2nd Grade
Week 2 / Topic-Objects in Motion Pages 12 and 13
Days 1 & 2 / Topic Amazing Machines
Pages -14 and 15
Days 3 & 4 / Topic Cause & Effect
Day 5
ELD Focus
Prepositions / Vocabulary – motion, simple machine
and ramp
FUNCTION – 6.29 –Cause and effect / Vocabulary –Murata Boy, Diving Dolphin and the Wovel
natural or mechanical processes. / Practice tug of war outside with jump ropes
Location-on, off, in, out
Direction-up, down / Oral sentences –point to or repeat
1-  The girl is at the top of the diving board.
2-  She jumps into the air twisting her body. / Orally explain to students each of the 3 new machines.
-borrow a toy bike to explain the push and pull of the pedals / Make ramps with blocks books and papers on your desks so a toy car can go up and down easily- explain wheelchair accessibility issue.
Location – inside, outside ,above ,below, unde
Direction –over, under ,around ,into
Time – before ,after / 3. She dives into the water and her hands go into the water first.
4. The 3 boys pull the rope to the left. The 3 girls pull the rope to the right.
Continue with the ramp picture etc. / Orally explain to the students each of the 3 new machines – make drawings.
-draw a picture of a dolphin and explain fins movements
-if you have a see-saw or teeter-totter on campus take the kids out to try and explain the wovel. / Watch videos of fish and dolphins to discuss how they move.
5.10 Describe actions
5.18 make and report observations
Location-on the left/rt., in the middle of, underneath, in front of, in back of, near, between
Direction-to, from, toward, into, out of, through, across, by, past, to the left/rt.
Time-after, before,certain time day or week / Oral and Written Sentences
Write sentences using pictures on pages 12-13 or teach students to look in the book for key words to copy from the book “She jumps into the air.”
“If you pull something it will move closer to you.” / If not make miniature see-saws with 2 pencils with two spoons tied together to explain the wovel.
Written Sentences Explaining one of the Machines
The Diving Dolphin is shaped like a dolphin. It’s side fins move up and down through the water to move the Diving Dolphin forward. / Get wind-up water toys – fish tank – show movements of toys –propelling through the water
5.10 Describe actions
Early Advanced
Verb – preposition combinations –belong to, wait for, agree with, along with answer to along, among
Specialized prepositions-until, since ,for ,against ,onto ,except
Time-during ,while, to from / Write a 3 sentence paragraph explaining the actions of the diver or possible actions of the rope pull , moving van or baby carriage. / The tail of the dolphin moves left and right to help steer the Diving Dolphin through the water. All the fins and tails move against the water to propel themselves forward.

Grammatical Form- Prepositions

Systematic Structured Oral Activities -6.12 Describe actions of people, animals and things.

I will pull something _____.
I will jump_____
I will step____ / Tuesday
I will jump____
I will walk____
I will run____
The 4 children will pull the
The girl pushes the stroller (up) the ramp. / Wednesday
Under –over
Take the kids outside to practice
I will jump (over) the line.
I will lie(under
the ______.
I will hang (above) the_____
I will kick the ball (over) the field.
I will crawl (under) the____ / Thursday
I will put my pencil (over) the book.
I will move my pencil(around) my book.
I will put the pencil (into) the desk.
I will put my pencil (under) the desk. / Friday
Before, after
Put the reading book (before) the math book.
Place the ruler (after) the math book.
Put the pencil (before) the math book.
Put the Science book after the notebook.