,500 for single-room occupancy applies.
Hotel Accommodation : / q Double room occupancy / q Single room occupancy
Sector : / q Sector 1 + 2a / q Sector 1 + 2b
Payment: I enclose a crossed cheque no / for the amount of HK$ / payable to
"HKIE – Geotechnical Division" / Date:

Registration Deadline: 30 December 2009

Please complete the form and return it to the Project Secretariat: c/o Center for Research & Professional Development. Room 1103, Kowloon Investment Co. Limited Building, 2-12 Bute Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel: 2796 1638 Fax: 2104 0052 Email: Geotechnical Division :